Dear Bowling,


Who else loves bowling? Anyone? Well... if you don't... you should. It seriously is the best time. And I am finally learning how to bowl, thanks to many years of advice from my bowling league Mama... and by that I mean my Mom, because she really is in a bowling league! She even has her own ball and shoes, how cool is that? Well last week for FHE - Family Home Evening, which is made up of apartments of single adults that I got to church with since we are all away from our families - we went bowling. And let me tell you, it was a BALL! (Get it, ball? Bowling ball?)

 Picking names might be the best part of bowling. I am always DEEJMBL...
because let us all be honest, DEEJMBL is weird enough.

 She has the funniest bowling technique... yet her score was incredible!

 Don't make her mad... shoes will be thrown,

 I was trying to snap Hilary.... but Adam just hoped in the way!

 Bret... always dancing.

My goal is always to break 100, and I did! Which is rare... so I was super happy. in the 8th frame I was so sad because I didn't thik I could do it, but that spare saved me! HALLELUJAH!! If you want some bowling tips, let me know... Mama Edmunds has taught me well!


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