2014 Fashion Recap


This year I decided to add in another end of year post all about the outfits from throughout the year. It took me awhile to decide how I wanted to do this one. But when it all came down to it, I decided to put a twist on it that was focused on the people that have made me successful... you! My readers, every single one of you, have put me where I am today. So I decided to share my top outfits from each season based on which ones were most popular with my readers.



Tee: Style Lately c/o 
Leggings: Gap Body
Cardigan: Old Navy
Booties: Francesca’s 
Hat: H&M 
This look got lots of love for the tee. People loved the black on black on black with a stand out white tee - and even better a stand out white tee that simply stated, "Killin' It" It was also my first debut of my very favorite lip color - Stila All Day Liquid Lipstick in Aria. This outfit was a special one in my blogging career because it was the first time I felt like I actually got a hang for the fashion blogging based on the love and reviews from my readers.
Skirt: My Sister’s Closet c/o
Elephant Top: Aeropostale
Cardigan: Jane.com
Shoes: Payless
This look was featured on Laced Hair's profile. It was one of my first outfits after getting back to Arizona. And the very first one that I tried something different with my hair - pulled back. Which might seem sort of silly, but my long hair being straight down was sort of a security blanket. So the fact that it got shared on a hair profile and all you were supportive helped build confidence in me.
Pants: Target 
Top: Gap
Shoes: Target c/o 
Short Necklace: Lisa Leonard c/o
Long Necklace: The Shine Project
Earrings: Cents of Style c/o
Bracelet: Jane
This one started out as a sponsored post outfit about wearing white confidently. But I ended up loving it, so I was so excited when it got good feedback from my readers too. I have a strange love for white pants - but like most women, I had body issues and wondered if I could pull them off. I shared these white pants for the first time a year or so ago, and because I didn't end up on some hater site saying, "She should never wear white pants!" I decided to bring them into more style posts. Oh, and I wear them year round. before labor day and after labor day.

S U M M E R 

Kimono: Pink Blush
Top: SexyModest
Shorts: Aeropostale
Sandals: Target
Necklace: KDizzle Designs c/o
This kimono is seriously the king of all kimonos. I had been looking for the perfect one for months and months. When I saw this one it was an instant obsession. When it showed up at my house I put it on and lounged like a 1920's movie star. And as soon as it was on the blog it got rave reviews. And now I have seen it pop up on a lot of my friends. I love seeing how we all style the same item so differently.
Swimsuit: Beverly Swimwear
Sunglasses: Target
I was BEYOND excited to share this swimsuit with everyone. A custom swimsuit fit just for you? With colors and all? How can you say no? I was excited to try something new out with the high bottoms and a fun color scheme, but I was nervous to share it with you while it was on my body! But I decided to bite the bullet and go for it. And I am glad I did because you made me feel like a queen bee - and now I don't ever worry about my swimsuit bod. I just rock what I got.
Top: Style Lately c/o
Cardigan: Maurices
Belt: Target
Shorts: Aeropostale
Shoes: Target
This gold look was one of my favorites to put together. As soon as the tee showed up in my mailbox I knew that was the way it needed to go. Apparently my readers love gold as much as I do! That was the overall theme of your comments, which is perfect because that was my thought process when I was putting it together. A little gold here, a little gold there. In my opinion, you cannot go wrong with gold. I am glad you guys agree with that statement.


Top: Aeropostale
Cardigan: Aeropostale
Pants: Cotton On
Belt: Thrifted
Bracelets: Jane.com
Shoes: Target (similar)
People seemed to love the elephant details on the top of this look. Something that I thought would just be a nice touch for an item in my closet turned out to be a slam dunk with my readers. It was actually the second time I wore it - the other post is featured under spring - but they were more noticeable with an open cardigan.
Top: Target
Pants: Gap
Booties: Francescas
Hat: Arrow and Co
Belt: Gap
Necklace: Lucy&Lyla c/o
I was asked to join a "How We Wore It" style collaboration by one of my friends. I was really nervous about it - in fact the night before I text a few of the girls doing it to see what they were wearing because I didn't want to stand out like a sore thumb. The next day when we all posted most of them swung by the blog and complimented my outfit. Sometimes it is readers that build each other up and sometimes it is bloggers. I am lucky to be a part of such a supportive community.
Tunic: Lucy&Lyla c/o
Leggings: Target
Scarf: Soel
Boots: Payless Shoes
This lace tunic was a hit with followers and with Pinterest. A couple of the photos got a handful of pins and repins which was exciting to see. Usually just one photo gets pinned/repinned by people but this time there was a variety or detail and full body photos pulled from the site. I love when people like multiple elements of an outfit rather than just one detail. It makes putting together new things more exciting for me.


Girl Boss Tee: Style Lately c/o
Cardigan: Pink Blush c/o
Jeans: Gap
Boots: Forever Young
I am pretty sure this one got love strictly for the hair - not so much the outfit. Actually, maybe for the shirt too. That is where most of the comments were directed to - hair and tee shirt. I have never gotten so many likes on Facebook as I did for this very photo! I was completely blown away by the love and support of so many friends and readers. Now I am just trying to figure out what I did differently with hair and makeup that day so I can replicate it again.
Top: Pink Blush c/o
Scarf: Pink Blush c/o
Leggings: Pink Blush c/o
Boots: Macy’s
Lippie: Stila Stay All Day Liquid Lipstick in Aria
I was excited to see the reviews on this look because it was a simpler outfit. The things people loved about it were the details. The lace elbows that matched the lace scarf and the earrings that somehow matched while at the same time didn't match at all. It added an element to the look that was unique.
Skirt: Lucy&Lyla c/o
Top: Cotton On
Tights: Target
Shoes: Famous Footwear
Not only was this social media and the blog's favorite look, but it was my favorite of all year as well! I have never felt so pretty and confident as I did in these photos... even if I was slipping on an inch of solid ice while my husband snapped away. I rarely share outfits twice - but I could not help it with this one. I was in LOVE! I was featured on Lucy and Lyla's website, and the best part was hearing back from my contact with the company that after they posted my photo they started hearing from a ton of customers and bloggers about the skirt. She told me she would keep the green look for me though because it was spot on. I had never felt so flattered as a style blogger!
So there you have it! A quick 2014 style recap with the most popular outfits with my readers. I feel so lucky to have supportive readers and a supportive blogging community to get me through my ups and downs of style blogging. I have loved trying out new outfits and creating new looks, so I appreciate your support more than you know! Are any of them ones that you loved from this last year? Do you have any trends you would love to see on the blog next year?

2014 in Review


The easiest way to let you all in on the craziness that has been 2014 is to do a quick recap of every month. The ups and downs and all the in between. 2014 was really and truly one for the books!
Excited for a brand new year! We had a few things already on the books and we were looking forward to the adventures ahead. The year started off  with a cruise that we had planned during last baseball season. That turned into a cruise that we almost missed due to some god and really crappy customer service... twice. But we made it, only a day late and a million tears later for me. And we loved every second. Once we got home we had to pack up the house because we were getting ready to start a new chapter as we moved to Arizona.
Barbados 10
We got to Arizona the last few days of January. Shipped our car, packed our house, and flew to good old Phoenix. A few days in I started my new job at Phoenix Renaissance Downtown. We lived in the hotel for about a month until we found an apartment to live in. And February was just spent getting into our new place, new jobs, and new surroundings.
Spring training dives into full swing - get it, swing - in March. So we spent a lot of nights spent watching baseball and a lot of days watching baseball. Basically it was baseball at the time. I started contributing to I'm Topsy Turvy - short lived because Ashlee needed to rebrand which meant no more contributors. And at the end of spring training Adam got assigned to South Bend Silverhawks. But right before he left my brother and his family came to visit us in Arizona.
Adam left for South Bend. It was pretty fast and I was pretty lonely right away. Let me tell you something. It isn't awesome being home alone in a new town. And I realized just how important it is to be surrounded by people you love. Which contributed a lot to the changes that would happen later in the year. I also started contributing to Fashion Cache.
While I was home being lonely I had a lot of offers and a lot of fun visitors in Arizona from my besties to my Mom. I eventually just gave in and went to visit Adam in South Bend much earlier than planned, but I loved every second of the freezing cold. Towards the end of the month Adam got injured and was sent home for rehab. He actually came home the day after I got back from going to Elevate Conference with some new friends. Which is the best conference. If you are looking for one to go to, this is where I suggest.
collage 5
Due to Adam's minor injury we got an  entire unexpected month together in Arizona. We got to try out some fun new places, spend lots of time with the Walkers, and of course... watch baseball. At the end of the month Adam was getting ready to be cleared for play and I went to Disneyland with the parents. Adam was invited... but he had to work. And I really couldn't pass up on Disneyland.
We were able to spend the 4th of July together and then Adam got cleared to go back to South Bend. He headed out July 6th for Indiana. And the week after I went to home sweet Idahome for the Miss Idaho pageant to choreograph and be bossy. Because that is what I do best. I love volunteering for that organization. So much. And it was great to spend time with my Mom as we slept in the dorms with the girls. And to see all the people that inspired me to keep competing.
Adam and I were getting ready to celebrate two years married. I asked for it off. It did not get approved at first. My boss said it was fine because it was "only our second anniversary". But then a sweet lady offered to switch her time off so I could go see my husband. This was all also the icing on the cake of my dislike for Arizona and my job which led to some hardcore job searching while on vacation in South Bend. But mostly I was just so happy that I went to visit Adam in South Bend.
This month was a doozy. Seriously. I yook almost the whole month off of blogging. It was crazy enough. Let me tell you how it went. Adam got invited to the instructional league, which was a great start to the month. And then it was all crazy from there. I was interviewing for a few jobs, went to talk to my boss, didn't have the best feels about how things were going, quit my job without a new job offer. That evening and the next morning was spent in panic wondering if I had totally screwed things up. But that afternoon I got offered a new job with Boise State. I also was hired on with Weave Made Media. I started packing the house. Cancelled our lease. Oh, and in the middle of all that I co-hosted the AZ Blogger Meetup. I moved to Idaho to start my new job while Adam stayed in Arizona to finish packing the house, finish up instructs, and then he would meet me next month. It was a whirlwind.
View More: http://photography-hill.pass.us/az-blogger-meetup-september-2014
I turned 26 and celebrated with the parents. Then finally, I got my husband back. Adam moved to Idaho once instructs was over. The weekend after Adam got back we went to Twin Falls for a mini family reunion with my side of the fam. And then to make this the best month ever Adam and I bought a house. To end the month we had Adam's parents in town to see our new home and new town. Oh also, my parents bought a house down the road since they are up in Idaho half the year and they borrowed a room in our house until theirs was completed.
Finally back to a regular schedule, we were able to get back to the things we love. I got back into style and fashion blogging. Adam got back to finishing his degree. And we cooked meals, went on dates, and enjoyed each others company like normals. We spent Thanksgiving in Twin Falls.
I headed to California for #aPollinateHoliday the first weekend of the month. Then it was just two more weeks until we headed to Christmas in Yucaipa with Adam's side of the family. And the last and best part of the month is always when Adam has his birthday. This year he turned 25.
And there you have it. From Utah to Arizona to Idaho with a little of Indiana in between it was a crazy year. Two new jobs for me. A brand new house. And an exciting baseball year for Adam, we are excited with how things went and are so happy with how they ended. How was your 2014?

Fashion Fits Everyone. Volume 47.


"My thoughts about fashion and makeup have changed a lot over the last 10 years as I've grown from a child to an adult. At 13 I started getting concerned about fashion, shaving, wearing makeup, etc. It was fun because it was new.
Around age 15 I started to rebel and stopped wearing makeup or really caring how I looked. Unfortunately some pretty big influences in my life, along with the ever present media, made me feel like I needed to wear makeup and that I looked prettier with it. My confidence was really hurt by these ideas. I started wearing makeup soon after, no longer for the occasional fun of it, but because I was supposed to.
This last year has been a huge year for me, I married the man of my dreams, graduated with my masters degree, and started an amazing job, and you know what I have learned? I will never again do things because I am "supposed to."
These days I wear makeup when its fun. My morning routine went from 30-45 minutes to 10 (that extra sleep is incredible). Sometimes I'll throw on some mascara or red lips for the fun of it, but I no longer need to cover up acne or the little imperfections that used to drive me crazy. Its been a journey, but I've learned that how I look is not a reflection of who I am or what I am capable of. To me that is incredibly empowering and has helped me become way more confident in my own skin.
With that said, I love my new found relationship with makeup and fashion. Red lips are my favorite and I can't say no to a pretty knee length dress or super cozy Jcrew sweater. Fashion is no longer a cage for me, its for self expression and fun. The world of fashion is all about perspective and how you let it affect you."
- Jessica from Love Always Jess
Interested in being a part of Fashion Fits Everyone? Email deidreemme@gmail.com with the subject Fashion Fits Everyone and we will get you scheduled.

Chambray + Cable Knit Beanie


Sometimes a girl just needs to kick back. Usually I am in the mindset of dressing full up and looking like the business professional my heart desires, but then there are the days when nothing sounds better than a graphic print tee, a chambray, and a beanie. Most of the time those days fall during early morning errands on the weekend with Adam. Grocery shopping, a trip to the farmers market, you get the idea... I like to throw something on that is comfortable with a little style to run around town before I head home to change for the gym.

Beanie: Lucy&Lyla
Chambray: Lucy&Lyla c/o
Tee: West Coast Conference
Leggings: Target
Boots: Forever Young

Nothing feels better than a laid back outfit while you head out to get work done. During summer it is usually a tee, leggings, tennis shoes, and a baseball cap. During the winter I trade in the tennis shoes for boots and the baseball cap for a beanie, and I throw a button up or sweater on over the tee. Easy enough. What do you throw on for your Saturday morning errands?

Fashion Fits Everyone. Volume 46.


"Ever since I can remember, I was always interested in beauty and fashion. As an adult, my career choice definitely does not reflect that, which is why starting a blog has been so much fun for me. It has allowed me to share my love of fashion in a way I was never been able to before. Blogging has actually increased my confidence and willingness to try things that I probably would not have without it. I have even shared pictures of myself on my blog that I never in a million years thought I would, including wearing a pair of shorts. I was initially hesitant and nervous to try to start a blog, which is silly now as I look back because life is way too short to make decisions based on how others may perceive you. When you think of a style or fashion blogger, a petite, thin girl with perfect hair and skin and unlimited funds for an amazing wardrobe comes to mind (or at least it does for me). Don’t get me wrong – I follow and love said bloggers, but I always relate more to those who do not fit into that box. One of my goals from the start has been to share affordable and practical styles that anyone can wear, regardless of size, shape, or height. I truly believe that fashion be accessible and fit everyone no matter what your budget or dress size is.
I would describe my body type as tall and curvy, yet proportionate. I am about 5’10”, and most of my height comes from my legs, as I consider myself to have a short torso. My legs are definitely on the thick side and I have always had a large bust, which undoubtedly plays into how I dress. I usually stick with pants/jeans, and love to wear V-neck or sweetheart cuts on top to balance out my chest. I love a good blazer or cardigan, and love to draw attention to my neckline with a statement necklace, which I think can be helpful for all you busty girls out there. One of my biggest styling tips would be to play around with accessories because they can make or break an outfit! The details of an outfit are so important, and you really can’t go wrong with a bold lip or nail shade, a unique clutch, or layering on a few gold dainty necklaces or rings.
My style is ultimately very causal. I am lucky enough to be able to wear jeans 7 days a week, and I totally take advantage of that. I am 100% a jeans and t-shirt type of girl. I love to get dressed up, but unfortunately it is just not very practical for my every day life. Living in Albuquerque, NM dressing up is pretty much saved for special occasions, and it is really easy to feel overdressed here. My only style advice is to wear what makes you feel comfortable and confident! If you feel best in a dress and heels, I say go for it! My body type lends itself best to pants, so I tend to stick to what I feel flatters me the most. Take risks and never hold yourself back out of fear of criticism. In the words of the lovely Ms. Taylor Swift, “Haters gonna hate, hate, hate” so I would urge you to refuse to let that stop you from wearing what you feel best in and works best for your body type. A huge thank you to Deidre for creating this amazing forum – Fashion Fits Everyone."
- Lindsay from Middle of Somewhere

Cotton Anniversary


Remember a really long time ago when it was Adam's and my anniversary? And I told you all about us and how we had been married for two years. I mean... I ever did a little Q&A with Adam and with me answering the same questions. And to celebrate our anniversary we closed the distance between us - because I was in Arizona living at our home and working and he was in Indiana playing summer ball for the South Bend Silverhawks - and I headed out to see him. And then I told you I would tell you all about our cotton anniversary. Do you remember all that? And do you remember how by a long time ago I mean it was in August? Well I am finally living up to that promise. Because now we are moved to Idaho and settled in and I finally had time to upload photos. So here you have it. Our second anniversary. Or as some traditionalists call it - the cotton anniversary.

I packed up my stuff and I head to South Bend for a whole WEEK! What a blessing. I loved being able to be there with Adam and watch him pitch twice and enjoy 5 home games. All good things. All the time. The first night I got there I had to hang out and watch Forensic Files by myself until Adam got back from his road trip at like 1AM. I feel like it is important you know I was watching Forensic Files so you can understand the mindset I was in when I started tracking Adam's phone and started freaking out when his phone was somehow following a river. Thanks for nothing GPS tracking.

Anyway. He finally got back and we got to enjoy each other's company AT LAST! We didn't take any photos together really. Mostly it was baseball photos and pictures of our little mini celebration. And a nice shot of the incredible streamer wall I made since I was bored while Adam was at the field.

I feel like I need to tell you a little more about these cupcakes. Adam and I had been trying to decide what treat to get. He left it up to me. Which clearly means cupcakes because I am a cupcake-aholic. I drove all the way to the other side of town to get these beauties. They were DIVINE. Seriously so good. If you are in South Bend, get them. But that isn't the story I wanted to tell you. The story is about the two young ladies working at the shop. I walked in, got my cupcakes, and was paying. The girl said, "Do you want a punchcard?" And I said, "No thanks. I live in Arizona so I probably wont ever fill it!" The girl said, "Oh really? What bring you to South Bend?" I said, "My husband is here for work." She said, "What does he do?" I said, "He is a pitcher for the South Bend Silverhawks." She said, "OH MY GOSH! NO WAY!? I have always dreamed of marrying a professional baseball player. That is so cool! I can't believe this is happening! I am so jealous." To which I said, "Yeah, it is an adventure!" But really in my mind I am thinking, who dreams of marrying an athlete? I feel lucky to have Adam - but his personality and attitude trumps him ever being an athlete. I just thought it was funny. And yeah, the cupcakes were really good. I ate most of them. Whoops.

We had both been plotting our gifts from a distance. We like to follow the traditional anniversary gifts for the most part. Last year was paper so I got Adam books and he got me a message in a bottle, a locket to put a paper photo in, and shoes... I don't know how the shoes fit in? But he said they did. Clearly this year we were on the same page...

That is right. Tshirts for everyone! Adam got me the baseball tee I had been eyeing for awhile. Obvs, every baseball wife needs a good baseball tee. And I got Adam a tshirt with my face on it and a Wendy Peffercorn is a dime shirt. If you don't know who Wendy Peffercorn is - go watch Sandlot. You can thank me later. Wonder which shirt Adam has been wearing more? The one with my face on it. I thought it was a great joke but he loves it and a few of his friends have asked how they can get their own.

The whole weekend ended with baseball. Of course. What else would you expect? Adam had already pitched one game and this was going to be the second one I could watch. He hit 98 MPH and got a bunch of strike outs. And his team got the win. Both times.

Sadly, this is one of the only photos I got on my nice camera of us together. But I will take it. We are happy. We are in love. And we are at a baseball stadium. It describes us perfectly. I posted a bunch of other photos of us from throughout the week on Instagram - all the way back in August - so feel free to go scroll through to find them. So happy to have celebrated two year with this handsome devil, to get a week off of work, and to see him dominate on the mound. Can't wait to see where we will be celebrating next year. Fingers crossed it is in Phoenix - because that means he made the big leagues.

How We Wore It: Suburban Faux-Pas


Today I am joining in on a fun little project with a lovely group of ladies. I am sure you have seen those outfit posts where someone recreates a look they love from a celeb of some sorts. Well, we are doing that with our own little twist! Fashion is fun because other looks inspire you. Sometimes it is something you want the EXACT look - the hat, the shoes, the necklace, etc. And sometimes you just see a look that inspires you to design something based on a specific item like hats or shoes or a pattern like buffalo plaid or stripes. Any outfit can be inspired by the colors, the patterns, the pieces, or the textures is fine. So our how we wore it is coming from the inspiration side - with things we already have! Because not many people have the luxury to just go buy a new outfit based on what they see on Pinterest, so you have to work with what you have. First up is the look we used for our inspiration.

The very first things that stood out to me were the hat and the plaid shirt. Mostly because those items have both been on my "obsessed" list this holiday season. I got a similar hat about a month ago and have been living in it. You have probably seen it on me in a handful of Instgram photos. And the plaid just screams fall. And so it is a must. So I took those two items and worked it in with all the things already in my closet, which is mostly made up of black items because... it is what it is. And here is the look I put together!

Top: Target
Pants: Gap
Booties: Francescas
Hat: Arrow and Co
Belt: Gap
Necklace: Lucy&Lyla c/o

You can check out the other ladies and their Suburban Faux-Pas inspired outfit. Let me tell ya, this is a good list of ladies! So I would definitely swing by to see what they have got for you.

Brooke at Silver Lining | Kaycie at Redhead Memories | Meghan at King and Ford | Krystle at Krystle, Darling | Sierra at Sierra's View | Alexa at He and I | Danica at Danican Skywalker | Kyla at Fordology | Bri at Breezy Days | Aubrey at Dreaming About Someday | Megan at And Here's To You, Mrs. Robinson

Avocado Cilantro Salsa


This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #SeasonedGreetings #CollectiveBias

I am a firm believer that everything during the Christmas season needs to be red or green. So if I have a chance to make delicious party food during the holidays it will be something red or green to go with the traditional holiday colors... in fact, even decorating for the holiday at my home is a red and green festivity. So last week when Adam and I decided to pull out our decorations I also pulled out my Christmas sweater and whipped up some green salsa too.

I am all about decorating and I was so excited to finally have home that will fit in our tree and all our nativities. So the day we get back from Thanksgiving I was pumped to put up all the Christmas decor. Adam on the other hand? Not so thrilled. So I told him once the decorating was done we would have a salsa snack. Because all work deserves a little break with a snack, right? On our way back into town from Thanksgiving we made a quick stop at Winco for some groceries and I made sure to pick up all the ingredients including some Tabasco Green Jalapeño sauce to really put a kick in my Avocado Cilantro salsa.

And then on Sunday I made Adam a deal. He could open all the boxes, I would do the decorating, and then we could snack after. I felt like it was pretty fair right? I wouldn't have to open up everything and he could just watch TV while pulling things out of boxes. And I got to just focus on the decorating.

It is a good thing I made the salsa early because there was a lot more motivation to get the decorating done fast. We had everything out, opened, up, and then the boxes back in storage in about an hour. And of course, once it was all done we got to kick back, relax, and enjoy some delicious Avocado Cilantro Salsa by the Christmas lights. All wins if you ask me!

Avocado Cilantro Salsa
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 30 minutes
Serving Size: 4.5 Cups
  • 6 large avocados,
  • 12 tomatillos
  • 3 cups cilantro leaves (loosely packed)
  • 3/4 cup chopped onion
  • 1/4 cup TABASCO® brand Green Jalapeño Pepper Sauce
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  1. Husk, wash, and quarter tomatillos
  2. Half and pit avocados
  3. Scoop avocado pulp into blender or food processor container
  4. Add remaining ingredients and process until smooth
  5. If you do not plan to serve immediately, cover with plastic wrap pressed directly on top of salsa and refrigerate. Serve with tortilla chips.

2025 © Deidre Emme. Design by Fearne and Breezy & Co.