Spring Training 2K15


I know I have talked a lot of crap about Arizona. About how I hated it. And it is SO hot. And how it was hell. And it was miserable. But this last week is proof that I don't really hate Arizona, I just hated living there alone with my closest friends 30 minutes away in the middle of summer. Plus add in the fact that my closest friends - who happen to be some kids I used to babysit and their parents - left me for a good solid month in that summer. No good. But when I am there with my husband and with my friends. I love it. And I was really sad to leave. So until next time Adam is there for the bigs or for a fall camp - I will hold onto the memories of four days at Spring Training 2k15.

Day one was filled with no photos and no great stories. Because I landed at 11pm. And then all I wanted was something to eat and the only thing that was open was Taco Bell and I am pretty sure that is the reason I felt like throwing up the next day, which also makes me so sad because I love Crunch Wrap Supremes... So I will just pretend I was dehydrated or someth. Adam picked me up and we drove to northern Phoenix to our friends house where we were staying. And got 4 hours of sleep because the next morning Adam had to leave early for practice and I rode down with him so I get some more time.

Day two started bright and early. I dropped Adam and his roomie Mr. Hath off at the field and then went and hung out on their hotel. I was nervous to go down and get breakfast in the lobby because I didn't want to hotel people to be like, "You're not a baseball player! Get out!" So I didn't get a waffle that day and I am still kicking myself about it! But I did make a quick trip to Target for dry shampoo (praises!!) and hairspray + some sunscreen and a mini pack of Cadburry eggs. I watched a lot of basketball and Cinderella movies while I got ready and then I headed to the Cubs' stadium, with one pit stop at Chick-fil-a.

Top: Pink Blush c/o | Shorts: Aeropostale | Shoes: Target

Adam was supposed to pitch that day, so the Walkers came and met me in the stands and we made a lot of noise while we waited for Adam's turn. I also got to see a BYU Baseball wife because her husband was playing on the opposing team. Madison, Erin, and I went down and bugged Adam at the bullpen for a bit. And I completely embarrassed Madison as she tried to snag the perfect Insta picture with us holding our baseballs. See above for more proof on that one. Once the game was over I snagged a picture with Adam and then I took off to meet him back at his hotel. That night we enjoyed some In N Out and then hung out with the Walkers watching NCAA games.

Day three was Sunday. Adam took off early in the morning and we joined him down at Salt River Fields later to watch him pitch. After church we all changed, ate, and made our way to the field and walked up as Adam was walking on the field. He usually pitches closer to the end of the game, but this time they put him in for the 5th inning and we almost missed it. It was so lucky that we got there in time. He did great! A few kinks to work out before his next outing, but he is getting better every single time. It was fun to watch the masses of his teammates move over from the other field as soon as they saw him walk on the field. He has fans everywhere. My favorite thing to see is how Adam reacts with those that support him. We had a good 15 minutes of chatting after his inning and a cute kid came and asked for a photo and an autograph. Seeing him interact with people like that.

Top: Pink Blush c/o | Sunglasses: Blenders Eyewear c/o | Shorts: Aeropostale | Shoes: Target

While he was working out we enjoyed some laughs and some baseball. And the Walker girls decided which players they would like to date. I will never get sick of my little sisters. They always keep me laughing. After the game wrapped up I hung out with Adam at the hotel and the Walkers went home. Adam had a meeting at 6PM and while he was there I watched shows at the hotel, catching the trend yet? Ha! Once it all wrapped up we headed up to the Walkers for dinner and relaxation.

Day four was the last full day in Arizona. It started with a trip down to Adam's hotel while he was at baseball. This time I DID go get a waffle and let me tell ya, I loved it. Then I took a nice long nap which brought my sleep total to 10 hours and some odd minutes for the day - thanks to my Fitbit for that state. Once I woke up, I got ready, and I head over to the baseball field I got to sit in the stands with Adam because he was on "foul ball" duty, which meant he had to chase down any foul balls during the game. Once we hit the end of the 5th inning Adam was able to leave so he went and showered up and I hung out with Steve for a bit. Then once Adam was ready we went over to Sprinkles cupcakes to enjoy a snack and fall in love with the cupcake ATM... okay, only me - I was so excited to see it!

Lace Vest: Pink Blush c/o | Top: SexyModest | Sunglasses: Blenders Eyewear c/o
Shorts: Aeropostale | Shoes: Target

I was SO excited for some Sprinkles, if you cannot tell. We tried their two seasonal cupcakes. Bomb, I tell ya! That night we went swimming with Erin and Dallin while Madison was at work. And then we all stayed up watching The Voice while we waited on Madison to get back home. Oh... also, we had the BEST enchiladas made by Jill. So. Good.

Day five doesn't really count as a day at all. Once again, I rode down to practice with Adam, dropped him and Steve off, and went to the lobby to get a waffle. I watched more and more shows - mostly on TLC. And then I repacked my nightmare of a suitcase and waited for Adam's practice to get over so I could enjoy 30 more minutes with him before Jill came to pick me up and drop me at the airport. When I met up with Adam he told me HE got to take me to the airport and that we got a whole hour before he needed to take me.

So we just enjoyed our last little bit together laughing, crying - only me a this point, kissing, and talking. Then Adam drove me to the airport and dropped me off. And let me tell you something, I never thought I would say, "I want to stay in Arizona!" More than I did on the drive to the airport. But I have a great husband who comforts me and supports me and reminds me of all the food things in Idaho that are waiting for me. It all goes to show that the homeless man on Joe Dirt had it right, "Home is where you make it." And for those 5ish days home was with Adam in Arizona whether at his hotel room or at our friends' home. The trip was great. My husband is great. And I cannot wait to see where Adam goes for the season so I can start planning out my next mini vacay.

Weekday Wardrobe


This week has been a good one! I started out the week in Arizona and then came back to a Spring Break building at work - which means I am basically the only one here so I can just work the day away getting events ready and getting ahead for the next busy months. But of course, that doesn't keep me from keeping you in the loop about my weekday wardrobe. Because I love sharing how I put together outfits on the day to day. It looks like this is the week of black pants. All day. Err day.

Monday | Top: Pink Blush | Pants: Gap | Heels: Forever Young
Tuesday | Cardigan: Old Navy | Top: Pink Blush | Leggings: PinkBlush | Shoes: Payless
Wednesday | Cardigan: Target | Top: Pink Blush | Pants: Pink Blush | Flats: Forever Young
Thursday | Top: Cotton On | Pants: Pink Blush |Watch: Arvo | Heels: DSW
Friday | Top: To Adorn | Jeans: Gap | Flats: TJMaxx

Maybe you caught it, and maybe you didn't - but today's weekday wardrobe looks like any old week even though I have been in a different state. That is because I am one week behind on outfits. This is strictly so I don't lose my mind and my wits rushing to get Friday's outfit added in. And ya know, I figured outfits are outfits and could be traded out between weeks. So why not get ahead on my blog posts. Right? Either way - which is your favorite outfit from this week? Mine is probably Monday's ensemble.

Beauty Secret


Beauty Begins the Moment You Decide to Be Yourself Coco Chanel Quotes

This. Right here. This is what it is all about. With Pinterest and YouTube and everything else swirling around us, there is a lot of debate as to what is beautiful. But Coco Chanel said it best, "Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself." Because above everything else you are you and I am me, and that is beautiful.

There have been so many moments in my life that I have felt like if I just had hair like someone else or I just had the body of so and so, that I would be more beautiful. We all get caught in those traps. As women and as girls. But the times I have felt most beautiful and the times I shine the brightest are the times I am being me. The times I am cracking a joke in the back of a room, the times I am volunteering for something I care about, and the times I am supporting my husband. Those are the times when I feel most beautiful.

So if I can give you any advice... it is to be you. And be just that. Don't worry about what every other girl has. Sure there will always be things we want to change and want to improve upon, but that is because we are works in progress. There is always room for growth. There is always room for improvement. But that does not mean you should sit around and think bad things about yourself just because you can. Be confident with where you are and be confident with where you are going. And while you are working on becoming the best you, still be you! Be yourself and be beautiful.

This quote by Coco Chanel is everything to me right now. It is a daily reminder that my beauty begins the moments I decided to be myself. Whether I put my best foot or my worst foot forward, as long as me it is beautiful. Through success, through failures, through trials, through errors, and through the happiest moments of my life. Beauty comes from Deidre being Deidre. And beauty can come from you being you. Don't you forget it, darn it!

Dressing for Spring


My favorite thing about spring is you never know what the weather is going to be. You could be in boots in a sweater to battle the cold in the morning and by the end of the day you need a pair of shorts and sandals. I feel like it gives my closet a challenge to mix the spring with the winter all together so that if it is sunshine or rain I am good to go. One thing is for sure - hats, scarves, cardigans, and so on get their fair share as I try to balance out all the Mother Nature throws me.
Aro and Company Top
Blush Top
Aro&Co Blush Top
Aro and Company Blush Top

Hat: Downeast Basics
Top: Aro & Company c/o
Sweater: Pink Blush c/o
Jeans: Gap
Shoes: Forever Young Shoes

– Use DEIDREEMME10 on Aro & Company at checkout for a discount on your order–

I can remember one Spring Day in college where I learned this lesson first hand. Everyone was out walking with long sleeve or short sleeve tees, no sweaters, some in jeans and some in shorts, and then lots of sneakers and flats. It was warm enough that you could just chill in whatever but not warm enough to pull out all things summer. So as everyone was bopping around campus this HUGE storm came. Rain for days. Girls were complaining about their hair. Guys were trying to dodge the puddles in their mesh sneakers. And all I can remember is laughing because I hadn't done my hair that day anyway. But I also learned a valuable lesson - an umbrella or a hat plus a sweater and proper footwear can make all the difference in the Spring! Have you had to learn any dressing for Spring lessons the hard way like me?

Minor League Life


With another baseball season starting there is always another flood of questions as to what is going on for Adam and me and how it all works. Whether from old friends, from new followers, or from people that just have never cared about the whole of baseball. So I decided it was time to blog about the minor league life to field - get it? Field... - a few of the most frequently asked questions from those around us.

What team is he on?

Currently, Adam is in the Arizona Diamondbacks Organization. As far as what team he is on, that all depends on how Spring Training goes. His first year playing professional baseball he played for the Missoula Osprey in Montana and last year he played for the South Bend Silverhawks in Indiana. And both seasons he had a small stint at in Phoenix playing for the Diamondbacks AZL team while he did a little rehab on his shoulder.

So is he trying to get drafted?

Adam has already been drafted. The only way to play major or minor league baseball is to get drafted or signed as a free agent. You don't get a chance to play professionally unless you are already signed with a team. So currently, he is working his was through the Arizona Diamondbacks ranks. He could get traded, but unless that happens we are Diamondbacks people.

Oh, so what team is he on? Triple A?

I feel like this question comes because most people don't realize how in depth the minor league system is. Triple A or Double A teams are a lot more common in TV shows and movies. But the whole minor leagues system is a lot more intricate. Every team has a rookie ball team, Single A, Double A, and Triple A team. And then some organizations have even more than that because they have two or three rookie ball teams and two Single A teams. The Diamondbacks have all of the above. Their Organization is set up like this:

AZL League - AZL Diamonds, Scottsdale AZ
Rookie Ball - Missoula Osprey, Missoula MT
Single A Short Season - Hillsboro Hops, Hilsboro OR
Single A - Kane County Cougars, Geneva IL (used to be South Bend Silverhawks, South Bend IN)
Single A Advanced - Visalia Rawhide, Visalia CA
Double A - Mobile BayBears, Mobile A
Triple A - Reno Aces, Reno NV
Major Leagus - Arizona Diamondbacks, Phoenix AZ

And then you are sorted and divided at the end of Spring Training to the team they feel your skill level is best suited to. And they move and adjust all season long depending on how everyone plays and what the different teams are in need of.

So you don't know where he will be this year?

Nope! We will probably find out the last week or March/first week of April. Right now we have our fingers crossed for a certain team based on his locker room and work group placement at Spring Training. But nothing is ever set in stone until you are on an airplane and headed to the specific location. And even with that, you could play two games and there be a need for you on a different team so they will call a player into their office and say, "Hi, you are leaving tomorrow for this new team." And the guys pack up and move on.

Does he want to make the major leagues?

This is going to sound rude, but duh! Of course he wants to make the major leagues! We wouldn't be putting all this effort and energy and time apart into something if we didn't hope it worked out. If he didn't want to make the big league roster I would tell him to pack up the car and come home. But as long as this is his dream, I am fully supportive. So he wants it, and sometimes I feel like I want it more because it would make life a little easier!

Do you think he has a chance to make the bigs? What position is he?

I do. Adam works hard. He works SO hard. In fact, sometimes I think, "How the heck do you have that much drive and dedication?! How do you only eat chicken and rice?! Don't you want ice cream? I want ice cream." But nope, when he sets a goal he sticks too it. I think he can do it. And he just needs to keep pushing. And he will. He is a pitcher. He throws a fastball, a slider, and a changeup. And he seems to be getting better every season - thanks to his dedication and hard work.

Why do you still have to work then? Don't professional athletes make a lot of money?

I still work because major league players make a lot of money, but minor league players do not. All players are only paid during "in season" months - which means April to September/October depending on playoffs and all that. So a major league player has his "major league minimum" which is still a decent amount or they have a contract which is usually a lot more than that. But a minor league player makes the very smallest amount of money. Depending on the level Adam can make somewhere between $1,200 and $3,000 a month. And while Adam is making his way up and proving himself he is on the lower end of that scale. So while Adam works his way through the minors I work full time in Idaho and hopefully some day I can be a stay at home Mom while Adam makes money with his big league contract. But until then we like our arrangement.

Do you ever wish you could travel with him?

Oh, of course! I have looked into the option of remote jobs. I have looked into the option of working really hard when he is here and then somehow scrapping by when we travel together. But at the end of the day, and no offense to my sweet husband, I think I would hate traveling with him. I think the days would be long - he is at the field every day from about noon until around 10 or 11 at night. And I think I would get bored. And I think I would probably get into some very bad habits of only eating Cheetos and never trying to progress mentally and physically. So yeah, it would be so great to follow my guy around the country, but I think it is better for me to support him while keeping myself busy and mentally strong.

Why Idaho, of all places?

Adam and I have basically lived somewhere different every season so far. We are really trying to find a fit for both the off season and during season. Our first year was Utah, which was great! That is where we met, fell in love, got married, and built a lot of relationships with amazing people. Our friends were there and our family was there. And it was easy for the summer Adam was gone. I would have been happy staying there. But then there was an opportunity to move to Arizona with my job which meant only 4 and half months apart rather than 7. It felt so right. So I took the transfer, we packed up, and we moved to Arizona. And it was great at first! But as soon as Adam left I felt really alone. No friends, no family, no full time support from people who cared about me, and my job wasn't a match for what I like to do. I was basically miserable and it got to the point that Adam could tell from across the country. And he felt really bad. So he asked me where I would want to be. I said Utah or Idaho. And he said go find a job! And so I did. I had options in both states, but at the end of the day Idaho felt best. A great job which offered work-life balance, family, friends, volunteer work, and lots of opportunities to grow and learn. So here we are in Idaho. And I can honestly say there has never been a better fit for our situation.

Seven months is a long time! Is that hard?

Yeah. I won't lie. When Adam leaves it is the hardest. And every year it gets harder, which you would think is not the case since we are getting used to it. But every year we have built a stronger relationship and so it really is hard when he leaves. Bu you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way. I am so happy to be supporting my husband as he lives out his dream, a dream he has had since before he even knew I existed. And I know he would so the same things for me. I love hearing his enthusiasm about how practice went. I look forward to Facetime every single night. I get excited to go visit him and watch his games and meet his teammates. The best choice that we have made though, that makes it easier, is we have included the gospel in our long distance relationship because it is an important aspect of our life. We read scriptures and say prayer together every night when we Facetime. Seven months apart is a long time. It isn't easy, but it is totally worth it to see our communication strengthen and our love for each other deepen in a way that I don't think would have happened without the long distance.

And that is the answers I have to all of the questions that I have been asked many times this year. But I am always open to answering more. Because if you are anything like me, you are curious and slightly nosy. But this is an experience I am totally willing to share with you. Because if it doesn't help you in some shape or form, it might help someone else. This is a life I never expected for myself, but the support and the lessons learned are totally unique and I am happy to share what I can.

Weekday Wardrobe


Slowly but surely I am getting back into this blogging groove. And my favorite post to do every week is my Weekday Wardrobe post. When I get it all together in terms of blogging, you can tell because this posts start showing up again. Anyone can take an afternoon to get put together and snap away their life, but I think the tricky part is sharing what you look like on a day to day basis. Generally I look about the same no matter how hectic my life is, but when I actually go to bed on time and wake up without rushing is when the sharing of my day to day wardrobe comes in. And now that I am used to no husband and used to the Daylight Savings... I am getting on a roll again.

Monday | Cardigan: Target | Top: Gap | Skirt: Agnes and Dora | Pumps: DSW
Tuesday | Sweater: Little Black Fashion Truck | Top: Forever 21 | Leggings: PinkBlush | Boots: Macys
Wednesday | Cardigan: Old Navy | Dress: Target | Heels: TJMaxx
Thursday | Sweater: Lucy & Lyla | Top: Cotton On | Leggings: Gap | Shoes: Macys
Friday | Top: Pink Blush | Undershirt: Sexy Modest | Pants: Gap | Boots: Macys

You can tell it is getting warmer here because I have transitioned from scarves, sweaters, and layers to just a basic top and boots. Cardigans are always a staple though... so even when it is warmer, chances are I will pair an outfit with a lighter cardi. This week has been a doozy and I am getting so excited to trade in my Idaho wardrobe for the shorts that Arizona calls for! That is right. I am heading down to Arizona for the next 4 days to spend time with Mr. Miller! And I cannot wait! Do you have any plans or events that you are looking forward to for the weekend?

Maxi Dresses


The one things that always stressed me out from going to a casual job to a more formal position was the wardrobe changes. I really enjoyed the ability to wear jeans when I wanted and to not have to add many skirts and dresses to my closet. But now that I am considered "professional staff" it is all about dressing the part. Jeans only on Fridays, leggings on with tunics, and dresses trump. But there are still the days when I crave a dress down and I can't really throw on my oversized sweater and leggings and boots. So the compromise has to be something a little more professional. Which is where maxi dresses come in.

Jacket: Pink Blush c/o
Dress: Aro & Company c/o
Scarf: Aro & Company c/o
Shoes: Forever Young

-- Use DEIDREEMME10 on Aro & Company at checkout for a discount on your order--

I love this maxi because it brings in style while also being totally functional for my lazy mood. I can wear it around the house and if I go out just throw on a scarf and a jacket and I am all squared away. I like to consider maxi skirts and maxi dresses the sweatpants of the dress world. And I welcome them with open arms, because there are far too many nights my insomnia gets the best of me and I am too tired in the morning to get all put together. What do you like to wear on your dress down days?

Cheetah Is Life


A lot of times I look through my closet and I think, "There is too much cheetah in here." But then the more I think about it or try to not buy cheetah the more I realize this is a ridiculous attempt because, let's face it. Cheetah is life. In my closet you can find cheetah tees, sweaters, swimsuit, shoes, and so on. And I love it, even when other try to tear it down - I have a little story about my own experience down below. But it aint no thang! Cheetah is a neutral. Cheetah goes with everything. And yes, cheetah is life.

Top: PinkBlush c/o
Leggings: PinkBlush c/o
Boots: Forever Young Shoes

I remember one time in college I went over to a guy's house wearing a cheetah sweater with my black skinnys. His roommate opened the door and I asked if he was there. Then I heard his roommate go back to his room and say, "Some girl is here in a weird animal print sweater." And I was super bugged. Cheetah is not weird my friend. And then I had to really sit there and think, do people not like cheetah? And then I realized this boy is ridiculous and my cheetah passion was fueled to new levels. Sounds strange. But cheetah is my thing. Do you have a certain pattern or color that overwhelms your closet?

Bachelor Season 19: Episode 11


The Bachelor is done, but if you didn't get your Prince Farming fill you can watch Dancing With the Stars starting tonight where he will be dancing for the mirror ball. I called it that he would be the new celeb on the show, and I am worried. Hopefully his dancing skills are better than his rapping skills. But I guess it is time to wrap up all the thoughts and feels in regards to The Bachelor: In The Field of Love. And basically my main thought about the whole final episode is this: anti-climactic.
The whole thing starts with both ladies meeting the Farming Family. Whit brings flowers and wine and puts it all on REAL thick. Talking about how she is ready to marry and mother. She toasts them at the lunch. She talks about how much she loves everyone and everything. And they all love her. And every time they say how much they love her Chris talks about Becca which is slightly awkward. Then it is Becca's turn and she shows up with cookies. And she is just honest and real about the whole thing. Doesn't play up her emotions or talk about them too much. I still like her best.
Then it is dates. Becca gets some one on one time in a hotel in which she doesn't say she loves him and she doesn't say she is ready to move for him. Does she get ANY credit for being the only honest women in the history of this show? Then Whit has her turn and gets to hang out at the farm and then have the hotel time, which I feel is strange that she gets that extra view and Becca doesn't but whatever.
Now it is selection time. And while they both look stunning, Becca gets the boot. And she seems to just not care very much. She is sad but she isn't drama mama. She's just not that into him. But it is weird that Chris gives her that big kiss before sending her home. And Whitney gets the beautiful Neil Lane ring and the fiance and the farm. And that is that and there is no drama and no heartbreak. All so snoozefest in comparison to former years.
The real good stuff shows up at the After the Final Rose. They try to make a bigger deal about Chris and Becca and both are of them are like whatever. Well, Chris really loved Becca so he is a little less of whatever. Whitney is too excited for her own good. I thought she might pee her pants at one point. And then Jimmy brings them a wedding gift of a cow named Juan Pablo. Now here is the REAL drama. Two Bachelorettes are announced. Britt and Kaitlyn will go head to head in the first episode and only one will finish out the season. I love Britt, yes still, but I know Kaitlyn will make a better Bachelorette so I hope she wins. Now here are my feelings about this layout.
I think it sucks. I think it is rude and unfortunate for these two women to be pitted against each other when they already were not the best of friends. I think it is unfortunate that ABC took this route because their office was divided, when the whole world would have been okay with just one of the other. And I think ABC is taking advantage of the fact that everyone loved Britt and then didn't love her as much to make her the "bad lady" in all of this. Because if you haven't read the tweets I can fill you in - Kaitlyn has the fan vote. And I almost think she gets the ABC vote because she appears to have received a better makeover than Britt. I also feel like it is not okay to get two women's hopes up that they get to continue in the process and potentially find someone to love and date when really only one will continue. "You are both Bachelorette, okay now you go home because the boys did not like you." Why make a woman feel less than she is because 25 men didn't pick her as the one they want to date? For ratings? I feel like this is a poor choice. And that is all I can say. What do you think about everything? About the finale? About the After the Final Rose? About the double bachelorette announcement?

Bachelor Season 19: Episode 10


Episode 10. Or as it is better know. The women tell all. I like to call this season's episode the show of a million tears because I honestly have never seen so many tears in a single women tell all episode. Lots and lots of drama. But in case you need a reminder of what has happened before I basically give you a FULL season recap - you will want to check back on last week's review. Now... onto the episode of a million tears.
I guess the whole episode starts with less sad tears and more happy tears as Host Chris and Farmer Chris decide to crash a bunch of viewing parties. So many drunk ladies and moms hitting on Prince Farming. So awkward. And yet, here I am hoping he crashed my viewing party. Alas, I live in Idaho.
Round 1: Britt
Barely two minutes into the WTA and the girls are already tearing Britt down. It was actually really sad to watch. I felt so bad for the girl. Carly is more jealous than ever and digging herself a deeper jealous rage pit of despair - to the point where Britt gets to mad she yells, "You've pretty much narrated my entire love story for the past three weeks, can I just talk?" They loved to interrupt each other. Carly loved to roll her eyes. Britt loved to cry. And at the end of the day no one wins because no Farmer Chris for you. Britt goes on to say that she would still be on the show if it weren't for Carly. Which I slightly believe but you never know. This is also the point in the show where Jillian gets all "jacked up" calling Carly an evil person for saying really mean things about her in front of Chris. And defends Britt to the death.
Round 2: Kelsey
Nothing she said or did convinced me she was less in love with herself. But it is sad to see someone so upset and girls so relentless about it all. Oh? You are crying? Well let me tell you one more time how manipulative and calculated you are. That is the female equivalent of kicking them in the ribs after they TKO. Kardashley takes a few more really great stabs at Kelsey and for some reason I don't hate when she does it.
Round 3: Ashley S.
Okay. So she didn't cry. But she did make everyone else cry from laughing so hard. First she presents Host Chris with the gift of an onion because the show inspired her to grow her own onions. After saying that is was really hard for her to not be silly in front of the camera she goes on to make fun of how much the girls cry. Host Chris invites her to be on Bachelor in Paradise... please be on the show Ashley! PLEASE! And she responds like this: "It's so weird," she finally said. "What is?" Harrison asked. "Just that we're on TV." I feel like you need to see her whole interview... because yes.
Round 4: Jade
Basically Jade is just really offended that Chris said her Playboy wasnt a problem and then eliminated her that night. She felt like things went really well. But then he talked about how awkward it was to look at her porn - which, I don't blame him for saying that but he also agreed to it, right? - on his blog which made her question what she thought. He also said it was disturbing hearing her family call her wild. Great choice of words Prince Farming. She wants to hear it all from Chris though, so she is put on hold until Chris is in the hottest of hot seats.
Round 5: Kaitlyn
Just so sad. She was in love. She let her guard down. And she doesn't understand how someone can say they are falling in love and send them home the next day. All understandable. I love Kaitlyn even more every day. And I think she is just a gem. No drama here, just saddness and it is sad.
Round 6: Britt, Jade, and Kaitlyn again
Britt starts with the worlds most awkward hug. The hug heard round the world.
And then she goes on to tell Farmer Chris that she understands and respects him and so on and so on. And he tells her it isn't Carly's fault. She would have gone home anyway.
Then Jade and Kaitlyn - each at their own time - rehash their previous issues to Farmer Chris and he apologizes. And everyone is nice. And we all still hope Kaitlyn is the Bachelorette. Let it be true! And now that everyone has cried all the tears in the world and no water will ever be needed again let's watch some bloopers which are included but not limited too: Random panties on the table during the opening cocktail party, Chris telling a girl she just got crop dusted in the worst possible way, montage of Chris' different dolphin laughs, Jimmy Kimmel practicing rose ceremony etiquette, the lights going out on Carly, the set falling on Kelsey, Ashley spitting out wine, a monkey gagging, a dog sneaking up on Becca , and Whitney's dog getting it on.
To wrap up the show we get a nice preview of tonight's episode and I am super confused about how it all ends. Will Whit be the one? Will Becca commit? Will Chris' mom make Becca cry because she can't make a choice in two days? Please tell me I am not the only one that was confused by all that. Who is your favorite lady? I know who I want to win... but we will have to see. Get your votes in!

What to Wear: Bachelor Finale Party


Getting ready for The Bachelor finale tomorrow night?! I know that I am. And so are women ALL across the country. And depending on where you are and how many Bachelor Nation peeps are around you, there is probably a great viewing party in your town. Are you heading out to watch the show with your girls? Still need an idea of what to wear so you can feel like you are part of the Bachelor action? This is my go-to feel like I am in the show look.

Kimono: Pink Blush c/o
Dress: Pink Blush c/o
Tights: Costco
Booties: Francescas
Necklace: Forever 21

So I feel like this season has had some of the most fashion forward ladies yet. Becca was ALWAYS on point with her outfits - well, almost always. Britt always had the best lip colors. Kaitlyn rocked those crop tops. Whitney had the best statement necklaces. The list goes on and on. So to fit in with the ladies I put together a trend forward finale party outfit. I started with the lace dress and kimono to give the whole outfit a feminine look, then I added a statement necklace. I decided to tie in black through my accent items to mourn the women who got the boot - it is a sad day for them! What are you wearing to your viewing party? Are you pumped for tomorrow night? Don't forget to check by in the morning to get the final recap before the big episode!

Days Away + Days Off


Top: Aro & Company c/o

Up to this point, the last few months of blogging have been wonderfully consistent. And I have loved every day of it. The opportunity to connect with new readers and to build relationships with old readers. The new companies I have networked with. The chances to explore fashion and try new things as I define my own style. It has been everything that I love about blogging all wrapped up with a pretty bow. I have been posting on a regular basis and I have been frequently found on social media, but if you haven't noticed this last week and a half I slipped from the internet world. And while I don't apologies for it, I do feel like I need to keep my people included on my life. If you didn't read between the lines on my Insta posts - my sweet husband left for Spring Training last Sunday. Which is the start of 7 months apart. So right now I am spending my time getting used to time apart. Lots of nights I stay at my parents home from 5PM until bedtime and then I do it all over again the next day. Every day gets easier, and every day I will get a little more normal. But for now there will be days away from social media and days off from the blog. And while that is all happening I am working on some fun things offline that will hopefully be coming to you shortly. So thank you for the support and the love. And until I am fully back and all geared up you can catch an occasion fashion post, a few of the thoughts and feels, and always a Bachelor recap.

Bachelor Season 19: Episode 9


This whole thing is winding down you guys. In fact, we are down to two girls and tonight is the Women Tell All - which should be extra special because of Kelsey, Kardashley, and Britt. I can't wait. But just in case you are all sort of behind. Get caught up on when he went down to three and today I will share the recap of when he went down to just two. Let's dive right in, just like I am sure they do in the fantasy suites.
Three dates. Three women. Three highly questionable moments when the blinds are closed and the cameras aren’t invited in.
First up is Kaitlyn. I feel like she is in love but like doesn’t totally get it. She treats it like some sort of word vomit, “It’s coming… it’s coming… hold it back, get it out? I don’t know!” Their date is just a bunch of monkeying around. Seriously though. So many monkeys. One pees on Chris and the rest make Kaitlyn freak out. There dinner and fantasy suite recap is a bore fest for me. Cliché and traditional. Not much to add in other than, of course they head up and close the blinds.
Next is Whit. “I’m on a boat! I’m on a boat!” All the boat dates are clones. Ride on a boat. Jump in the water. Kiss. Explore the town. Yadayadayada. You get the jist. The dinner is where all the hype comes in. Because Chris realizes that Whit has a real job that she has worked real hard for. Which means she might not be okay with small town USA. But she comes back with a stellar response, that her dream job is to be a mother. I still think if she wins she will commute at least once a week to be a fertility nurse. Calling it now.
Last up is Miss Becca. Aka. My fave. Why is she the prettiest Bachelor version of Carrie Underwood? Too perfect. I honestly don’t remember any of their date because I was just waiting to see all the drama of her virgin announcement. Wait I take it back.... I remember that some guru guy keeps telling them they need to make love. It all ties in to her virginity and how awkward she feels.  Which she doesn’t even offer up before going into the fantasy suite. She waits until they are in the room and Chris thinks he is getting lucky. But his response is so gentlemanly and I appreciate it. Oh there is also that part where she is the only honest one that says she wouldn’t move to Arlington right away just because – that she needed it to be really real. Chris seemed to not love that.
Rose ceremony time. No kissing. No hugging. It is being held in a sacred ground. Kaitlyn looks the best of the best, loved everything about how she was styled for the event. But before anything can happen Chris needs to talk to Becca, clearly he did not love her lack of commitment. While he is talking to Becca about love and choices and blah blah blah the girls are back at the sacred land talking about how Becca was going home and it is so nice he didn’t make her wait through the whole ceremony.
Chris walks back and SURPRISE Becca is with him. And instantly both ladies are like, well one of us is heading home. And I am pretty sure everyone knew who it was. But we still let it all play out. Whit gets the rose. Becca gets the rose. Kaitlyn is going home. Which, I am not totally mad about. I love her but I will love her more when she is the Bachelorette – she will for sure be hilarious and draw in the best guys. I really hope those rumors are true.
And that is where we are. Becca and Whitney are left with a drama mama - I say mama because I think Chris’ mother makes Becca cry? Did anyone else see that part? – preview of the season finale. But before that we have the women tell all. So tonight we get the catty and the crying. And I am most excited to see how Britt handles Carly + how Kelsey and Kardashley get along. Also, let’s just firm up that Kaitlyn is Bachelorette because I really cannot wait. What are you looking forward to most for The Women Tell All?

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