Jaybird Headphones


Sports. Fitness. Outdoors. You like those things right? At least one of them? I feel like everyone likes at least one of them... At our house they are all important for one reason or another. We like to consider ourselves enthusiasts of all three.

                                                                                          ^^ Sports
                                                                                         ^^ Fitness
                                                                                      ^^ Outdoors

We are sports enthusiasts to due Adam's baseball profession. I've watched more baseball games in the past year than all 25 years of my life combined. And believe me, baseball is just the start of it. Our fitness enthusiasts side comes half from Adam's athlete career and my burning desire to compete in more pageants. You've got to be fit no matter the way you look at it. To win the game to win the crown. And our outdoors enthusiasts side comes from all that is nature. How could you not want to walk and hike and be out there? No matter what physical activity you are doing it is nice to have something to keep you going. And for me, that is music. Jaybird creates state of the art headphones for active lifestyles, which is perfect for me because the tunes are what keep me moving! They have premium ear-buds for anyone that need to jam to tunes while out being active.

Now, I know everyone needs a good pair of ear-buds... but not everyone has the cash to buy the high end premiere goods. So guess what? Jaybird is giving away one free pair of ear-buds EVERY DAY! So what are you waiting for? Enter to win your own set. That way you can live life jamming out. It is also an easy way to get your prancersice on - trust me it is a lot easier when you have music. So just enter with the widget down below and you too could be listening to those sweet, sweet tunes while hiking, while running, while at a game.. you name it, you got it! What would you use your Jaybird headphones for?
Jessa @ Life of A Sports Wife said...

Gary (my hubs) and I were just talking about that on the way to work today. He said he has been to so many baseball games. We didn't go to any Arizona Fall League games like we did the year before. Good thing I don't mind going to baseball games.

Kelsey Bang said...

i pretend I am outdoors, but i really am a couch potato eating chips :)

Kelsey Bang said...

i pretend I am outdoors, but i really am a couch potato eating chips :)

Unknown said...

Very nice Blog . I'm using this headphones for better Listening experience.

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