Shirleys and Pizza


Finals ended last week. Which means Adam has a lot more time at home. Right now all that is going on in his world is baseball. This morning he told me, "I love not having school because when I'm not at baseball I just get to focus on you, you, you!" Since school has ended Adam has done so many things for me. Cleaned the house, gotten the groceries, taken me to lunch, cooked multiple dinners, and taken time to watch my shows with me. Last weekend he made a really yummy dinner for us. Really simple and really yummy combining his favorite of pizza and my favorite of Shirleys. I asked what I could do to help and he said, "It is really easy... so you can just sit on the couch." So instead I got up and took photos.
When he put the pizza in the oven I asked how long we needed to leave it in. His response? "I don't know! I'm making this up!" I would tell you the recipe... but since we made it up I don't even know what we turned the oven to. Oops! While it was cooking we relaxed and made Shirleys.

On our honeymoon all I wanted was Shirley Temples. But we didn't buy a soda card so I didn't get any the whole time. Finally, on the last night of the cruise I decided to order one at dinner. It was heavenly. And Adam remembered and when he came home with dinner materials he also had all the things you needed for a real, honest to goodness Shirley. And it was much better than the one on the cruise. Oh, and the pizza was so good! Adam should make up recipes more often. I think next time we will jazz it up a little more, you know, take it to the next level? Have any suggestions for our french bread pizza experiments? Or do you have any other easy recipes for us?


A Salt Lake Weekend


How was your weekend? I spent mine watching Nashville, Pretty in Pink, and 90210. Plus a little work and a lot of sleep. Oh. And of course. Baseball. The Cougars avoided the sweep with a win on Saturday with the help of this guy.

That is right. Adam was the winning pitcher! He threw more than he ever has for a single game. 147 pitches and eight and two thirds innings. Coach hoped to leave him in the entire game, but his pitch count was way too high for that. You can read all about the game here. I was planning on being there, but work made me miss and I am so sad. But... also, I am usually bad luck, so it is probably a good thing I missed.

And while I hung out in the good ol' Utah without Adam this weekend I reminsed on the weekend before. Adam is such a gem. Since he didn't have games the weekend before he planned a fun stay-cation for us. A day and night up in SLC. We went to the temple so I could attend my very first live session. Went to the Bees game. Enjoyed the cheesecake factory. And stayed in the Downtown Marriott. It was so great.
The Bees game was a total blow out. The first inning the opposing team scored 5 runs. And the second inning the opposing team scored back to back to back home runs. It was fun to be there with Adam though. Eating nachos and enjoying some sun flower seeds. Another baseball game bonus. New shoes. I forgot to pack flats in our hurry out the door. We wore our church clothes on the drive to SLC so we could go straight to the temple. After our time there we went to change at the hotel and I noticed I had no other shoes... so Adam pick out these beauties for me.
And of course, after the game we headed to Cheesecake factory to split a salad and a treat. We hadn't been there since our wedding... and that weekend we ate there twice! The people at the table over kept asking us all sorts of questions. "What are you eating? What is in it? Do you like it? What kind of camera is that?" It was so fun just being out on a fun weekend with my guy. The next day we drove to Morgan Flinder's farewell in PG to wish him luck on his mission with the entire baseball team. The bond those guys have is one of a kind, and I am lucky to be a part of it standing next to my husband. All and all it was a great weekend, and one that I will hold near and dear until baseball season slows down and I get more time with Adam. A lot of people ask me if it is hard being married to an athlete, and I won't lie... I miss Adam when he is away, but I am SO proud of what he is doing. He works hard and I support him. Most of all, I knew what I was signing up for. So of course I miss him, but I am not sad or mad that he is away. I want him to succeed. I want him to excel. And most of all, I want him to know that I love and support him. So is being married to an athlete hard? No. We talk, we laugh, and we don't take the time we do have together for granted. Being married to an athlete is an adventure. And I love adventure.. and even more than that, I love Adam. 


PS. Don't forget to enter the DPD giveaway!

DPD || Giveaway


Well you did it. WE did it. It is Friday and we have made it through another week. Anyone have fun weekend plans? I know I don't. You were expecting me to say do, huh? Fooled ya. My weekend will be spent cleaning and waiting for the return of Skinny. Just when I was getting used to him being home again, baseball snatched him from right under my nose!

But in the meantime. I want to tell you about this awesome site I have absolutely fallen in love with - Daily Product Deals. DPD is built on a find it, make it, ship it, love it model. Want to see a few examples of the items they carry from week to week? Your wish is my command!
Here is what the people at DPD have to say. "FIND IT. We feel so lucky, because at DPD we get to combine our love for amazing products with our passion for smoking hot deals! MAKE IT. When we find a product that has the perfect awesome/value ratio, we hire some of the world’s top factories; the same guys that make your favorite brand-name stuff; to make those same great products, special for DPD! SHIP IT. We don’t use a 3rd party to ship our stuff; we do it ourselves. When you buy a product from DPD, it was made by us, sold by us, and shipped by us. That way, if you ever have a problem, it will also be fixed by us.
My DPD watch in white and rose gold.
LOVE IT. This part of the story is probably our favorite, because this is when you receive hat you ordered and fall in love right away! At least we always hope that happens. We really take your satisfaction seriously at DPD."

Fun, right? And let me tell you something else. When I received my first DPD item. I LOVED it. I got the watches pictured on the right in white and black. And I have been wearing the white one non stop since I received it. It is the perfect summer item. I mostly love it because it is different than any watch I have ever purchased. All of mine are the traditional gold or silver link watched. This watch adds some fun flair to my outfits. And the white with rose gold accents make a killer combination. But that is just my item, it doesn't even tap into what DPD has to offer. Every week they offer a new item at a reasonable price. And they offer it in a ton of different colors so you can always find something you love in a color you have been SEARCHING for. And they always have regular and mini bubble necklaces for sale in addition to "this week's deal". Now guess what? DPD is letting me give away an item to one of you!

So enter now to win your own watch! DPD items go fast, so keep your eyes on the store and watch for some amazing deals to add some funk to your summer style. What items would you want to see DPD carry?




The other day I got this in my email.
Which means one of two things. 1. Can you believe how old you are? OR 2. We can't believe you didn't order the photos we took of you at graduation. I'm gonna go with two. Clearly they are still trying to sell them to me. Well, I have my own people! I might not be shaking the Dean's hand, but I have got some!
But seriously. Can you believe I have been out of college for two years? What the heck is this? When did I grow up? My original thoughts would be, "Deidre, you aren't grown up... you are not fooling anyone." And then my grown up brain would say, "Deidre. You are 24 and work full time. You pay your own bills and are currently the sugar mama at your house. You are a grown up. Adult looks good on you!" I am a grown up in actions and a child at heart. That will never change. It seems like yesterday I was wearing goggles and old dance costumes for dress up. Well, that actually might have been yesterday. Either way. It has been two years since I graduated with my bachelors degree from the Marriott School of Management at BYU. And what a wild ride it has been since then. Besides that email, graduation is on the brain because our hotel is at full capacity for the rest of the week. Sell out upon sell out for families rolling into town. Which brings me to my next point! If you need to find a place to have your graduation dinner, come to Slate at the Provo Marriott! They are one of the few restaurants in town that take reservations. And they have put together an awesome buffet for graduation. Plus, it doesn't hurt that they are one of the higher ranked restaurants for food quality in the company. Let me know if you have any questions.
Congratulations to all those graduating from my alma mater this weekend. Welcome to the alumni club! And also congrats to all those not graduation from my alma mater. Graduation from college is a big deal! Now let's celebrate!


Travel Tips || Pin Your Style Contest


It's time for another pin your style contest - but this time is all about travel.

I like to think of myself as a world traveler. Growing up I was lucky to come from a family that loved to go on trips and vacations to anywhere and everywhere. But traveling by yourself is a lot different than traveling with family. And learning how to pack and be efficient when flying is tricky. Over the last couple years I have learned a few tricks to make flying that much easier. And so today. I want to share my travel tips with you!

24 Hours Before Flight
Every airline has early check in available. USE that resource. If you have access to the internet you can check in early. I am a big fan of checking in right away and then printing by boarding pass from my home printer, sometimes if I know I will have time I will use the kiosk to print my boarding pass.

What to Wear When Flying
This is more girl specific than anything. But my advice? BE comfortable. Who knows what layovers you might have, what flights might get cancelled, or what other plans might get changed. And are you really going to be sitting there wishing you were in your skinny jeans and leopard pumps? Nope. You are going to be wishing for some sweats and flip flops. And comfortable can still be fashionable. Throw in some of the current trends through patterns and colors and you will fit in with the best fashionistas.
This is my typical travel outfit.
  • Shoes | TOMS {Nordstrom}: Something easy to slip off; all airports require you to take off your shoes and put them through the machine with your carry ons
  • Pants | Target: I am a big spandex fan.... but that is just me
  • Shirt | Cotton On {similar}: I always wear something loose so I am not constantly tugging and pulling to make sure it looks good
  • Scarf: | Soel Boutique {similar} A lot of people don't like travel accesories but a big scarf is a triple threat for my travel plans, first, it looks good, second, it can be bunched to be a head rest, and third, it can be a little extra warmth when the plane temperature drops in the air.
  • Hair: Always throw a hairband on your wrist and wear your hair down until you get through security. If you wear it up your hair will be searched. And that is NOT a joke.
I am big on carrying everything on. I usually pack two bags. Sometimes I will have my camera bag for a third, but I just make sure it will fit with bag one under the seat in front of me. Always make sure ONE if a roller. Those bags can get heavy after a little. And if you can place a shoulder bag on top of the roller it makes walking around the airport easier.
  • Bag one: This bag goes below my seat with a water bottle, my computer, my phone, both chargers, a book, and anything else that might entertain me in between flights or while in the air. Usually it is just my Prima Miche bag packed full with the items listed previously and my regular purse items. Then once I get to wherever I am staying I empty out the extras to the table/dresser. You can travel light and chic with an Envy TouchSmart Ultrabook.
  • Bag two: This is my clothes, toiletries, shoes, and anything else I will need during the week. For a three day trip I will usually pack two pairs of shoes, two bottoms, one dress/skirt, 4 shirts, and 4 pairs  of underwear.Then my miniature hair dryer, one curling iron, travel size face wash, toothpaste lotion, deodorant, and hair spray, an Intuition razor (I use Intuition because the shaving lotion is attached to the razor, making one less thing to pack), and minimal makeup. 
    • Rolling clothes makes things a lot easier. I put bottoms in first, then shirts, underwear in the top zipper (or fit in around other things), and then I line the side with my shoes.
    • I always buy my travel size things from Target (Target has a ton of travel stuff in a dollar isle) and Sally's Beauty supply . Make sure you have one ziplock bag to put all the liquid travel items in and when packing place it on the TOP of everything else you packed so it is easy to pull out while going through security.
    • For bag two I always put all things clothes, shoes, and accessories on one half and everything makeup and toiletries on the other half.

Those are generally the two bags I pack. For bag two I use my polka dot Roxy bag because if I do end up needing to check it, it sticks out. I don't have to wonder, "Is that my black rolling suitcase?" So if you are buying new luggage look into something different or if you can tape something on the handle of your generic suitcase, that might help. Also, sometimes there is an option to put your luggage under
A few more travel outfit ideas.
the plane at the gate with a special (for Delta it is pink) tag. I suggest always doing that. It is one less thing to carry through the already cramped airplane and it will for sure be waiting for you at the gate when you get off the plane.

Remember that Ultrabook? Well you have a chance to win your own! The HP Envy 4 Touchsmart Ultrabook™ by HP + Intel + Project Runway Pin Your Style Contest. Want to participate? Pin a photo of the HP Envy 4 Touchsmart Ultrabook™ via the Pin It button on the Pin Your Style contest page. Then, build a board that represents that week's theme. Check out the weekly Pinsetter images on the site for inspiration. Submit your board's URL into the site to enter. Then, share your board with friends to earn the most votes! Win prizes like an HP Envy 4 Touchsmart Ultrabook™ and a gift card to bring your style to life by getting the top votes for your board.

While Flying
Always say thank you to your stewardess and always be polite to the people around you on the plane. Do not constantly bump the chair in front of you and don't keep pushing back so you chair hits the person behind you. And enjoy your flight. I recommend the pretzels!

Dont forget to Vote in the contest between April 29 - May 12 by viewing the Pinterest board submissions on the Pin Your Style contest page and vote for their favorites based on the theme.


I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective, and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

One More Chance, Boots


This weekend was one of the good ones. Minus, of course, the windy weather and temperature drop. It was the first weekend since February that I had Adam all to myself. So we spend Friday night just relaxing and watching shows. Adam made dinner, we had Shirleys, and we just enjoyed each others company without school or baseball. I even got to come home from work a little early since I was going back Saturday morning to run through a few of the events for that day. Saturday Adam and I went on a little staycation to SLC, but more on that later. I am excited to tell you all about it, but it has earned it's own post! The colder weather wasn't all bad. At least I got a chance to pull my boots out one more time.
Boots: Payless || Leggings: Target || Top: Old Navy || Sweater: Target

A simple outfit for a simply windy day. And even with the cold making one more appearance, hopefully it's last, you can see the beautiful spring blossoms coming in! Flowers are showing their true colors, the blossoms are finally opening up, and the green is starting to pick through all the winter greys. The boots were great for one last go, but I am looking forward to sunshine and watching a baseball game without a blanket!


Self Promotion and Roundtables


Awhile ago I took the liberty of doing a little self promotion... and it paid off a little more than expected.  Miss Bonnie emailed me a few weeks ago to request my presence and knowledge (if you can even call it that) at the next Grow Your Blog Round table event. Flattered. Seriously.

And so, I present to you from...

I've been doing Bon's design for a little while. And all this text now comes from her..

"My girl, Deidre, who is always helping me with design questions, is going to show us the basics of making our blogs beautiful.  Design, headers, editing pictures, everything you want to know but don't know where to go to ask.  It will still be a "roundtable" format, but may be a bit different as Deidre will have the stage to show us how to do all that tricky html and design stuff.

If you are in the Provo area (or anywhere close) come join in!  Bloggers of all degrees/levels/commitments are welcome - the last two months we have had a range and it made for such insightful conversation.  I know it is scary to show up at a blogging thing all by yourself to meet random girls you have only seen online.  But I promise within minutes we're all friends and laughing away.  You won't regret it.   I would have killed for something like this in my first months of blogging.  Even now, it is a very valuable resource to me.  Also, I know this title may sound somewhat threatening.  Basically we're just trying to figure out the 101 on how to make our blog sexy.

Interested? Jump on board already! $10 reserves your seat.  Email Bonnie at asap because spots be flying like flipping pancakes.  I so want to meet you!"

But I can't wait to meet you either. And give you a little Blog Design 101. Looking forward to meeting you all. And trying to provide you with the random knowledge I have stored in my brain. Hopefully it becomes a good tutorial rather than a scattered mess of crapola. What would you love to learn about design? 




Summer Must Haves


With summer rolling in (please let it stop snowing here!) and warm weather attached at it's hip I have been thinking of my summer wishlist. What does this working girl need? This year it isn't the traditional swimsuit, beach towel, and sandals. Getting a tan and going to the beach is going to be a lot more difficult now that I work full time. And getting work off is going to be more difficult now that I have a job that ... for lack of a better description... has some real responsibility tied to it. So what do I need? Let me show you!

1 \\ Sunglasses.  These are my most wanted and needed summer item. Because they will be used so frequently - and I cant rarely seem to find a good pair that doesn't break after one week. And not just any sunglasses - Ray Bans. Because I have always wanted a pair of good sunglasses that make me feel like one of the cool kids. I love the Ray Ban Wayfarers. The sunglasses come in so many different colors, but  the Original Wayfarer Patchwork Sunglasses in Blue are my definite favorite!    The royal blue color is perfect for my style and common color scheme. And they are a pair of glasses I know will last far beyond just this summer. Quality over quantity, right? Then for the times I get out to play, grill, and watch baseball, I don't have to worry about my eyes burning up! You can check out all the colors and options over at Red Hot Sunglasses

2 \\ Self tanner. I don't have the daylight to go play outside on the weekdays anymore. Most of my days are spent inside. And I am not a huge fan of tanning beds because they are dangerous. So self tanner it is. I am trying out a few different ones, I will let you know my favorite!

3 \\ Summer feel tote. I have purses. Almost all of mine are some sort of nuteral. Black, brown, tan, grey... Because I hate changing bags normally. But getting a fun tote with summer colors and summer feel is an easy way to bring the season with your anywhere.

4 \\ Sandal wedgies. I can't get a new pair of bedazzled flip flops, that won't fly in the office. But I can get some cute sandal wedgies to bring all that summer feel to the office. Right now there are tons of fun colors and styles in wedged sandals.

Those are the basics for my working girl summer. Sunglasses, a tan (as fake as can be), and a bag and cute wedges. But I am still eyeing a few swimsuits for any opportunity I have to go to the pool. More to come on that later! What are your summer must haves?


[CLOSED] Prints for the Home || Giveaway


This is where TWO good things come together to make one even more awesome thing. I have been reading He & I forever. This little family is the most adorable. Like seriously, too cute. And I have loved learning all all about Lex... here is a summary of her: a mom, a wife, and an aspiring designer. Lover of chocolate covered cinnamon bears, lazy Saturday mornings, and the color yellow. Sounds like a fun person, yeah? And I always obsess over the prints that Lex hangs in their apartment. And try to imitate them with my limited Photoshop skills... needless to say that it doesn't work out. So now they have joined as Alexa keeps blogging and is as stunning as ever, she is now introducing her design shop! Alexa Z Design - Happy Prints for Happy People. And looking through her shop does just that, makes me happy! Well today I get to give away THREE prints.
And not three prints for one person. Three lucky people will win a digital print of their choice to download instantly from the shop. If I were to win all three I would pick the patterned USA map, the floral &, and this nice print...

a Rafflecopter giveaway
So don't delay! Check out her shop and enter for the cutest little prints you ever did see. And don't forget to stop by He & I and send Miss Lex some love.


Hunters of Happiness || Guest Post


Hi Love, the Skinnys readers, I'm Elise! I'm the girl behind the blog Hunters of Happiness

I'm excited to be here and tell you a little bit about myself. 

So, I'm Elise and this is my new husband Scott. 
Together we're the Hunter family!

Hunters of Happiness is all about our journey to find happiness in the everyday. 
So far I am the sole author of our blog and so you'll hear about all those things I love!
Mainly, fashion, food, family and faith.

 I LOVE blogging! It's super fun. I love getting creative with outfits, sharing a hilarious story, making something new in the kitchen or journaling our various adventures.

Well, I hope you'll stop by and see what our hunt for happiness is all about :) 

Gambler By Trade


Utah needs a lottery... I know what you are thinking. I am I am not a gambler by trade. But sometimes it is just too exciting to not participate. A few pulls at the butterfly slot machine, place $10 on red, buy a ticket or two... it might sound like I have a problem. But I really don't. I remember talking to my Idaho friend when she turned 18. She was so excited to go purchase her first lotto ticket. She said to me, "I went to like FOUR gas stations and they all said I couldn't get one. So eventually I just got mad and said 'YES, I CAN! I AM 18 NOW!" Minor detail. She was in Utah. And she wasn't aware it wasn't an option. And why am I talking about gambling and the lottery? Because one year ago I had my heart set on splitting a 640 million dollar lottery winning with some women from work. Read about it here.
So we all remember when the lottery was up to $640 MILLION... well I want to take a few moments to honor that incredible lottery amount and my chance at half a million. Actually my chance at half a million, split 6 ways because I went into a pool at work. We all felt really good about our chances of winning... but alas... we did not. And all we have now is 6 non-winning lottery tickets. Cute. But let me tell you the story of the day I planned on quitting my job once I called in my winning lotto ticket.

There is a lady at my work that was convinced she would win, and her confidence helped my confidence... and our confidence helped four other ladies confidence. Our only problem? The fact that Utah doesn't believe in having a lottery because gambling is against the law here. Well luck just had it that I was heading up to Idaho the day of the drawing. Tickets are only $1 each. So each lady gave me $10 and sent me on my way to the big city! And when I say big city... I mean Idaho Falls, Idaho, just so your imagination doesn't run too wild. Driving into town I passed Malad, the first town over the border, and the line at the gas station to buy lottery tickets was AN HOUR LONG! What the!? This isn't the Peter Pan ride at Disneyland people... but then again, $640 million could buy you a house and season tickets to Disneyland for life, so maybe waiting an hour for lotto tickets was a good idea. Anyway, I decided to wait until Idaho Falls for my tickets. On my way to the prelims of Miss Idaho's Outstanding Teen I stopped at a gas station, jumped out of the car in my cocktail dress, ran inside, got in the lotto line, and when I got up to the counter I said, "I need $60 worth of tickets!" And the man next to me said, "60?!?" To which I hurried out my story, "Yeah... I live in Utah... no lottery.... everyone at my work wants to win... they sent me with money... I am in Idaho!" He looked confused, but I know I made sense. Anyway, the machine spit out a bunch of random numbers, I had 60 lotto tickets in my hand, and I ran back to the car.

Me holding the 60 lottery tickets so I could send proof to my co-workers...
they wanted to make sure I didn't run away with all their dollars!
Come on people. Where is the trust there days!?

So there I am... Happy as a clam for those few hours with 60 possible winning tickets! After a night of watching pageants, I received a text message with the winning numbers from my co-worker. I scrambled through out tickets. Not a winner in sight. It was a good go though. And plus, my chances with a ticket were higher than my chances without a ticket!


Find the original post here.

Keep Your Faith.


With everything going on in the world these last 24 hours it is important to remember this...
A friend shared that with me in 2011 as I was going through a hard time. I am so grateful she did, because it was a turning point for me. My faith can be so much stronger than my fears. My faith can carry me through a lot of trials. And at the end of the day, when everything else is gone, all I have is my faith. To look to a brighter day and a better tomorrow. So show love to your neighbor, support your family, make friends, and keep your faith. Because that will be enough to keep you moving to tomorrow.

I have faith that Charice will be found. I have faith that Boston feels our prayers. I have faith that good things come in times of darkness. I have faith that there will always be the helpers. I have faith that tomorrow will be better. I have faith that we can grow strong together. I have faith in the happy moments. I have faith in my friends and family. I have faith in my supportive neighbors. I have faith in a strong community. What do you have faith in?






66 years ago the number 42 made its mark in the MLB. Not just because of some incredible talent, but because the first black man to ever play in the MLB stepped out to play his first major league game. Jackie Robinson, an American legend. Determination and courage.Honored still now, today is Jackie Robinson Day. Today the number 42 will be worn by hundreds of men in the majors. To show love and appreciate to a man who paved the way for so many in what used to be a "white man's" game. 
This weekend Adam and I went to the movie 42 with the Dennis and Kinser families. It was incredible. And inspiring. And even if you don't know baseball, I would recommend it to you. My friend Annette said it best, "I will NEVER understand the thought process of some people and society's acceptance of cruelty." There are so many moments in the movie that showed that. When his own teammates tried to break him, when time and time again pitchers aimed for the head rather than the strike zone, and especially when a young boy sees his father's hate towards Jackie and follows him in yelling words that were not okay. But at the end of it all, there was a  message of courage and strength. To see a man move his way up through a game when so many hated him and tried to tear him down. To watch not just a baseball player, but a family man, striving to be his best. It motivates me to be a better person, to work harder, and to support my husband even more. 

Jackie's wife is an inspiration for me now. If she could make it through all that, watching her husband be targeted, raising a child less than a year into their marriage, traveling around, missing her husband... all while going through the trails of segregation, I can be a support to my husband in the same capacity. Our lives aren't even half as hard as the Robinson's, and because of that I know I can do it. I will continue to support my husband, I will look for the good in our adventures, I will be there for Adam when he needs me and when he doesn't  and most of all, I will remember how blessed we already are. I am looking forward to this next year with full faith and support, I cannot wait! We all find inspiration in our own ways. Who do you look up to? Where do you find your inspiration?


Workday - Out to Play || Pin Your Style Contest


When you think of woman in the workplace, what do you think of? Not a boring business suit with a pager. You think of women who are sleek, fashionable, high tech, and they appear to be living high, because let's be honest... they are in control. They are powerful woman with a touch of luxury, if you will. It wouldn't be a surprise to see a woman wearing something like this these days.
And it is something we all try to emulate in the work field. Fashion forward and confident. And now you can pin your looks and enter to win an HP notebook with the "Pin My Style" contest.

Working a full time job with always changing hours can keep a girl busy. Especially lately. And my car has become a full time closet. Most days I am lugging around an extra bag with my "after work" clothes for a baseball game, a bridal shower, a date with the husband, dinner with a friend.... or anything else you can think of! I have finally started wearing one basic item that can translate to work and play. Then making it a little luxurious with my bags, jewelry, and other accessories.

Take a basic top and a stylish shoe. Pair them with a simple black pencil skirt and statement jewelry for work. Pair them with some leggings, fringe, color, dangling earrings, and sass for night! One outfit switched out for another in less than 10 minutes.

Take a flowy lace dress and make it go both ways. Wear a black blazer, black pumps, and black and gold jewelry and you are business ready. Switch out the black for accessories galore in gold, nude, and cream for a fun date night. Quick and easy, light and breezy. And that is how it is done!

So don't forget to add your touch of luxury, pin your style, and enter to win your own HP notebook! Here are the rules one more time for you:

Spectre XT Touchsmart Ultrabook™ The HP + Intel + Project Runway Pin Your Style Contest
Want to participate? Pin a photo of the HP Spectre XT Touchsmart Ultrabook™ via the Pin It button on the Pin Your Style contest page. Then, build a board that represents that week's theme. Check out the weekly Pinsetter images on the site for inspiration.
Submit your board's URL into the site to enter. Then, share your board with friends to earn the most votes!
Win prizes like an HP Spectre XT Touchsmart Ultrabook™ and a gift card to bring your style to life by getting the top votes for your board.
Happy fashioning and good luck pinning!

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective, and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

Believing in Something || Guest Post


Hey there! I'm Sharlee and my blog, Believing in Something, takes up a little space on the internet. Thanks to The Skinnys for Sharing their little space with me.

On my blog I recently participated in a Never Have I Ever link up. It was fun and made me think about all of the things that I'd never done. It also made me think of all the things that I always said I'd never do, but ended up doing anyway. Anyone else? I have learned: never say never. Marriage was probably the fastest teacher. Here are a few things that marriage taught me that I should never have "nevered" (say that three times fast!)
I will never: Kiss or be that affectionate in a public place...EVER!

Now: There are times when I am with Zach (that would be my husband of three point five years) in public and I can't stop staring at him...I'll kiss him multiple times...and I've been known to smack his bottom. Have I full-fledged made out with him where people could see? Um, I hope not? And that's enough for me to know I never should have said never.
I will never: Want to spend all my time with my significant other. Hello, I have a life of my own!
Now: Time with Zach trumps anything you can try to persuade me with. It's the best. I didn't know how good marriage was. I just didn't have a clue.
I will never: Cuddle. I'll need my space. I move too much. In fact, I'm not sure I can even share a bed with someone else (I used to have true anxiety about this...I loved the middle of my bed and I took up an entire queen-sized bed to myself when I was single.)
best place ever

Now: I loop myself around Zach like kudzu (Southern reference there!!!) I've got an arm tucked here, one leg wrapped around while the other is tucked under that leg, I'm holding this hand, and resting my head on his shoulder. Complete and total cuddler, that's me.
I will never: Make inappropriate jokes or comments. Inappropriate thoughts will never escape my mouth. I will not sacrifice class for my marriage.

Note: This picture is not of me and my husband but of me and my brother. Yes, it's a bit awkward for a marriage post. But if you were to look up the word "Inappropriate" in the dictionary, you would see a picture of my brother. So it's what I had to go with to match the message of the post. Proceed.
Now: It's safe to say Zach has seen me about as class-less as it comes at times. I make totally inappropriate remarks that sometimes I still can't believe escape my mouth (it's my brother's fault) and sometimes I'll even cover my mouth after I've said it, but it's too late. The words have escaped. The secret's out. I'm not an angel. I'm not always ladylike. Zach usually just laughs, but sometimes he, too, is shocked a bit and it takes him a minute to register, "Wait? Did my wife...Did Sharlee just say that?
family 2013

Clearly, I really like taking pictures in my yellow cardigan. That thing has definitely worn out it's welcome on my blog and now here on this one!
**I've got some more "nevers" on my blog today, I'd love it if you'd stop by and tell me what you used to "never."

"Stupid is as stupid does."


Let's be honest. I have done a lot of stupid things in my life. Some that I will gladly admit. And some... not so much. But I wouldn't have much to say if I wasn't willing to share the stupid things that I have done. But basically... the stupid things I am going to share are things that I am actually really okay with. Because everyone else might look at me and think, "What a dummy!" But I look at me and think, "What a great memory!" So, here you go. My top ten stupid moments that were only stupid to anyone on the outside.

10. Going to a formal dance dressed like this. All items were found at a thrift store, a costume box, or used for a Halloween party. We felt cool. But the "what the heck!?" looks were never ending.

9. Spending months... no, no.... years perfecting my dinosaur. There is a video of my raptor impression somewhere. I will find it for you if you so desire.

8. Posing like this. 

 7. Putting chocolate over our teeth to make it look like we were missing them... and then taking photos.... and then putting them on Facebook.

6. Dressing like pirates for the Pirates of the Caribbean movie premiere.... three months after the movie had actually come out.

5. Drawing on myself with markers like a child. Then convincing my roommate to do the same thing because it was funny. And obviously, biggest mistake, not learning how to draw a proper mermaid.

4. Going to Walmart dressed like this. 

3. Letting Sarah's baby sister put this up in the backyard at a party we threw when her parents were out of town. Sarah's sister was only 11...

2. Putting my head in this. In public.

1. Dressing up as the entire HP clan - Luna, Trelawny, Rita, and a snitch to name a few - for the HP 7 midnight premiere. And the proceeding to walk to the front of the theater to do the wave, start cheers such as, "When I say Harry, you say Potter! HARRY! POTTER! HARRY! POTTER!", and holding the snitch friend by the wings and yelling to the audience before the movie, "150 POINTS TO THE PERSON THAT CATCHES THIS GOLDEN SNITCH!" Then watching her as she ran through the aisles.
 So there you have it. The most stupid things that I have done that I am actually happy that I was stupid enough to do them. My memories are fond, my friends are funny, and now all of your probably think I am nuts. But I am embracing it, because I can't change who I was. I can only apply it to who I will be. What crazy things have you done? What are some moments when people gave you the "What the devil?!" look?


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