Last year I wrote this post... but I wanted to share it with you all today. Because everything I experienced one year ago, 18 beautiful Idaho woman will be going through TODAY and TOMORROW. Pageantry has forever changed my life. Some people say it is destroying women and some people say it makes women an object. I say it makes women strong, independent, and motivated...
I am SO happy with how the pageant went this year. There were a lot of changes at the Miss Idaho program from housing and venue to the style of judges they pulled, but I loved every single moment. The girls were as wonderful as ever and I learned a lot this year. I am so glad I had the opportunity to compete one last time at Miss Idaho. I am happy I met the girls I did and made friends with so many. I am proud of our new Miss Idaho, Whitney Wood, she is seriously is SO incredible and deserved the win. I am proud to be part of a sisterhood where there is more love and support than anyone could ever hope for. I am honored to have been placed in the top ten and to have won two awards. And I know what you are saying now, enough of this Deidre, onto the pictures!
We all check in a few days before competition to do a few things. We did a service project, visited the Children's Hospital, and then rehearse, rehearse, and did I mention rehearse? We have to learn two dances and then our modeling patterns. This photo here is for, drum roll please..... Opening number! I make the faces I do because of my "special juice", also known as go-go juice. Which is really just water and zip fizz... but it makes me go crazy with energy. The girls backstage either thought I was really funny when I drank it or completely annoying... I choose to believe they all thought I was hilarious. Because clearly... I am.
The very moment I got called into the top ten. After four years of work in the pageant world I was clearly excited to be called into the top ten for the first time! And you can tell that the girls around me were excited too. They all knew how badly I wanted it, and I think they cheered more than the audience for me! That is what I mean by support.
"Thank your judges!"
The Miss Idaho 2012 top ten!
Swimsuit. You only get to see one photo, embrace it!
Onstage question. My question was something like, "How do you feel about Obama coming out recently with his support for gay marriage?" I answered, "I admire President Obama for standing strong in what he believes, especially in an election year. He stood firm in an election year when he could lose votes for what he said. That is what we need in a President. Someone that stands for what they believe no matter what."

Now onto the talent portion. I performed my talent two and a half different times, prelims night and (one and a half times) finals night, which means I have a lot of photos I could share! Here are a few that I love from the bunch. I bet you are wondering what I mean by "half". On finals night I was about 8 eight counts into my music when the song just stopped. My mind was screaming at me, "What did Kim teach you to do!?" I finished my step, turned around, and reset in my starting position. It felt like an hour before my music started, and when it did start it picked up where it stopped... but I just held my pose and the audience started cheering! It was exhilarating so I gave a little wave. then the music restarted and I got a second chance to do my dance. Everyone said I handled it really well like nothing was wrong... but I could have sworn I made a really confused face. Apparently no one say it!

Evening Gown. We all have a little sister which comes out on stage with us. My little sister was adorable. I love her like a real sister. She is so cute and wants me to help her get into pageants in a few years. Of course I agreed. My evening gown was perfect. My director and Mom picked it out. I think they did a wonderful job! And so did everyone else.
Remember earlier when I mentioned learning two dances? Well one of them is evening gown production. A lot of arm movement and flowing of gowns. Pretty, pretty!
The top ten all lined up before the announcement of all the awards girls could win and the crowning of the new Miss Idaho.

First off, let me say I am a hideous crier. This was the first award I won. The Spirit of Miss Idaho, which is voted on by the contestants. It goes to the girl that the contestants thinks represents what the program is about the best and is comparable to Miss Congeniality. I honestly have never felt so honored in my life. I couldn't believe that all these women had voted me as their Spirit of Miss Idaho. It just reminds me what this program is all about. I am so happy I had Mikyla next to me during awards (and during the entire pageant pretty much) because I needed that little shove and love to move me to receive my award. I was in shock and she was so supportive giving me a huge hug when my name was called. P.S. I always voted for the girl that made me laugh the most the week of pageant, so if everyone else uses that criteria.... I am basically the funniest girl at Miss Idaho too.

I was trying to thank all the girls as I went to get my award. I am sure I looked like real idiot, but I honestly was SO honored and appreciative. Winners of the Spirit of Miss Idaho is a line of girls that I have looked up to and appreciated. And now I was one of them!

Being called for one more award. The Miss America Organization awards the Academic and Community Service awards to each state. To be eligible you must apply with transcripts, letters of recommendation, and an essay of what you have done in your community. This year the Miss America Organization selected me as the Community Service Award winner. After a year of promoting anti-bullying in the Magic Valley, I couldn't have been happier. My platform has been so important to me and I am proud to know that the Miss America Organization recognized that. After the pageant Tami told me, "The day that Miss America called to tell me who won the awards everyone at my work knew you had won! I was so excited that I just told everyone I saw!"

So there you have it, my last hoorah as a pageant girl... actually just as a pageant participant. I will always be a pageant girl. I am looking into becoming a pageant coach and a volunteer. You can take the girl out of the pageant but you can't take the pageant out of the girl. I have learned so much through competing and I want to share that knowledge with every girl that wants to compete. Please don't hesitate to ask me anything, this is a program I am passionate about and I can talk about it for days and days. The Miss America Organization is about more than just a beauty content. The four points of the crown are style, service, scholarship, and success. And they truly promote that. I know I am a more educated, confident, comfortable, and well rounded woman because of this program.
And now you know. Pageants are more than just swimsuits and poor onstage question answers. And when I said I would remain involved, I meant it. I am currently on the Miss Idaho Board as the PR Chair. I manage the blog, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for the Miss Idaho Organization.
If you have any questions about Miss America, pageantry, what I do as a volunteer.. and so on and so on. Let me know! The Miss America Organization is a part of me now - and I am PROUD to be part of this organization. Good luck to all my Miss Idaho sisters competing tonight.