Dear Back From the Dead,


You probably haven't been wondering where I have been, but in case you have... I am okay! I went home to Idaho (more about my weekend home to come later) for the weekend.

It was the best time with all my family (minus brother Eric) and a special temple trip to get ready for my wedding that is in...

24 DAYS!
There are 24 teams that compete in the FIFA World Cup.
There are 24 carats in 100% pure gold.
Backgammon boards hold 24 points.
The Chinese Solar year has 24 cycles.

While you are all waiting in suspense to hear about my weekend home, let me remind you that it is.... drum roll please..... MOVIE MONDAY. The movie this week goes right along with the idea that I am in love and getting married as well as the sad reminder that in just two weeks I will be giving my title of Miss Magic Valley to a new young woman.

This is a little clip of me singing at Festival of Trees in December as Miss Magic Valley. I will sure miss the days of a crown and attention. What videos and movies are you loving?


Kirsten Wiemer said...

you can also add to the last that my birthday is on december 24th, duhh. excited for you cute girl. love that song btws.

Janette said...

Holy moly! I loooooove that song from Thoroughly Modern Millie... Probably one of my faves! Good thing there isn't a video of ME singing that song.. That would be a disaster! You did a great job Deidre!!

Janette the Jongleur

Sierra @ Sierra's View said...

Look how cute you are, singing! I love that song! Haha

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