Dear One on One,


Last week was the 10 year anniversary for One on One Marketing. And this week marks my one year anniversary working there. I have loved working for a company based in the spirit of entrepreneurship. There are always new things happening, new techniques being implemented, and opportunities to learn and grow. Well, with all the changes at One on One, I was asked to help plan the 10 year anniversary event. The event was held in the upstairs of our building, wings and cider were catered in, and previous ONO employees came for the festivities. It was an awesome afternoon. With a small budget and a quick deadline, this is what we came up with!

Not only was it the ten year anniversary, it was the farewell to our CEO Nick Greer. Nick has decided to move onto another project, after ten years of excitement with his first company, he wants to move forward with his non-profit 5.12. He has been a great man to work for. Not only is he smart and hardworking, but he is a genuinely good guy. Happy birthday ONO and good luck Nick!


2025 © Deidre Emme. Design by Fearne and Breezy & Co.