Dear Miss Magic Valley,


I cannot believe my year as Miss Magic Valley is wrapping up! It seems like just last week I was calling the director while driving back to Utah to discuss my interest in the program, it seems like yesterday I was in the bathroom curling my hair to get ready for interview and preparing for the pageant. It has been a year of excitement and a year of fun and fulfilling experiences. Presenting my platform "S.T.A.M.P. Out Bullying" to over 8000 students, being in parades, speaking on the news, meeting so many wonderful contestants and examples, and competing Miss Idaho... this year has been one to remember! I have loved every second of it. But now it is time for me to pass on the crown, and in preparation for the pageant the MMV contestants have been out in the community. On Thursday they held a fundraiser at the local yogurt shop, Kiwi Loco.

The fabulous Kalie, one of the MMV contestants. 

One of our directors, the beautiful Caitlin, and her daughter. 

Isn't Heidi the cutest little girl? She will be a pageant girl for sure. 
She kept saying, "Girl, please." Adorable. 

 Yesenya and Harlee, two of the contestants and the last two workers standing.

My favorite two girls and little sisters, Madison and Erin, were staying at our home so they came with!

The pageant is coming up really fast! August 3, 2012. Come and support all the lovely Miss and Teen contestants if you can. If not, support them in your heart! I will be there helping emcee, presenting my talent, and giving my farewell and final walk.


P.S. I will be sealed to my best friend in just...

23 DAYS!
The greatest basketball player ever was #23, Michael Jordan.
23 is a German film about Karl Koch
In darts, 23 is the lowest score that cannot be gained with the throw of a single dart.
Psalm 23, also known as the Shepherd Psalm, is possibly the most quoted and best known Psalm.
A Muse in Purple said...

I spy teal pants!! The even looked like so much fun!

PS I just tear up when you "sealed to your best friend"! So much love!

Jill said...

so fun to see you! Happy countdown to wedding :-)

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