June Outtakes


The Good
Moving, change of residence, and 900 followers. Sweet!
Adam officially became an Arizona Diamondback!
And he received an official jersey to prove it.
Deidre started going to the gym again.
Deidre successfully ran a 10K.
Adam sent Deidre the most beautiful flowers.

The Bad
GFC is leaving - follow me on bloglovin'?
Waiting for the draft drove Deidre nuts.
We got in the tiniest of car wrecks that cost a lot of dollars.
The windshield also cracked straight down the middle.
And then Adam left for the summer.

The Outtakes
some of these outfits haven't been posted yet...
but they were taken in June. Sooo... Enjoy it :)
Don't forget to enter the Bow Giveaway - it ends tonight!
Oh. And did I mention that you need to go follow me on bloglovin'?!

Follow on Bloglovin

Splurge and Save || Outfit 5


Splurge and Save || Leather Bomber Jacket

Splurge and Save || Leather Bomber Jacket by lovetheskinnys featuring leopard flats

The hometown summer excitement is starting to wear off which can only mean one thing. It is road trip time. When I roadtrip I like to pack light. Jeans that I can wear two days in a row and shoes that go with everything. This look does wonders for the "lets hit the road and look fabulous doing it". My leather jacket is a summer go to. The cheetah flats are a neutral. Just pack a few different tops and belts and any summer road trip becomes your oyster. Head over to my Polyvore profile for details on where to get these items.

*All outfits are built on Polyvore.com. Styling is built to suite my personal taste and dress standards.*



Right now I am missing Adam.
And I want everyone to know.
Because being apart doesn't make me brave.
It doesn't make me strong.
At least not to me.
It makes me grateful for what I have.
It makes me appreciate a hard working husband.
And it makes me love Adam more than I ever have before.
It isn't hard.
I'm not sad.
I know this is a wonderful opportunity.
I just miss him.

The Smile Chronicles || Volume 6


Sam - blog || twitter
Everything about these pictures makes me smile… I got my drank! I've got weird looks on my face, while I was taking them I was listening to my new favorite song Cherry Bomb by the Runaways (it's kind of bad but let's be real… that's why I like it so much!) my nails are painted HOT PINK, I'm outside and it's beautiful enough for me to drive with the window's down and BLAST Cherry Bomb and maybe freak out some ickle-firsties (that's harry potter speak for Freshman) I LOVE my life! I have bomb friends and family, I love my job, and I'm about to watch Vampire Diaries… So… life is good!

“It's a smile, it's a kiss, it's a sip of [diet coke] ... it's summertime!” 
― Kenny Chesney

Want to be a part of The Smile Chronicles? Print your own poster, take a photo with it, and send it to lovetheskinnys@gmail.com with your name and a description of the photo. Go ahead and get creative with your photo. Only rule? Whoever is in the photo is holding the sign and SMILING!

*Disclaimer: The Smile Chronicles is trademarked by Deidre Miller of Love, The Skinnys. It is not allowed to be duplicated or copied in any type or form by any person, group, blog, or business. Legal action will be taken.*

Follow on Bloglovin

Bows and Bows and Bows || Giveaway


You know those days when your hair wont do what you want? Basically everyday for me since I am growing out my bangs and stopped (I had a serious clip in extension addiction...) wearing extensions. Or you know the days when you look in the mirror and you think, "This outfit is boring!" And you just need a little accessorie to jazz it up? Maybe the days you just feel blah and need a little oomph? Well worry no more. I've got a solution. Miss Chelsea over at Stylish Stitching has been making the CUTEST bows - the perfect hair fix and outfit pick-me-up. And today... I am giving some away to one of you lucky readers! The fabric she uses has adorable patterns - she has mint, mustard, polka dot, chevron, floral, and holiday themes - to name a few!

 A 4th of July bow!
She has a bunch of different USA style bows.

 I am in love with this floral design.
Such a fun pattern with the brights on the black.

And of course... metallic!
I like anything that sparkles.
Best of all? They are for a very reasonable price. She makes them in all different sizes as well... so if you aren't big on hair bows - you can clip them on a shirt, some shoes, a belt... you name it and she has options. So what're you waiting for!? Enter right now. The winner will be announced MONDAY morning. Just in time to order a 4th of July bow.

Car Shopping


We all come to that point in our life where we can no longer borrow or rely from our parents. Where we have to put on the big kid pants and make one of the first REALLY HUGE purchases ever. In our case - that big purchase is a car. We've been blessed to have two cars the entire time we have been dating and married. My parents bought me a car in high school - paid in full (thank you, thank you, thank you!!) - and I get to use it until it dies. Adam's parents have been loaning him and now us a car (thank you, thank you, thank you!!)- but sadly all good things must come to an end. Adam's youngest brother gets home from his mission next month and we are giving the car back. We could try and work it out with one car - but it might be difficult with my work and Adam's school in opposite directions. Plus... we are too accustomed - slash spoiled - to the two cars now.

via - The interior looks so sleek. It has a simple feel without
 looking boring. I love that each car comes with Satellite Radio
and Bluetooth capability.

So once Adam gets back to Utah... we are sort of in the market. What do you look for when you are buying a car? Do you look for features you love now? Or do you look for things that will benefit your future? So lets go through a few steps to buying a car.

I feel like this is a step that a lot of people miss. You see a car, you need a car, you buy a car... you take out a massive loan to buy a car? Pass... I am not huge on the whole debt thing. If you take the time to plan ahead you will be prepared to buy a car when the time is right. Adam and I are big on the 80-20 rules. We spend 20 percent and we save 80 percent. We are planning ahead for when we might need to purchase a car. Putting away the money into the bank now will save you from ruining your credit or tapping into your emergency money later.

We all like those fancy cars. Ferrari. Wicked. Lamborghini. Siiiick. Porche. Awesome. I could go on and on... but will those awesome cars break the bank? Are they in the budget you previously set aside. If you have the money and a desire for a sports car - do it. But if your budget is $8,000 don't dream too big and don't look outside of that budget. A reliable car that wont get repo-ed is more important than a speedster.

Everyone has their must haves and who cars in a car. For me it is space, leather seats, a tush warmer (as long as I live in UT), automatic windows, A/C, and heat. For some people it is cup holders for their diet coke and a bomb stereo. What features are important to you? And why are they important. Here is an explanation for a few of my feature must-haves:

We are going to need to buy a car with lots of space. Adam and I are in a place right now that our lives can change at any moment. Right now we spend a lot of time with baseball. Adam needs a car that he can throw his gear in the back. A small car wont work for that. We need spacious storage. I need a car that I can feel comfortable driving for long periods of time so I can drive to Adam's games whether they are in Montana, California, or Nevada. Space is a big deal to me. Because I am not good at driving long distances... I want to be comfortable but I also want to be safe. I need to be in a car that control the road.
via - Look at all that space. The back row is optional. Fold it down
for family vacation. Pull it up for driving the carpool.

Space is also important because Adam and I are planning on starting a family within the next couple years - don't ask me when, I have no clue - but we are. We will need a car that can comfortable seat two adults, a child or three (with car seats), and all our luggage and gadgets. Also. To go along with the family - I need leather seats. Easy to clean for all the child spills.

You have your features narrowed down. You have an idea of the model of car. Now narrow it down to a few picks and get out there and test them out. Go see them in person. Do you still love them the same way? If you don't - maybe you need to re-evaluate the features or make of the car. Head back to step three. If you do - great! Move onto step five.

Pay cash if you can. If you can't, make sure you have a reasonable month to month payment. And most of all, enjoy your car!

As for Adam and me... We have spent a lot of time looking around online and as we drive around town. Nothing too serious yet. We each have our favorites. But one car we can totally agree on is the Kia Sorento. So with baseball and our future family in mind - we've decided on a car for the future. Kia cares about safety and all of their cars come with a variety of features so you can find the car that fits your needs to the tee. The Kia Sorento seems PERFECT for what we need and what we want.  It has space, it has leather seats, it has a moon roof, it is an SUV, and I look dang good in one... don't you think!?  Are you in the market for a car? Do you have features that you prefer in a car? What car do you have your eye on? What steps would you include when searching for a car? 
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

Oh. And one more thing - GET READY for a giveaway later today! 

Beautify Your Blog || Center Your Header


A few weeks ago I helped host a blogger round table all about blog design. There seemed to be a lot of the same questions from bloggers - they all wanted a simple fix for similar problems. Rather than just share it with the few ladies at the round table, I wanted to share it with all of you. So here we are with my new mini-series beautify your blog. Today's topic? Center Your Header!


For most templates and layouts - the header automatically sets to the left. Today I am going to give you a few simple steps to center your header behind or instead of the title and description. 

1. In the left sidebar of your blogger dashboard click "Template".
2. Under the Live on Blog thumbnail click "Customize".
3. In the left sidebar of the customize dashboard click "Advanced".
4. Scroll down to the last advanced option - "Add CSS"
5. Add the following code to the "Add Custom CSS" Text box:

To center your header INSTEAD of Title and Description:
#header-inner img {
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;

To center your header BEHIND the Title and Description:
#header-inner {
margin-left: auto;
6. Click "Apply to Blog".
7. You're good to go! Have a happy day!

What tutorial would you like next? Anything you want to learn to beautify your blog?

-don't forget to enter the Blog Design giveaway-

Get Your Tunes Right Here


Over here it is all about making due with what you got. Adam has been gone for a few weeks and I am more grateful than ever before for technology. It is the little things that make the days great. A phone call from Adam, a selfie through text message, a Google+ hangout at night, a raspberry lemonade, clean laundry, and a good song on the radio... Here are some of the good ones that put a smile on my face. If you've only got time for one tune right now, go with track 1 - Scrape the Sky. It is my all time fave right now and the first single on my friend's new album.

Side A
Scrape the Sky - Can't Stop Won't Stop
Brokenhearted - Karmin
Man in the Mirror - Michael Jackson
Total Eclipse of the Heart   - Bonnie Tyler
Sleepy Head - Passion Pit
Promiscuous - Nelly Furtado
Opposite of Adult - Chiddy Bang
White Houses - Vanessa Carlton

Side B
Buzzin - Mann
Electric Feel - MGMT
Game of Love - Michelle Branch ft. Santana
Shake It  - Metro Station
Stand Out - Goofy Movie
Gettin Jiggy With It - Will Smith
Goodnight Goodnight - Hot Hot Heat

*I am not endorsing the videos for these songs. I am endorsing that the songs listed above make me want to sing and dance. I do not own the rights to any of these songs.*

-don't forget to enter the Blog Design giveaway-

Ziggy Stripes


Once upon a time my friend -Naomi for code- and I went over to another friend's house -let's call her... Julia- to help her out with some things. While we were there we had a lot of fun catching up, crafting, and just being girls. Once all the craft help was done and all the catching up questions had been asked Julia asked Naomi and I if we wanted to see an outfit she had just bought. She took us to her room and pulled it out of the closet. It was totally adorable. A simply styled dress lined with white and blue vertical stripes. Loved it. She ended the story of where she got it with, "And of course, I got vertical stripes because horizontal stripes make you look wide and fat..." Naomi gave me a really weird look. At first I was confused, but then I realized why. Naomi had on a striped shirt... horizontal stripes that is. And that was the moment it was confirmed. Julia was totally oblivious to her surroundings. Well... here is looking at you Julia. Horizontal strips with a neon top. And my FAVORITE shoes. Mixed patterns at it's finest.

Shoes: Target \\ Skirt: Cotton On \\ Top: Cotton On
For more ideas on mixing patterns go to Reality Blogger!

-don't forget to enter the Blog Design giveaway-

Splurge and Save || Outfit 4


Splurge and Save || Striped Shirt & Jean Shorts
Splurge and Save || Striped Shirt & Jean Shorts by lovetheskinnys featuring hudson jeans

I'm a stripes girl. An oversized shirt girl. And a simple white shoes girl. The easiest outfit for a day out running errands - jean shorts with an oversized tee. Throw on some crisp shoes and then you are ready for whatever comes your way. I always seem to be getting calls while Adam and I are out and about to come do something. So instead of running home to change out of my errand clothes - an outfit like this would have my prepared. Head over to my Polyvore profile for details on where to get these items.

*All outfits are built on Polyvore.com. Styling is built to suite my personal taste and dress standards.*

The Smile Chronicles || Volume 5


Bri - blog || twitter

This was taken on my 2 year anniversary date with Ryan on the Newport Beach Pier, 
it was overcast but we still had a blast looking at everyone fishing, using the 
pier binoculars and putting our feet in the sand!

“I've got nothing to do today but smile.” 

Want to be a part of The Smile Chronicles? Print your own poster, take a photo with it, and send it to lovetheskinnys@gmail.com with your name and a description of the photo. Go ahead and get creative with your photo. Only rule? Whoever is in the photo is holding the sign and SMILING!

*Disclaimer: The Smile Chronicles is trademarked by Deidre Miller of Love, The Skinnys. It is not allowed to be duplicated or copied in any type or form by any person, group, blog, or business. Legal action will be taken.*

Getting a Little Dirty


Get your head out of the gutter. I am only talking about the dash - the DIRTY dash that is. This is my second time running it and let me tell you. It did not disappoint. Adam, my brothers, and our friends from Heber signed up months ago to run the dash and we had been gearing up since. And when I say gearing up... I mean talking about it... because none of us really prepared by getting in shape. Our racetime was 11:40. Sadly, Adam didn't get to run because that was draft day and he was still waiting on a call (sorry, Skinny... we will run it again in September when you are back home, who's in?!) but he rode up their and hung out like a champ. So here we are right before taking off...
Looking pretty clean, right? Well that wouldn't last long. The race went a little something like this. Up the muddy hill, around the bend, across the bridge, (this is about where they guys and girls split... they were clearly in better shape) over the hay bails, through the muddy mogels, around some trees, across some sketchy bridges, more mud, more hills, more mogels, this pit of muddy water with blue tubes you had to climb... I could keep going but at this point its a blur... and then finally to the 5K finish that ends in a slip'n'slide. Just kiddding.... we did the 10K! BACK to the race and down the hill. Watch for monkey bars, a foam piggy full of things to knock you down, the mud mines - they really did explode, walls to climb over, the military net, mud, mud, mud... it is all a blur again. Finally we make it to the slip'n'slide - for reals this time - and the 10K is nearly done. I got a little too much speed and almost died at the end. Then down the hill and through a rock filled water mud pit that gave me more scrapes than the whole raced combined - then the FINISH! 
Luckily we found the guys quickly. We stood in line. We got some photos taken. We got our bananas and snacks. Found Adam - I was so happy to hear he had been drafted! Tested a sports drink from a vendor. And then to the ice cold showers. So cold I got a brain freeze from the water on my head. Oh what a feeling. But I would recommend it. Not the shower... the shower sucked. But I am a cheapskate and I would take ice cold water over a $6 warm shower. I would recommend the Dirty Dash. And I will be doing it again. But next time I will make sure Adam can run it with me - because I like him best.

Beautify Your Blog || Pinterest Mouseover


A few weeks ago I helped host a blogger round table all about blog design. There seemed to be a lot of the same questions from bloggers - they all wanted a simple fix for similar problems. Rather than just share it with the few ladies at the round table, I wanted to share it with all of you. So here we are with my new mini-series beautify your blog. Today's topic? Pinterest Mouseover - The Hovering Pin It Button!


1. In the left sidebar of your blogger dashboard click "Template".
2. Under the Live on Blog thumbnail click "Edit HTML".
3. Locate the </body> tag near the end of the template - Use Ctrl F or Apple F for easy searching.
4. Paste the following code right above the </body> tag:

var bs_pinButtonURL = "https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgeZ43KLI2x4uVikdQyTgytLyjx-DHSA9CZnr-D7YmcyaNDy1lOXlDMIBeJ1b_c6NIC5qm9DaHsf5egy_07SA6Z_RamnkRVtE-PHXcfnbLOhXZdSYw7BDW6KHNYFVloSFLUfGwh2giwIUeE/s1600/pinterestx1_72.png";
var bs_pinButtonPos = "center";
var bs_pinPrefix = "";
var bs_pinSuffix = "";
<script src='http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script id='bs_pinOnHover' src='http://greenlava-code.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/publicscripts/bs_pinOnHoverv1_min.js' type='text/javascript'>
// This Pinterest Hover Button is brought to you by bloggersentral.com.
// Visit http://www.bloggersentral.com/2012/11/pinterest-pin-it-button-on-image-hover.html for details.
// Feel free to use and share, but please keep this notice intact.

*HTML Code provided by Blogger Central.*
  • If you want to use your own button or image replace the RED URL with the direct URL to your image - replace the URL online, keep the quotes
  • To change the placement of the button replace center - in BLUE with the new position:
    • topleft
    • topright
    • bottomleft
    • bottomright
5. Click "Save Template".
6. And happy pinning!

Do you want a new design for your blog? Are you afraid of using HTML and coding? Whether you blog for fun, for family, or for fame - LISTEN UP! I've been bitten by the design bug. I've been learning all sorts of new tips, tricks, and code for blog design. And... since I just BARELY redeigned my blog I'm not ready for a new one. So I am giving away ONE FREE BLOG DESIGN! Enter Below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

What tutorial would you like next?
What steps do you want to learn to beautify your blog?

More Tunes on Tuesday


Let's go with a little easy listening. Which is just what I need after last week - being sick and saying good bye to your spouse for the summer can really take a lot out of ya! Tunes to make you sway and tunes to make you swoon. Push play. Pour a glass of koolaid. And kick back under the summer sun.

Side A
First Day of My Life - Bright Eyes
The Way I Am - Ingrid Michaelson
If It Kills Me - Jason Mraz
Samson - Regina Spektor
Crush - Cute  Is What We Aim For
The Show - Lenka
Gone -  Jack Johnson
Where I Stood - Missy Higgins

Side B
Fields of Gold  - Eva Cassidy
Crooked Teeth - Death Cab for Cutie
Two is Better than One - Boys Like Girls ft. T Swift
Many the Miles - Sara Bareilles
Half of My Heart - John Mayer
Wild Horses  - Natasha Bedingfield
I'd Rather Be With You - Joshua  Radin

*I am not endorsing the videos for these songs. I am endorsing that the songs listed above make me want to sing and dance. I do not own the rights to any of these songs.*

The Channel Chicks


I want to introduce you all to a new thing. That's right... it is a thing. My friend Sam and I have bonded over many different moments in our life. But not until earlier this month did we realize our biggest similarity - an obsession with TV and shows and the characters in them. Obsession might sound a little strong... but let us all be honest, Sam and I watch to much TV. So here we are with a new thing. The Channel Chicks. Reviewing shows from last week to get you PUMPED for the shows this week - oh and when it is in between seasons and new shows are lacking, we will review some oldies but goodies. So sit back, relax, and get ready for the review - with all sorts of *SPOILERS* (you've been warned) - brought to you by....

Miss USA
This one is Deidre's strength after competing in pageants herself. But this is what we can say about it...

Swimsuits - lots of the girls were toooo skinny. Lots of little ribbys poking out. The most normal looking ones didn't even make it through. So that was sad. Although it also made us think twice about eating that next donut... dang skinny girls... but who are we kidding? Donuts always trump skinny.

Evening gown - there were some real winners and some real losers. That sounds mean.. but you understand. Miss Connecticut and Miss Illinois both had beautiful gowns. Deidre's favorite was Miss Alabama's - Miss DC wore it at Miss America and it has been love ever since. Sherri Hill... you nailed it! Miss Texas and Miss Lousianna... think again. Too much too soon.

Onstage question - THE BIGGEST DEBACLE SINCE MISS SC TEEN USA IN 2007! Oh Miss Utah, we feel for you. If you ever have a doubt - revert to something you know... REVERT! We felt really bad for her, holy cow, I can't imagine being up on that stage and having to answer questions. Here's the thing though, we watched her face while NeNe was reading the question and we just felt like she wasn't paying attention at all... so how could she answer correctly (or coherently answer) the question. It was especially painful because after about 3 seconds she paused and you could tell she knew she messed it all up - I can almost imagine what was going on inside her head... "Start over? Keep going? I'm not answering the question at all.... Start over? Keep going? Keeping going...." Overall, we weren't impressed with anyone's answer.

Crowning - Not surprised at all. But Deidre wanted Alabama. And Sam wanted Miss Utah to listen next time she got asked an onstage question.
Pretty Little Liars
First things first… How did the pig turn into a human? That threw us off a little... and then when it did turn into a human... aren't they better about protecting the body? It looked like a white plastic sheet thrown over Wildon’s face. And when it blew off we were thrown off. Why did no one felt the need to recover it? "Let’s just put the body here and come what may - who cares if the family hasn't been notified!" Basically… we were confused about the sheet, we feel like someone would have done something about that, however it is Rosewood... not much thinking actually seems to go on in that police department...

So we hate that we still can't completely trust Toby, we wish they would just let us know if we can hate him or love him... because left to our own devices we’re inclined to love him and his impeccable abs...eff….

We feel like Mona is nice? But maybe evil? We’re pretty interested in how Mona's going to fit in this season, because the way they ended the episode was very reminiscent of the first episode's ending so it makes me wonder if she's going to become their friend... and end up being one of the group.

Those dolls at the trailer park… OH MY GOSH THE DOLLS!!!! If we didn't already have a problem with dolls -which we do- we do now... Holy crap... So creepy! We feel like Alison does have to be alive, but how?
Another thing that confused us… Alison’s mom is back in town. And loves to talk about Alison. Whhhhat? Wasn’t she a drunken mess last appearance and hated Rosewood and everything in it? Why the change of heart? Maybe Ali is alive?

What about the cell phone in the casket? What crap is A trying to pull? And why didn’t someone just “accidently” pull that black cape off of that weirdo’s head at the funeral? Oh… and new police detective guy? Seems nice – he is bound to not be so nice too..

Basically episode one left us with a lot of questions.
We had a hard time getting over how bad her hair was... We spent the first 10 minutes thinking about that, is that normal? Also, he had bad hair too… We think they are trying to make us think he's a serial killer just through his hair. The only person with good hair was the black friend. Fact. She did have good hair.

We’re interested to see what role her guy/best friend is going to play, does he like her because that would be pretty typical for a TV show like this...

Red jump rope, yellow jump rope, who cares? Fight it out girls, fight it out.

And can we just say – for the whole show – who are their parents? Do they, besides the cop dad and Socio’s mom, even exist? That party was crazy… to many kids jammed in one house on a school night – no parents. Who just lets a 16 year old girl walk out of their home in the morning without saying anything? Weren't her parent's wondering where she was?

Also. How did that one girl, “Know why he killed his aunt?” That necklace has got to be some evil heirloom or something that keeps people at bay. Okay. Maybe not anything supernatural – it was his aunt’s necklace. But we need to point out how creepy she looked in that photo…

However we are impressed by the acting, it's a scary subject to portray and they'll do well.

Well that wraps it up... sort of. We watch more but we need to take baby steps getting into this. Did you watch any of these show - what was your impression? What shows are you watching? What would you like us to review? 

*Disclaimer: The Channel Chicks is trademarked by Deidre Miller of Love, The Skinnys and Sam Kemp of All Sorts of Virgin. It is not allowed to be duplicated or copied in any type or form by any person, group, blog, or business. Legal action will be taken.*

A Skinny Mill Update


Since you are all now part of our baseball journey - it is only fair to update you on all the things going on with Adam. And if you don't care much about Adam's road to become a major league (I know you all do care about Adam - A LOT... but I am just throwing this out there...) you can just skip this post, because all it is going to be is an update on everything post draft. So Saturday after he got drafted we had some time to let it sink in and then he got a phone call from his scout, Doyle, "So can you be out here tomorrow? We need to book your flight." What the heck!? I was just coming to terms with him leaving for the summer... but leaving that fast!? Luckily, Adam and the scout came to an agreement that he would leave on Tuesday or Wednesday. On Sunday the scout called, gave him some details, and his flight was booked. He would leave Wednesday morning.

We had two days to spend together. Two days in which we were both sick - I'm on the last of it, finally. Being sick wasn't ideal but it did make it so I got sent home from work two days in a row after about an hour, which meant spending the last days with Adam. And then Wednesday I dropped him off at the airport. Byyyyye Adam.
Adam called me while he was waiting to board his flight, "There are a bunch of missionaries here... two months is nothing compared to two years!" Which is exactly why I never waited for a missionary, but he had a point! We could do this. Plus I would see him at least twice when they come to Utah to play in Ogden and Orem. Now he is down in blazing hot Arizona and I am here in Utah. We Skype every night. I am SO grateful for technology.

Adam spent the first two days getting checked out - check out by doctors that is. A drug test, a concussion test, a physical, an MRI, and so on and so forth. He passed with a clean bill of health. After that it was time to sign.
While Adam was signing he text me, "What is your address at work?" So I text it to him... And he said, "I am having them send my signing bonus to your work so you can deposit it." And then I was thinking - hasn't the MLB heard of direct deposit!? I have deposited a check in years... hopefully I don't mess it up. After Adam signed, he received his very first Diamondbacks jersey. With his name and EVERYTHING!
Ain't that fancy? This kid is really moving up in the world! Besides playing baseball and getting checked by all sorts of doctors, Adam has spent time getting to know the other guys he will be teamed with this summer. Sometimes when we are texting he will say, "I'll text you later. Some of the guys want to watch a movie/go swimming/run to the store." And I always tell him to go hang out and bond. I don't want him to be the boring BYU guy that is married and doesn't like to talk to people. I want him to be the cool married guy that has the awesome wife that tells him to go live it up and isn't a ball and chain - a girl can dream, right?! Today he heads up to Montana with his new teammates. He will spend the summer playing for the Missoula Osprey in the Pioneer League. Proud of my professional baseball player. He worked hard and he deserves good things.

Splurge and Save || Outfit 3


Splurge and Save || Girly Swimsuit
Splurge and Save || Girly Swimsuit by lovetheskinnys featuring a striped hat

Don't be a beach bum in those old duds. The easiest way to add girly flair to any beach outfit is with a hat. And floppy hats are all the rage right now. Throw on your one piece with a simple dress - crochet has been catching my eye lately - and add your movie star sunglasses and a summer vibe hat. Insta beach babe. Looking good! Head over to my Polyvore profile for details on where to get these items.

*All outfits are built on Polyvore.com. Styling is built to suite my personal taste and dress standards.*

The Smile Chronicles || Volume 4


Amanda - blog || twitter
Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder.

Today was a normal day. We are smiling because we get to spend time with each other. We are smiling because we are grateful for our health. And we are smiling because we love each other more each day. After taking this photo, Mr. Schroeder says, "What the? I look like I'm 180 years old. Where is my hair?!" That too, made me smile.

"Because deep down, we know that what matters in life is more than winning for ourselves. What matters is helping others win, even if it means slowing down and changing our course. Life teaches us that we can achieve happiness when we seek the happiness and well-being of others." -Elaine Dalton

Want to be a part of The Smile Chronicles? Print your own poster, take a photo with it, and send it to lovetheskinnys@gmail.com with your name and a description of the photo. Go ahead and get creative with your photo. Only rule? Whoever is in the photo is holding the sign and SMILING!

*Disclaimer: The Smile Chronicles is trademarked by Deidre Miller of Love, The Skinnys. It is not allowed to be duplicated or copied in any type or form by any person, group, blog, or business. Legal action will be taken.*

Meet The Bradleys || Guest Post


 Hello everyone! 
I'm Elizabeth from The Bradleys
I'm so grateful for the chance to be able to share a wee bit about our family with you!
A few months ago, we moved from Scotland back to humid, beautiful Thailand, where we lived for two years prior to moving to the UK. Since we've been back, we've had a 'fun' time readjusting to life in a new house and in a new part of the island. Our old home here was full of memories and, although not the most aesthetic of places, had many more amenities than our current temporary home. We've been battling ants incessantly, and I think we may have momentarily won!

Family and community are two of the things my husband and I cherish. We're craving finding a supportive place to settle down in. We just aren't too sure where that will be. Our close friends and family are dispersed around the world, which is lovely on the one hand but difficult when it comes to deciding where to be based. My husband and I both work at home ( I love being a stay at home mom!!) so can live anywhere that has good wifi. And is affordable, safe, etc. Although I know moving internationally isn't the most common thing, it's certainly becoming more and more common given the global economy as well as new job opportunities popping up worldwide, which is how we ended up moving to Asia to begin with: my husband became a teacher in South Korea.
I'm not the best homemaker in the world, and part of the reason I started our blog is to document my personal journeys as a holistic homemaker-someone with little experience in homesteading in general but that has a passion for good food, wholesome food. Our society tends to diminish the importance of the home and family in general and my husband and I are hoping to change the impression some of our peers and neighbors have on how success is achieved outside of the home in lieu of how important raising a family can be. To help new Moms struggling with the journey or transitioning from working outside of the home to being homebased, I'm getting certified as a Holistic Life coach and Natural Mama consultant.

I would love to get to know you better! You can subscribe to our blog via Bloglovin and follow us on Pinterest and Instagram, where I take photos of our travels and home life.

3 Tips for Staying Fashionable While Camping


Ah, camping in the great outdoors; full of stunning views, fresh air, and wildlife! Unfortunately, nature can also be full of dirt, bugs, and sweat, while also severely lacking in showers. Despite this, it is still possible to stay clean and fashionable out in the wild. By following a few packing and styling tips, you may be able to look your best, even when camping in the rough.

1. Bring items with multiple uses
The more uses you can find for each object you take, the lighter your pack will be, and the more space you will have. When you are outside all day, you may find two natural enemies --- mosquitoes and the sun. Lobster-red is a hard look to pull off, and being covered in itchy welts from bug bites is not particularly attractive either. To avoid irritation, bumps, sunburns, and wrinkles while still saving space, bring a combination bug-repellent and sunscreen with you.This way you can protect your skin without weighing yourself down. I always make sure to grab a bottle of the repellent and sunscreen combo, a pack of the band aids already containing Neosporin on the gauze, and the Colgate Whisps that are toothpaste and toothpick all in one.

If you are car camping, footed pajamas (check out Crazy for Bargains if you want your own pair) can be great . They may help keep you warm if your sleeping bag just isn't cutting it and they can protect your body from mosquitoes at night. Perhaps, best of all, since your feet are covered, you can avoid rooting around for shoes and waking up your tent mate if you are going on a late night trip to the bathroom.

2. Clothing and Accessories
There are a variety of looks you can go for to stay in line with the functional outdoorsy camping theme. For example, a blaze orange top or hat with a camouflage bandanna or set of bottoms can make a practical yet stylish look. The bright orange and muted green go together great, but the camouflage will help conceal stains and dirt while the orange may make you easy to spot in case you get lost in the woods or there are hunters around. If that isn't your style, a black pair of running tights with some bright comfortable shoes or boots can be great for hiking. In addition to often being comfortable and breathable, running tights are generally lightweight and quick drying. As a result, they are easy to pack and can help you brave the elements. A camping trip can also be the perfect excuse to go buy a new hat, pair of sunglasses, or even a pair of those LL Bean boots you have been eyeing.

3. Keeping Clean
Camping - Stay CleanDepending on where you camp, there may be no showers or even running water available. However, this doesn't mean you can’t keep (relatively) fresh and clean. To keep your hair presentable, consider keeping it in a low-maintenance ponytail or braid. Another thing you can do to keep your mane magnificent is to bring a small bottle of dry shampoo. At the end of each day, you can let your hair down, and simply rub or spray it with the dry shampoo to help remove dirt and oil buildup. For the rest of your body, baby wipes can work great and can be used to replace everything from makeup remover to showers, and of course, toilet paper.

Camping can make staying clean and fashionable a little more difficult, but definitely not impossible. By carefully choosing the right items, you can look great while still carrying a light pack. This way you’ll be able to use your energy for doing and exploring, rather than carrying and lugging a huge number of products.

No matter what your summer camping plans are - going for one night or for one week - it is easy to keep yourself looking fashionable and fun for all those summer photos that will be popping up on Instagram and Facebook. Just pack light, pack smart, and roll out!

Cute And Clever Ways To Wrap A Wedding Gift


If you are anything like me - your fridge is FULL of announcements. It is wedding season in Utah and today I have Marcela here to talk about fun ways to wrap things up for this wedding season. Take it away girl!

For many of us, giving a present can be as much a joy as it is to receiving one, and wedding presents are no exception. Although wedding registries make sure the couple doesn’t get a room full of white elephants, they can also make the process a little less personal. To make your gift truly memorable, it’s a great idea to put a little extra thought into how you present it. Here are a handful of ideas that are not only endearing, but also incredibly practical.

Unique paper
Of course, you can always find clever high-end wrapping paper at your favorite paper boutique, but a little creativity can express much more personality (and save a little money). A quick glance around the house might provide numerous options: old catalogues, atlases, old calendars or newspapers.
Go paper free with a themed gift.
Make a baking basket, a movie night basket, or a spa kit!
For a truly personalized touch, a collage-wrap is a striking and easy DIY method. First, wrap the present with an understated paper—either actual wrapping paper or something more plain, like butcher wrap or an inside-out grocery bag. Next, use a glue stick or spray glue to attach clippings from magazines. For extra visual texture, carefully hand-tear images.

Paper-free wrapping
Even if you’re using recycled or discarded paper, chances are it will be thrown away after giving only a few seconds of pleasure, so to be truly eco-conscious, consider making the presentation an element of the gift. Scarves, monogrammed towels or tablecloths lend themselves perfectly to this purpose, as do antique jars or tins if the present is an appropriate fit. Reusable tote bags or pouches are another option; they are as practical as they are green.

Themed wrapping
If the wedding happens to have a particular motif, run with it in your gift’s presentation. For example, if the wedding has a seaside or beach theme, consider using mother-of-pearl wrapping paper and festoon the item with miniature shells and mock-jetsam in lieu of ribbons. Even if the event is a standard, theme-free affair, you can still incorporate a narrative that reflects the couple’s lives (careers, future plans, the story of how they met, etc).

Show off you artistic abilities by
making your own bows or stamping your
own wrapping paper.
Custom-made paper

On the same wavelength as themed or collaged paper, this avenue lets the couple know you’ve spent some time thinking about them. Start with a large swath of craft paper, then add patterns and/or images according to your artistic abilities.

If you have the flair for it, write a few stanzas from a poignant poem in calligraphy. If not, go for stamps or stencils for hand-crafted patterns. Or, you might want to take a trip to Kinko’s to print up a computer-designed layout.
Alt ribbons and bows 
To embellish a present, traditional bows and ribbons do the job; however, there are several other alternatives to ribbons and bows for a finishing touch on a gift. Use your imagination, and if you’re going with some kind of theme, extend it to the final touches. If the wedding is close to Christmas, consider using garlands and ornaments. A spring wedding may call for artificial flowers and garlands. Use wire ribbon to anchor glass pieces from a junk-store chandelier—and so on. Details can truly bring it all together.
These suggestions are only the beginning and the possibilities are more limited by your imagination than your budget. The true secret is to let the couple know you truly know them at a deeper level. As long as that comes through, your gift will be remembered—regardless of what’s beneath the wrapping.

Marcela De Vivo is a freelance writer founder of Gryffin Media in Southern California whose writing covers DIY, home improvement, marketing and technology. When wrapping a wedding gift, she always adds a personal touch to stand out from the rest.

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