2014 Word of the Year
12.31.2013 • 2014
Every year I set a bunch of resolutions. And every year I remember about two of them and the rest fall to the side, completely forgot until I start to resolve for the next year. I have been thinking a lot about what goals I want to set for the next year and how I want to plan to reach them. And over and over I have been reminded that the goals I have set to accomplish in the past have been forgotten.
So this year I decided to pick one word to apply to the following year. My word this year is simple. Happy. For 2014 my goal is to be happy. That seems like a give in. Happiness is a natural thing, and generally I am very happy. And I used to pride myself on being very optimistic. But in the last year, I blame the birth control, I have found lots of reasons to be hard on myself and have become what I like to call a "realist". Always pointing out flaws, bad moments, and so on... all while being happy. This year I am going to be happy and grateful and all the things I used to pride myself on. Whether it comes to my body image, my time away from my husband, the hard days at work... there are lessons to be had and good memories around the corner. So I am choosing to be happy. One hundred percent of the time. What plans have you made for the new year? What are your goals for 2014?
A 2013 Review
12.30.2013 • 2013, 2014
January \\ A year that started off with a lot of New Year's Resolutions. Hardly any of which were kept... that is a really sucky way to start. In January I fell victim to the pony tail pat down, once again. What a fail. I need to learn the ins and outs of flying apparently. And besides that everything was Miss America! A trip to Las Vegas with my Mom and pageant sisters for Miss America. And I was on the Miss America 20/20 Special. I feel like that is a huge accomplishment.
March \\ Baseball season officially came to the great state of Utah! And so all my months from here forward are consumed with sitting in the stands with Madi and Merilee, eating Cougar tails, and lots of layers since Utah doesn't officially warm up for another month or so. Adam got his first win of the season and after we headed to a dance show because I got tickets from work. March Madness took up a lot of time, and I didn't come in dead last in this year's bracket challenge. One weekend while Adam was gone I finished putting together our wedding video as a surprise for his return! Oh. I also hit the big 700 posts.
April \\ Baseball. Lots of baseball. I got to meet one of Adam's mission families at a game because they were in the USA for General Conference. And a stay-cation to Salt Lake to watch a Bees game, visit the Salt Lake Temple, and take advantage of our one week off from baseball. And in my time away from Adam... A trip to Idaho for Miss Idaho's Outstanding Teen. And I finally found something to compare all this blogging nonsense to.
May \\ What else but more baseball?! Seriously... that is all we did. I surprised Adam in California by not showing up at his game. He was very, very confused. But we got to enjoy a little time together out of Utah. And then his team made the tournament in Stockton. So I road tripped with 3 other baseball wives down to watch them play! That filled with baseball weekends in between at home. Baseball. Baseball. Baseball.

June \\ Adam and I decided to move closer to my work so I wouldn't have a long way to drive when left for the summer. Adam officially became an Arizona Diamondback! And he received an official jersey to prove it. But Waiting for the draft drove me absolutely bonkers. I successfully ran a 10K. We got in the tiniest of car wrecks that cost a lot of dollars. The windshield also cracked straight down the middle.And then Adam left for the summer.
July \\ While Adam was gone I spent a lot of time with family and friends. That included my nephew's baptism, the 4th of July, and week in Idaho with my mom and my pageant peeps. And spent a lot of time counting down to Adam playing in Ogden! But then Adam showed up and surprised me for a surprise. Then it was 5 straight days with that husband of mine. Plus, Adam was featured in the Missoula newspaper.
August \\ Adam and I celebrated one year of marriage! And I went to Missoula once to celebrate our anniversary and watch Adam pitch. Then Adam got to come to Utah to pitch in Utah and I met his brother for the first time, and Adam saw him for the first time in 2 years. All the pitching finally caught up with Adam in Orem and he was send down to rehab in Arizona put on hold for pitching until January.
September \\ A month of medical everything for Adam and I. Adam spent the month in AZ doing rehab for his arm. I had to get an MRI and an EMG - scans, needles, and shock treatment... cool? But I went to Arizona to see Adam and attend my first MLB game. And that was wonderful. Also.
November \\ Lots of football with family. Which means Two box games thanks to my Dad. I graduated from physical therapy. And Adam got Lasik. Smartest career move ever. My bestie Michelle and I launched our new wedding website, The Wedding & Company. And we finished off the month with a California Thanksgiving, bounce house included.
December \\ This month has been a whirlwind. Holiday celebrations left and right. No time to rest really. And then just when I needed it most, a week long trip home to Idaho for all the rest in the world. Plus piles of food. We both got sick at one point or another, but being in Idaho was well worth it.
2014 \\ Things we are looking forward to? Finding out where Adam will be playing for the 2014 season. Trips to AZ. A cruise in January. And another year of adventure. What are your highlights of 2013? What are you looking forward to in 2014?
The Top 10 of 2013
12.27.2013 • 2013
Our year has been anything but boring. With a year full of up and downs and new adventures. Living apart. Lots of travels. A new job. Learning to live together again. And everything in between. I would have to say this has been the best year for The Skinnys yet. And it has been a year of learning, growing, and lots of communication. But there is definitely more in store for the year 2014!
Here are the top ten moments from 2013 for you. Starting at ten and working to one!
10. Dressing up for Halloween - a deer and a hunter.
9. Throwing my best friend's bridal shower.
8. Meeting a family from Adam's mission.
7. A road trip to Stockton with the baseball wives.
6. Surprising Adam in California.
5. Going to Miss America with my Mom and pageant sisters.
4. Adam showing up at our door step when I wasn't expecting to see him for another 24 hours.
3. Moving into a new apartment and a new ward.
2. Adam coming home JUST in time for my birthday and just having him back home in general.
1. Adam got drafted by the Arizona Diamondbacks!
Come back Monday for a full year in review.
Photo cred: Luczak Photography
Gone Fishin'
Today's Fashion Fits Everyone is featuring Miss Ashley.
She is my go to photographer and a gem of a friend.
I have always loved chatting with her, and even more her style.
As Marilyn Monroe said, "I'm very definitely a woman and I enjoy it." I couldn't agree with her more! Having three older sisters at a young age I was always into fashion, wearing makeup & planning out my outfits. I loved putting new outfits together & would plan out my outfits weeks at at time. I even had a journal of my outfit schedule. Fashion is something that is and should be fun for every girl.
I am a curvy girl! My body has changed a lot since I stopped dancing in college a few years back. I have to come to learn one thing with that change which is despite my shape or size that you (and I) still have to LOVE who you are despite your body. True beauty comes from within. If you are confident, you are beautiful. If you are a genuine sweet person, you are beautiful. I have always had a booty and thighs and so to dress I try to layer, drape, and wear darker colors on bottom. Even though I am 5' 8" I still rock the high heels and tall wedges. Shoes have always been my favorite and add so much to your outfit!

I do believe that fashion does fit everyone! Wear what makes you feel pretty, sexy & that reflects your personality. Be yourself. There is nothing better. Be true to your own fashion. A little secret for you: there are no rules. Be your own kind of beautiful!
A Baseball Mural
12.18.2013 • Adam, Baseball, BYU Baseball
About two months ago Adam started working out with his other BYU draftees on campus. They would go to the athlete weight room and then spend some time over at the field seeing their old teammates. Adam was telling me about the new changes to the club house. Most notably, an extended coach's office for the new staff. And then a little over a month ago Adam got an email from his BYU coach from the season before he was drafted, Coach Littlewood with the subject: New wall by coaches office. It said, "Thought you would like to see the design that is going outside my new office for the whole world to see.."
Adam forwarded it over to me. And I was so excited! I felt like such a proud wife. Adam was going to be on the BYU Baseball wall forever and ever. Which is slightly ironic, because just one week earlier we had been talking about the banners out front of the stadium of former BYU players. I asked Adam, "Do you think if you do well as a professional baseball player they will put up a banner of you?" And he said, "Nope! Those are guys that did awesome things at BYU. I never did anything that made me an all-American or anything at BYU." But now, here he is, one of the mural guys! The other guys on the team are Jaycob Brugman, he was drafted by the Oakland A's, Jacob Hanneman, drafted by the Chicago Cubs, Adam Law, drafted by the LA Dodgers, Hayden Nielsen, their freshman teammate that made a huge impact last season, and Coach Littlewood. And over the weekend the mural went up so Adam took me over to the field late one night before it closed so I could see it.
I really wanted Adam to be in the photo but he is too modest and said, "I don't want to be one of those guys!" So you just get a nice photo of my handsome husband on the wall. I was especially excited because he looks like a really big deal. Because, in my mind, he is. He is the coolest, most hard working, dedicated, motivated, and especially handsome man around.
Adam forwarded it over to me. And I was so excited! I felt like such a proud wife. Adam was going to be on the BYU Baseball wall forever and ever. Which is slightly ironic, because just one week earlier we had been talking about the banners out front of the stadium of former BYU players. I asked Adam, "Do you think if you do well as a professional baseball player they will put up a banner of you?" And he said, "Nope! Those are guys that did awesome things at BYU. I never did anything that made me an all-American or anything at BYU." But now, here he is, one of the mural guys! The other guys on the team are Jaycob Brugman, he was drafted by the Oakland A's, Jacob Hanneman, drafted by the Chicago Cubs, Adam Law, drafted by the LA Dodgers, Hayden Nielsen, their freshman teammate that made a huge impact last season, and Coach Littlewood. And over the weekend the mural went up so Adam took me over to the field late one night before it closed so I could see it.
I really wanted Adam to be in the photo but he is too modest and said, "I don't want to be one of those guys!" So you just get a nice photo of my handsome husband on the wall. I was especially excited because he looks like a really big deal. Because, in my mind, he is. He is the coolest, most hard working, dedicated, motivated, and especially handsome man around.
Xtend Barre Provo
12.17.2013 • Fitness, Working Out, Workout
I need to let you guys all in on my newest obsession, it's called Xtend Barre. A few months ago I attended a cardio barre class up in Salt Lake. It was awesome, so I started looking at options down here in Provo. And would you look at that!? A studio was located right there in the Riverwoods. I knew I had to try it. And here I am, a month later, still in love and going to the classes because I want to! Lots of times my motivation of going to work out is to get fit, and while that is still a perk, I go to classes at Xtend Barre Provo because I love it. An hour can fly by, tons of sweat, feeling sore already, and I still love it and want more. Maybe it is the dancer in me? I don't know. But I really love it.

Beyond the fact that I just really enjoy it, Xtend Barre has been saving my back. In high school I had to have back surgery for a herniated disc. Over the last 6 months it has really started acting up. So much that I couldn't stand it anymore. I went to a Pain Management facility. I got an MRI. I got test done on my nerves and muscles. And after all that they found there was some chronic nerve damage and some new nerve irritation. They recommended some oral medicine, a cortozone shot (no thanks, not this time), and physical therapy. I said I would take the physical therapy and medicine and hold off on the shot.
After two months of that and lots of doctors bills it was starting to feel better, but at least two days a week I was still in a lot of pain. Enter Xtend. I am off my medicine, I am graduated from physical therapy, and I haven't had a bad back day in weeks! It is because Xtend Barre is all about core strength and lengthening, which is just what I needed for my back. It is full body work out full of cardio and toning.
Well last week, Nicole - the owner of Xtend Barre Provo - let me host a bloggers night at her studio to introduce the work out that I love so much with some girls in the area. It was a huge hit. And I can't even explain to you how grateful I am for Nicole to let me do that. And because of the relationships she has built with her studio we were able to get some awesome sponsors. A huge shout out to Rock These Socks for donating a brand new pair of sticky socks to all the ladies, to Blickenstaff's for donating an awesome prize package to raffle and $5 gift cards for all the ladies, to Lime Ricki for donating discount cards and swimsuits, to Mend Juicery for bringing post-workout juice for everyone, to Provo Beach Resort for donating gift cards for the grab bags, to Albion Fit for donating our "Best in Class" prize, to Sodalicious for donating our "Thanks For RSVPing" prizes, and to 3B Yoga for donating a class for every lady and an awesome raffle prize. They were all super generous and easy to work with. If you are looking for a fun night out, treats, or some good juice - I would totally recommend any of these places. They are all really great with customer service and with quality products.
When you get to the studio the shoes come off and the socks go on!
The barre with the mirrors around the room is my absolute FAVORITE. I feel at home when I am in a studio. Oh, and another thing. You never realize how heavy two pounds are until an instructor asks you to hold them out for a 8 minute arm workout.. and that is 8 minutes straight. Full of biceps, triceps, and everything else.
The grab bags and Instagram contest prizes!
All of the ladies in attendance.
This year is all about pairing the bold patterns with some simple jewelry. I have never been a huge jewelry person. Necklaces are a new thing. My earrings are the same every day. I am hit and miss on the rings. I love a good watch. And I love a bracelet to compliment it. But as I have gotten more into fashion, I have fallen in love with jewelry. Bold necklaces, bright colors, lots of rhinestones, and so on and so on are great last minute items to bold up any outfit. But more than anything I love timeless items. I love simple and classy. And lately the infinity has been my favorite. I've seen it on a few of my favorite blogs, they are flash-deal sites daily, and you can find them in EVERY item. Necklaces, earrings, rings, and here I am with a beautiful infinity bracelet from Blue Nile.
Isn't the simplicity just perfect? Like I said earlier, I have been eying all things infinity. And this year for Christmas I sent Adam a list of about 5 different items. And for my birthday it was the same thing. So I was so thrilled to get this bracelet! And Blue Nile gave me a bracelet to give to one of you today.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Top: Cotton On \\ Leggings: Agnes and Dora \\ Boots: Forever Young
Bracelet: c/o Blue Nile \\ Necklace: Boehme
There it is! All wrapped up and ready for one lucky winner.
And if you want to take a look around Blue Nile for more timeless jewelry, they are offering a special 10% discount to my readers. And just in time to save some money on your last minute holiday shopping! Just use the code BNHH10 during the checkout process!
And if you want to take a look around Blue Nile for more timeless jewelry, they are offering a special 10% discount to my readers. And just in time to save some money on your last minute holiday shopping! Just use the code BNHH10 during the checkout process!
The giveaway will be open until December 21st and is open to international followers.
Linked with: Watch Out for the Woestmans | Funday Monday |
Agnes and Dora
12.13.2013 • Leggings, Shopping

Okay. Let's talk LEGGINGS. And by talk leggings I don't mean get into the whole "are leggings pants?!" debate - because that doesn't interest me. But let us talk about my spandex and leggings obsession. That is right. I said obsession. I wear them when I work out, I wear them when I lounge, I wear them when I hang out with my friends, and I even wear them on date nights. It isn't a matter of them not being pants or whatever - it is a matter of proper styling. And boy, oh boy have I got a styling opportunity for you. An opportunity for you to get a pair of the most COMFORTABLE LEGGINGS known to man kind, I am talking heaven on your legs, at a killer deal! Tonight I am hosting an Agnes and Dora party. Nothing over $20! Agnes and Dora takes cash or card & it only takes a few minutes to make a purchase. At the party I attended I was in and out in about 10 minutes.
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My floral Agnes and Dora leggings. I am seriously obsessed. I also have a black and white pair with reindeer. And tonight I plan to get a cheetah pair! |
Pricing: Adult leggings: $18 or 2 for $32 \\ Fleece lined leggings: $15 or 2 for $28 \\ Kids leggings: $16 or 2 for $30.
But get this!? As a Christmas treat, Agnes and Dora is hosting an EXTRA special deal for my party. Buy 3 pairs of leggings and get 1 pair free. Now, if that isn't a deal, I don't know what it!
I went to an Agnes and Dora party about a month ago, and I am obsessed with my leggings. They aren't see-through, which is super rare in leggings these days. They are soft, soft, SOFT! They come in all sorts of patterns and colors. I got two pairs when I went, but I wish I would have gotten more. They are that great! Take a look online to see some of the leggings they have to offer, and if you see anything you MIGHT like, come over tonight! Because the website only shows 15% of their inventory. Agnes and Dora work mainly through leggings parties. They also have harem pants, which I am just loving lately.
Let me know if you have ANY questions, I would be happy to answer. I hope to see you at my place TONIGHT from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM for some leggings and some socializing. You are free to park on the road or in any uncovered parking spots. Bring your friends, your neighbors, your mom, you cousin, your roommates.. I mean, really bring anyone! And pass this along, because the more the merrier. It is bound to be a ball!
Today is Brooklyn from A Little Too Jolley!
She is the happiest girl you will ever meet.
And I am happy to have her here today.
One of the hardest things about fashion for me is my body type. I'm 5 foot zero inches and have a wild hour glass figure. As grateful as I am for my curves, it's hard to find shirts that flatter my figure but will button all the way to the top. And my big booty makes it hard to find jeans that fit appropriately. In my fashion trials, I've learned to NEVER settle. If I don't absolutely love the way something fits at the store, I don't get it. And I try to find tops that tuck in at my waist, the tiniest part on my body. Once I decided it was okay to not be a stick thin size zero, I started finding clothes that flattered me!

Fashion is for everyone! Fashion is about dressing the way you want and in a way that makes you feel good about yourself. I am a full time cosmetology student which means I have to wear all black every day, which is boring. So I dress up my all black with a leopard scarf or a colorful necklace and some heels, it makes the dress code my own.
I get inspiration everywhere, other fashion bloggers, magazine, Pinterest and sometimes my husband! I am all for finding great deals through thrifiting, and I also don't hesitate to pay full price for an item if I know it will get tons of use. You don't have to have a specific body type to dress cute, everyone can. Have confidence in yourself! Generally speaking, people are too worried about themself to ever worry about what you're wearing and doing.
WE'VE Built
12.11.2013 • Ad, Fashion, Sponsor, Style
This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and WE’VE Built but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #GiftaStory http://cmp.ly/3/8vNxcO
My favorite part about Christmas shopping is finding new shops. But not just shops. Shops that have a purpose beyond commercial-ism and making money. It seems like lately those sorts of shops are showing up all over... and I am LOVING it. Shops that incorporate sustainability, technology, storytelling, and design among all their other wonderful attributes. Recently I was introduced to a store that does just that. It includes all of those things into one philosophy of simplicity and collaboration.
WE'VE is a community for connecting diverse, highly-skilled people together, where beautiful relationships and objects emerge. They view sustainability from several lenses: ecological, economic, social, personal, communal, and cultural. These perspectives ensure that their decisions in one area have positive ripples elsewhere - from the materials their artisans use, to the impact they have in their communities. WE'VE creates value by honoring values.
They have everything from scarfs and handbags to stuffed animals and iPad cases. All of the products are handmade by Artisans from around the world. They are the "crafters of beautiful products". They come from far, far away or as close as your back yard. And they all joined together to make beautiful products with a beautiful purpose. A WE'VE purchase helps sustain artisans' craftsmanship and jobs, as well as their families, communities, and children's education.
Jacket: Forever 21 \\ Top: Forever 21 \\ Skirt: Nordstrom \\ Boots: TJ Maxx
This is something I love. Communities supporting community. People supporting people. Looking for good things and looking to keep it close. Why don't we all spend more time building up the community we have been blessed with? This year, rather than going out, take time to support local shops. Take time to support shops with a greater cause. Check out the WE’VE Built website, get to know the artisans and buy a gift this holiday season. There are a lot of great shops with a solid foundation to what they support. Are there any shops with a greater cause you like? What shops have you seen that honor values and create value?
Christmas Cash Giveaway
12.10.2013 • Christmas, Giveaway
I know your secret: You're not even close to getting your Christmas shopping done.
In fact, you haven't even started yet. Right?
Well, today I am teaming up with 14 amazing bloggers to help you kick start your Christmas shopping with a sweet Christmas Cash GIVEAWAY! That's right, one lucky winner will win a $255 Visa Gift Card to put towards your gift hunt--or anything your heart desires, really!
Enter using the Rafflecopter below and don't forget to check out these lovely ladies' blogs! You might even come across an item or two on their blog that will inspire a present!
Bella | Blushing Boulevard | Love, The Skinnys | Unpredictable & Chic | Jody Beth
Good luck and Happy Holidays!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Good luck and Happy Holidays!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Kleenex Saves The Day
This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Kleenex but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #KleenexTarget http://cmp.ly/3/8vNxcO
This is a text conversation between Adam and me the other day... I should've listened. That's right. I got sick. It could've been the 6 inches of snow. Or it could be the fact we don't own snow boots (that is going to be remedied really quickly) and we went sledding behind 4-wheelers on our family group date over the weekend at like 11 pm. Either way. It happened. That sore throat. Feeling sleepy. Don't wanna go to work. Lots of nose blowing. It happened. And the first thing I realized when I got sick? We don't have ANY Kleenex at our house. So our family home evening was spent outside of the home buying some tissues.
But that doesn't answer why we had no Kleenex at our house before... so I got to thinking, where the heck was all the tissue during allergy season? I know I blew my nose at least 50 times a day then. And then I remembered. I stopped buying Kleenex because Adam always just uses toilet paper to blow his nose. And that is no good for two reasons. First. We have to buy toilet paper in mass quantities, which is embarrassing. Second. Toilet paper in no way compares to the quality of a good Kleenex. So we went out and bought a four pack - because there is a $1 off coupon for 4 packs or larger - only click that link when you are ready to print because there is a 2 click limit per IP address. And I have officially converted Adam to all of the goodness that is a Kleenex tissue on your nose.
Alright. So I went with the holiday 4 pack. Because let's face it, my house is Christmas-timed from front door to the bathroom to the bedroom. And these cute packages fit in perfectly around the house. So that is how we are fighting the cough, cold, and flu season at our house. By putting up tissue boxes in every nook and cranny. That way we can relax in comfort without having to run to the bathroom to blow our noses.
See what I mean? Kleenex box in our laps. Football on the TV. Cuddled up under the blanket for full on comfort.
So what can we learn from this post? We can learn that when your husband says to get your flu shot you do it. Otherwise you will get sick. We can also learn that you should go out and buy some Kleenex because the quality trumps even the coziest of toilet paper when blowing your nose. And we can also learn that you should go out and buy some Kleenex now with the awesome Target coupon. And I would recommend the holiday packs because let's face it, they are adorable. So if you get sick. Curl up. Get some Kleenex. Find someone to cuddle you. Eat some soup. And next year, get a flu shot.
I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for Collective Bias and its advertiser. #HappyAllTheWay, #shop, #cbias
These are the gifts I delivered around to my girlfriends.
The gift looks classic and fun, yet the steps are SO simple. Just head to Walgreens and find a Walgreens holiday gift guide. Look though the Holiday Gift Guides to see which of your most favorite products are being featured. Make sure you pick up some bags, ribbon, and shred too!
There are two options for gift bags like these. You can get everyone the exact same or you can grab a variety of things to mix and match. I am a fan of the mix and match as you will see below. Once you have all your items, head to cash register. Purchase your items. Don't forget to take advantage of the coupons in the Walgreens holiday catalog. And then you can head home to put together your bags!
My favorite way to put together a grab bag is using a brown paper bag and some twine. I have a Kraft paper obsession, so a brown paper bag hits the spot! First things first, I have to sort out all my items to pick who gets what. That makes it easier to make sure someone doesn't get less than everyone else. Then, the easiest way to fill the bag is to put down a piece of tissue paper, put the products inside, gather the four corners and place in the bag. Once it is in the bag you can hole punch, put some twine, add a tag, and you are ready to go!
These are the gifts I used for a grab bag at a party.
And that is what I like to call a Walgreens holiday solutions. Even with the last minute rush you can create a beautiful gift for your friends. I was able to put together a Christmas gift to take around in cellophane and a brown paper grab bag for a party I hosted in a matter of hours with the Walgreens holiday gift guide. What are your plans for last minute shopping? Do you have any creative gifts you love to give?
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