Weekday Wardrobe


I really thought I posted this last week... but I didn't. So you are getting last week's this week, which is okay because I switched phones mid week and lost all my photos. It all works out in the end right? Right. Anyway - last week was spent almost dead because I was so sick. I did however get enough energy to go to Miss Western Idaho, where I was asked last minute to emcee! WHAT A KICK! Loved it. Lost my voice. Haha. Perfect. And this week - if you follow me on Instagram, you already know - I am PARTYING in Orlando with mama and Miss Idaho! Can't wait to share more about the trip. But right now - let's take it to the closet.

Monday | Top: Eleventh Avenue | Pants: Target | Heels: Dillards
Tuesday | Top: Ann Loft | Pants: Nordstrom Rack | Heels: DSW (not pictured)
Wednesday | Top: NoVae Clothing | Skirt: Pick Your Plum | Heels: DSW
Thursday | Dress: Cozy | Flats: Target
Friday | Top: Forever21 | Jeans: Gap | Flats: TJMaxx

My favorite would have to be the joggers from Tuesday. I am a sucker for joggers, so when I saw these gems at the Rack I knew I had to have them. And they seem to be a hit around the office too. Thursday was disaster day. I tried to do that cool tie your skirt in a knot thing everyone else is doing... clearly, not so much! TEACH ME YOUR WAYS PEOPLE! Which of these outfits would you love to see in your closet?

Top to Outfit


One of my favorite things about fashion is putting together an outfit. In fact, that exploration in putting together different outfits with the same items is what has taught me to love my closet. Now when I look in my closet rather than thinking, "I have nothing to wear," I think, "What can I put together today that is different." And that is part of the reason I love doing my weekday wardrobe posts - because it gives people an opportunity to see the different ways to build an outfit with the same items. Take this outfit for example.

Very simple. And generally something I would just throw on and wear to whatever - and then when I came home the clothing would get washes and put back in their regular rotation. Which means the jeans would be worn again within a day or so depending on what look I was going for and the shirt would go to the back of the closet to be put on hold. But now that I have put a big emphasis on layering, styling, and loving my closet - I can turn the outfit above into an entirely different ensemble by adding a few more items.

Top: NoVae Clothing
Cardigan: NoVae Clothing
Scarf: NoVae Clothing
Jeans: NoVae Clothing
Shoes: DSW

See how a cardigan and a scarf can create a totally different outfit? That is why I love fashion my friends. Because I can take a basic look for everyday and wear it out and about, then a week later I can throw a few more items on and create a totally different feel for an outfit with the same staple items. So next time you look in your closet don't think "I have nothing to wear!" Make it an opportunity to design a brand new outfit.

Happy Birthday Disneyland!


I am interrupting my regular Friday post schedule to say.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY DISNEYLAND! All things, everything Disney and Disneyland. And we should all be celebrating! The park is probably packed to the max and filled to the brim. But does that matter? NO! Because we should all be there celebrating. Right? Right.

"On July 17, 1955, about 28,000 people (roughly half of whom had been sold counterfeit tickets) walked, for the first time, through the gates of Disneyland and into history. To say it didn’t go smoothly would be an understatement: The temperature was 101 degrees (hot, even for Southern California) and difficulties with both the plumbing system and the labor unions made it impossible for anyone to get a drink. Only a handful of the rides and attractions were open at all, and most of those were continually breaking down and closing. Even the animals—the horses and mules in the Wild West attractions—refused to cooperate. That walk may have been historic, but it was made even more difficult by all the asphalt—poured only a few hours earlier—that kept sticking to everyone’s shoes." via
PicMonkey Collage

But look how far we have come! I say we because I honestly believe I am part of the park and the experience. You'll notice that every photo is featuring a grown up Deidre - either from high school, a trip with my parents, with my EFY people, or with Adam's family because his Mom is an expert Disneyland ticket winner... but that isn't because I didn't go in my youth - in fact, my photo box at home is full of Disneyland photos from my youth. I grew up on Disney and grew up attending Disneyland on a regular basis thanks to my Dad's business trips. Some people grow out of it, but I don't think I ever will. Ask Adam. I request we go on a regular basis. And I will take ANY excuse to keep going. See you on the Disney side!

Big Stripe, Little Stripe


When you think pattern mixing what comes to mind? For me it is generally two totally different and bold prints. Which was a little overwhelming for my brain. So I decided to start small. Pattern mixing doesn't always have to be two bold and different prints. It can be as simple as mixing two similar prints.


Top: NoVae Clothing
Jeans: NoVae Clothing
Shoes: DSW

This top is the perfect intro for pattern mixing. Stripes on stripes is still pattern mixing. Especially if you are using one pattern that is large and one pattern that is smaller and thinner. I like to think of this top as a gateway to pattern mixing for those of us that aren't quite brave enough to through on the floral and leopard and head out the door. Have you ever tried pattern mixing? What is holding you back?

Mobile from the Mobile


Every time I got to visit Adam we talk about the same things before I head out. We need to make a music video, we need to be better about taking photos, and we need to go out and explore a little more rather than just sitting around. Basically our whole time together can be summed up and told be the photos from our phones. Lots of puppy time, lots of baseball, and lots of relaxing.
Mobile Alabama

This time we did about one and half things on the list... we took a few more photos, most of them were of Slider and not of us. In fact we took a photo of us the first day I was there and on our way out the door the last day I was there - so that is the half. And we for sure made a music video, that Adam wasn't a huge fan of making but he loves me so he humors me. The one thing we totally missed the mark on was getting out and exploring. In fact, that is the one we miss the mark on the most. We did get out for baseball games, food, walks with Slider, and a movie... but other than that it was lots of quality bonding time and playing with the puppy because Adam hadn't met him until my trip this time!

The first day I was there - well the first day we were both there because I got in at 2pm Friday and Adam was still on his way back from a road trip that night - we slept in because Adam didn't arrive in from his road trip until around 5AM. Then we woke up and Adam got a chance to meet the puppy. We played and ate and then Adam was off to the field. Slider and I hung out at the apartment and then head over for the 4th of July celebration - a game followed by fireworks. Oh so American.

The second day we head to church and then back home to get Adam over to the field - only for the game to be cancelled! So we went to Inside Out and late night appetizers at Applebees.

The third day was a double header. Which meant lots of time at the field. Followed by some more Applebees.

The forth and final day was just a day to pack and say our farewells. I know, we are so exciting. So the weekend could be summed up with these words: Slider, baseball, chicken, and rain. And I wouldn't have it any other way. Maybe next time I will get some more photos for you instead of just a Slider collage? But probably not. I tried!

dōTERRA® Veráge First Impression


Everyone always talks about essentials oils and their benefits. I will be honest, I haven't jumped on the oil boat - even though sometimes I really feel like I need to. But there was a gentleman at Alt offering to try a new skin care line by dōTERRA® and so I jumped on board because lately my skin has been a little fickle and it is making me angry. If the skin care line can help as much as everyone says the oils can - then I am on board.

dōTERRA® Essential Skin Care is a family of skin care products designed to maximize the natural power of essential oils in helping to keep your skin feeling and looking young, healthy, and gorgeous. In addition to a careful selection of CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils added in generous proportion to each product, The Essential Skin Care line includes cutting-edge technologies that complement essential oils in targeting the visible signs of both cellular and mechanical aging. And today I am talking about first impressions of Veráge.

The very first impression when I got the package was, "this is a small box for all the items". I was impressed with how they fit all four products into a small box rather than take up space with plastic and paperwork. And the look of the product itself sold me. I love pretty things, and this product's color scheme and bottles hit the mark. Gold accents with a perfect ombre feel to the line. If you are a fan of pretty products and that can sell you on an item alone, then I can promise you will be all over this one. Now let's talk product.

Cleanser. The cleanser is the white tube. To start it all off it has a very light and fresh smell that I love. It really reflects the naturalness of the product. I didn't have to use a ton of cleanser - which I loved because sometimes I feel like you have to pump out a bunch to get your whole face washed. It foams right up and as you massage onto your face you can feel it lifting the dirt, oils, and makeup from your skin. I especially love that I can feel the clean deep into my skin through this cleanser. It isn't a surface level cleanser. DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Apply a small amount - even as small as a pea sized amount -to damp face wash upward circular motion. Thoroughly rinse with water and towel dry. Use morning and night; follow with Veráge Toner.

Toner. The toner is the tall dark teal bottle. The toner is for refining and tightening. It is the perfect after cleanser step because it locks up those freshly cleansed pores. It also preps your skin for a fresher complexion. My favorite part is how the toner feels hydrating and refreshing because I have used a lot of toners that make my skin feel dry and tight. With this toner I feel hydrated and like my skin is glowing. DIRECTIONS FOR USE: After using the cleanser spritz your face with the toner - I do 4 spritz on my face. One "X" motion and one "T" motion. Next up is the Veráge Moisturizer.

Immortelle Hydrating Serum. The serum is the lime green bottle. This stuff is basically a miracle and a dream in a bottle. I don't know how else to describe it besides that. Too good to be true, right? Nope. The serum is an L22 - which doesn't sound as awesome as it is. L22 is “a patented blend of botanically-sourced lipids developed specifically to deliver the skin-lipid profile of a healthy 22-year-old.” Sayyyy what?! I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22. And I am all about it. Feels great on the skin and this little bottle is leading the cosmetic industry. It feels soft on my skin and my face is happy to have it. DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Apply to clean face in an upward motion. Best to use morning and night. Follow with Veráge Moisturizer.

Moisturizer. The moisturizer is the shorter mint bottle. This is the last step that will keep your skin on it's A game all day. This moisturizer has all the tools to brighten and even your complexion, And I am already seeing small changes. The best part about it is the lightness of the moisturizer. It is not greasy at all and doesn't feel heavy as I apple. There are a lot of moisturizers our there that weigh down the face, but this one will not do that. It absorbs into the face quickly and leaves your skin feeling silky and smooth. It DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Apply to clean face in an upward circular motion. Keep applying in that same circular motion until completely absorbed. Use both morning and night.

The entire Veráge line is meant to nourish skin, reduce lines of aging, and smooth complexion. I just started using the line this over the weekend so I don't have any results yet - but check back next month and I will have some before and afters to share with you! I can promise you this though, this is a skinecare product that will keep me coming back. I can already feel my fave became more even and refreshed. Make sure to check back over the next month to hear my progress.

Weekday Wardrobe


I am going to be honest with you... this week and next week's Weekday Wardrobe is going to be short an outfit or two. This week is short one and next week is short two - to be exact. And I feel bad I am cheating you out of a few outfits, but sometimes things just happen ya know? Ha. This week is missing one outfit because I had an early morning flight on Friday and I was already running late enough without thinking about adding an outfit pic. And next week is missing two because I was staying in Adam's apartment which is full-length mirrorless because he lives with a bunch of boys and they just don't get it. But that is enough justification for now - too the outfits, my friends!

Monday | Top: Cotton On | Pants: Pink Blush | Heels: Target
Tuesday | Top: Gap | Skirt: Agnes and Dora | Heels: DSW
Wednesday | Top: Lucy & Lyla | Pants: Pink Blush | Necklace: Eleventh Avenue | Heels: Dillard’s
Thursday | Top: Kiss Me Mint | Skirt: LuLaRoe | Flats: TJMaxx

It feels a little weird having four outfits all in a row instead of my typical grid I give you.... Don't you think? My favorite outfit of this bunch is going to be Monday. Something about all black and a little leopard just makes me feel real classy and sassy all at once. If you know anything about me, you know I try to work in leopard/cheetah prints as often as possible. Maybe that makes me a little crazy, but I am okay with it. Which of these four outfits would you love to see in your closet?

Weekday Wardrobe


Happy Independence Day tomorrow! Today is my "holiday" at work so I am packed up, Slider in his travel tote, and on our way to Alabama to visit Adam for the holiday. Just a quick trip this time - only 4ish days - but I will take what I can get. Do you have any fun plans for the weekend? Mine will be filled with baseball, fireworks, and lots of exploring. Let's take it to last week's wardrobe.

Monday | Top: Soel | Pants: Old Navy | Heels: Dillards
Tuesday | Top: Pink Blush | Pants: Old Navy | Heels: Target
Wednesday | Top: Pink Blush | Pants: Old Navy | Flats: Payless
Thursday | Top: StyleLately | Skirt: Downeast Basics | Heels: Payless
Friday | Top: Downeast | Kimono: Pink Blush | Leggings: Pick Your Plum | Heels: Payless

Well... if we are basing my favorite day off of hair alone - I would have to go with Monday. That was a MAGICAL hair day. I am working towards more hair days like that in my future. But my favorite outfit is probably Thursday. I really enjoyed pairing two summer colors - a pastel and a jewel tone - to make a fun, light outfit. Which one is your favorite?

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