His eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad, his hair is as dark as a blackboard...
YER A WIZERD HARRY! Oh that sentence that will change all of our lives FOREVER. Remember those words? Remember the moment you started reading Harry Potter? Those books will never get old. I will always remember reading them time and time. Dressing up to go to midnight premieres. And feeling like my childhood officially ended when the final movie came out.
And for some reason when it is Harry's birthday I feel like it is my BFF's birthday. And I must celebrate with butterbeer and a movie marathon. Happy birthday old chap.
Dear Harry Potter,
7.31.2012 • Birthday, That happened, You Know Why
Dear Miss Magic Valley,
7.30.2012 • Movie Monday
I am back from Canada! And I am back to work and regular life for a few days before I head up to Twin Falls, Idaho to crown the new Miss Magic Valley! I can't believe it has been a year since this video was playing as I walked out on stage!
I am so excited for the pageant. This year has been incredible. I have loved every second of being Miss Magic Valley and I don't regret a single moment. I have become a stronger person because of this pageant. I have learned a lot about myself through competing in the Miss America Organization. I have a greater love and respect for the people in my community as well as the state of Idaho. I owe a lot of who I am to the experiences I have had competing, the support from my family, as well as the incredible directors I have had during the last year. Now it is time to wrap up my year as Miss Magic Valley. In honor of Miss Magic Valley week - I am sharing a Miss Magic Valley movie for Movie Monday! Talk about alliteration, right?
Look forward to a lot more pageant posts this week. But in the meantime, what videos are you loving?
I am so excited for the pageant. This year has been incredible. I have loved every second of being Miss Magic Valley and I don't regret a single moment. I have become a stronger person because of this pageant. I have learned a lot about myself through competing in the Miss America Organization. I have a greater love and respect for the people in my community as well as the state of Idaho. I owe a lot of who I am to the experiences I have had competing, the support from my family, as well as the incredible directors I have had during the last year. Now it is time to wrap up my year as Miss Magic Valley. In honor of Miss Magic Valley week - I am sharing a Miss Magic Valley movie for Movie Monday! Talk about alliteration, right?
Dear Canada,
7.26.2012 • Travel, vacation, wedding
Watch out! I'm coming for you! Can't wait to see my Crazy Canuck and celebrating a wedding!
P.S. This wedding marks the start to wedding season. This week Steph, next week Marc and Rachel, following that Ali and Brock, and then my wedding! JUST 21 DAYS UNTIL I AM MARRIED FOR ETERNITY TO THE MAN O MY DREAMS!
Dear Bowling,
Who else loves bowling? Anyone? Well... if you don't... you should. It seriously is the best time. And I am finally learning how to bowl, thanks to many years of advice from my bowling league Mama... and by that I mean my Mom, because she really is in a bowling league! She even has her own ball and shoes, how cool is that? Well last week for FHE - Family Home Evening, which is made up of apartments of single adults that I got to church with since we are all away from our families - we went bowling. And let me tell you, it was a BALL! (Get it, ball? Bowling ball?)
Picking names might be the best part of bowling. I am always DEEJMBL...
because let us all be honest, DEEJMBL is weird enough.
She has the funniest bowling technique... yet her score was incredible!
Don't make her mad... shoes will be thrown,
I was trying to snap Hilary.... but Adam just hoped in the way!
Bret... always dancing.
My goal is always to break 100, and I did! Which is rare... so I was super happy. in the 8th frame I was so sad because I didn't thik I could do it, but that spare saved me! HALLELUJAH!! If you want some bowling tips, let me know... Mama Edmunds has taught me well!
Dear One on One,
7.25.2012 • Event Planning, Soiree, Work
Last week was the 10 year anniversary for One on One Marketing. And this week marks my one year anniversary working there. I have loved working for a company based in the spirit of entrepreneurship. There are always new things happening, new techniques being implemented, and opportunities to learn and grow. Well, with all the changes at One on One, I was asked to help plan the 10 year anniversary event. The event was held in the upstairs of our building, wings and cider were catered in, and previous ONO employees came for the festivities. It was an awesome afternoon. With a small budget and a quick deadline, this is what we came up with!
Not only was it the ten year anniversary, it was the farewell to our CEO Nick Greer. Nick has decided to move onto another project, after ten years of excitement with his first company, he wants to move forward with his non-profit 5.12. He has been a great man to work for. Not only is he smart and hardworking, but he is a genuinely good guy. Happy birthday ONO and good luck Nick!
Dear Miss Magic Valley,
7.24.2012 • Miss America, Pageants
I cannot believe my year as Miss Magic Valley is wrapping up! It seems like just last week I was calling the director while driving back to Utah to discuss my interest in the program, it seems like yesterday I was in the bathroom curling my hair to get ready for interview and preparing for the pageant. It has been a year of excitement and a year of fun and fulfilling experiences. Presenting my platform "S.T.A.M.P. Out Bullying" to over 8000 students, being in parades, speaking on the news, meeting so many wonderful contestants and examples, and competing Miss Idaho... this year has been one to remember! I have loved every second of it. But now it is time for me to pass on the crown, and in preparation for the pageant the MMV contestants have been out in the community. On Thursday they held a fundraiser at the local yogurt shop, Kiwi Loco.
The pageant is coming up really fast! August 3, 2012. Come and support all the lovely Miss and Teen contestants if you can. If not, support them in your heart! I will be there helping emcee, presenting my talent, and giving my farewell and final walk.
P.S. I will be sealed to my best friend in just...
The fabulous Kalie, one of the MMV contestants.
One of our directors, the beautiful Caitlin, and her daughter.
Isn't Heidi the cutest little girl? She will be a pageant girl for sure.
She kept saying, "Girl, please." Adorable.
Yesenya and Harlee, two of the contestants and the last two workers standing.
My favorite two girls and little sisters, Madison and Erin, were staying at our home so they came with!
The pageant is coming up really fast! August 3, 2012. Come and support all the lovely Miss and Teen contestants if you can. If not, support them in your heart! I will be there helping emcee, presenting my talent, and giving my farewell and final walk.
P.S. I will be sealed to my best friend in just...
23 DAYS!
The greatest basketball player ever was #23, Michael Jordan.
23 is a German film about Karl Koch
In darts, 23 is the lowest score that cannot be gained with the throw of a single dart.
Psalm 23, also known as the Shepherd Psalm, is possibly the most quoted and best known Psalm.
Dear Back From the Dead,
7.23.2012 • Marriage, Miss America, Movie Monday, Pageants
You probably haven't been wondering where I have been, but in case you have... I am okay! I went home to Idaho (more about my weekend home to come later) for the weekend.
It was the best time with all my family (minus brother Eric) and a special temple trip to get ready for my wedding that is in...
24 DAYS!
There are 24 teams that compete in the FIFA World Cup.
There are 24 carats in 100% pure gold.
Backgammon boards hold 24 points.
The Chinese Solar year has 24 cycles.
While you are all waiting in suspense to hear about my weekend home, let me remind you that it is.... drum roll please..... MOVIE MONDAY. The movie this week goes right along with the idea that I am in love and getting married as well as the sad reminder that in just two weeks I will be giving my title of Miss Magic Valley to a new young woman.
This is a little clip of me singing at Festival of Trees in December as Miss Magic Valley. I will sure miss the days of a crown and attention. What videos and movies are you loving?
Dear Softball,
7.19.2012 • Athletics, Night Out
Twenty Eight is a popular game played in Kerala India.
The number of dominoes in standard domino sets
The postal code of the province of Madrid, in Spain.
The curing time of concrete is classically considered 28 days.
There are 28 letters in the Danish and Swedish alphabets (not counting W),
and also in the Arabic and Esperanto alphabets.
So moving on! The people in my complex and that I go to church with have a softball team. The other day they had their final game before playoffs so Adam and I decided to swing by and support. "Tell them about your softball game!" (Name that movie.) Well, too bad the game was cancelled? Why? Because someone got mad that Bret was playing... because he is on the baseball team. Fair and unfair. The refs were friends with the whiners. Whatever. Our team had to forfeit. So we made a friendly game of our own. And when I say we, I mean everyone that was already planning on playing and Adam. I took a seat with the women and took a few photos.
This one of Bret is good... but the next one is better. It looks like he is dancing, which is fitting.
My favorite photo of Adam from the night.
The game was entertaining to watch and sitting and chatting with the girls was fantastic. And it is all fun and games until someone gets hit with a softball. Kidding, but not kidding. I really did get hit with the softball. I was right in the line from center to 1st, and the kid at first missed the ball. Obviously I wasn't paying attention, I was chatting dating thoughts and wedding plans with the other girls... the ball NAILED me right in the forearm. It hurt, but it didn't hurt. It was just a nice steady hurt. And I didn't want to show that it hurt because I knew the boy felt SO bad for hitting me. Gotta be tough. The worst part about getting hit in the forearm with a baseball? No bruise! Not enough meet to bruise up so I could prove that I was tough. Next time at least hit me where I can get a bruise.
Dear Mom,
7.18.2012 • Birthday, Family and Friends
HAPPY birthday! I wish you a year of happiness and excitement. Of adventure. Of opportunities to see your children and grandchildren. And times spent with Dad. I know that there has been a lot going on with family all being apart and now your only daughter being married, but I just want you to know that I love you so much and I appreciate the woman you are.
Everyone always says they have the best mom, and they are probably right. But I know one thing, I have the best mom for me. You really are the perfect woman to raise me. And I know you always worry I wont like it when people tell me I look just like you or I am just like you... but I love it. I can't wait to be half the woman you are. Because you are truly amazing. And you have more strength than you realize.
Thank you for being an example of hard work and of charity. Thank you for always teaching me to put my best foot forward. Thank you for teaching me the importance of listening to the spirit and of the gospel. Thank you for (as Linda would say) being so stylish. Thank you for working so hard to make sure your kids were always happy and enjoying life. Thank you for teaching me to speak my mind. Thank you for telling me to stand up for myself. Thank you for always being on my side. Thank you for marrying Dad and for showing me what true love it. Thank you for being my best friend and the woman I will always look to for everything.
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