This song was written by an amazing LDS composer. She is one of my dear friend's mom. I am so appreciative of her talent to write music and that she is willing to share it with everyone. Thank you so much Sister Edwards.
Please, take a 5 minute break and watch this video and ask yourself... Do you have room?
Do you have room?
Every year BYU and U of U students prepare for the Holy War that happens the Saturday after Thanksgiving. But, it is a lot more than the Cougars and Utes battling it out on the field. Both schools participate in a food drive that is led by the Student Alumni Associations.Whatever school gets the most donations claims bragging rights for the next year, but beyond that so many families are helped. There are many needy families wishing for a Happy Thanksgiving, would you be willing to help?
You can donate cans around campus, purchase Y-marks from different places in the valley, and you can donate money online! Every dollar translates into 17-20 lbs. of food for needy families. Please donate now at
I ...
... am the 1 girl, in a family of 6, with three brothers 3 brother, 2 sisters in law, and 4 nephews, my family is fabulous.
... have lived in 5 houses within the same 2 blocks.
... am tagged in 1539 pictures on facebook.
... go home in just 4 days!
... would like to have at least 2 more pairs of boots for winter.
... sit in section 33 on row 3 for BYU Football.
... am being followed by 11 for my blog.
... have 45 blogs on my blog friend list.
... will finish school in 17 months, but only 14 of those months will be in class.
... spent 7 weeks doing EFY, and fell in love with that program.
... work 20 hours a week.
... have been alive for just over 235 months.
... graduated in 2007.
... have changed my cell phone number 0 times.
... want to be about 18 different things when I grow up.
... have exactly 5700 emails archived.
... am tagged in 1539 pictures on facebook.
... go home in just 4 days!
... would like to have at least 2 more pairs of boots for winter.
... sit in section 33 on row 3 for BYU Football.
... am being followed by 11 for my blog.
... have 45 blogs on my blog friend list.
... will finish school in 17 months, but only 14 of those months will be in class.
... spent 7 weeks doing EFY, and fell in love with that program.
... work 20 hours a week.
... have been alive for just over 235 months.
... graduated in 2007.
... have changed my cell phone number 0 times.
... want to be about 18 different things when I grow up.
... have exactly 5700 emails archived.
Okay. I think graffiti is the coolest thing to see. Honestly, how to people get so skilled at doing that? Its hard enough to not get spray paint EVERYWHERE, but then to make it into some awesome art.. really? Skills and talent. I always see if when we go down town in Twin Falls to take train track pictures, and then today we went to this run down building on the way to Springville to take pictures. So much legit graffiti. I loved it. While we were wrapping up taking pictures these two guys came to do a little art themselves, I was in awe. I think I actually at one point told them I was obsessed with them... not awkward at all, but a little but. I promise I am not creepy. But it was SO awesome to watch these boys at work. I snagged a few shots. Skills boys, skills.

one week.
I have Thanksgivingitis.
Do you?
The following are Thanksgivingitis symptoms, you may have Thanksgivingitis if you have all or a combination of the following:
Dread every class because it is time for a break.
Hate the fact that we don't get a whole week off for Thanksgiving.
Hate the previously stated fact, yet still planning on skipping those two days to go home for a whole week.
Sit down Sunday to look at the next weeks plans and saying, "Only 5 more days until the weekend, I can do this."
Call home to find out what the family plans are, even though you pretty much already know.
Try to plan when you can take all three tests and write those different reviews, analysis, and papers before the end of the week.
Want turkey.
Talk about your travel plans almost daily.
Start to pack.
It is contagious, so be cautious.
Do you?
The following are Thanksgivingitis symptoms, you may have Thanksgivingitis if you have all or a combination of the following:
Dread every class because it is time for a break.
Hate the fact that we don't get a whole week off for Thanksgiving.
Hate the previously stated fact, yet still planning on skipping those two days to go home for a whole week.
Sit down Sunday to look at the next weeks plans and saying, "Only 5 more days until the weekend, I can do this."
Call home to find out what the family plans are, even though you pretty much already know.
Try to plan when you can take all three tests and write those different reviews, analysis, and papers before the end of the week.
Want turkey.
Talk about your travel plans almost daily.
Start to pack.
It is contagious, so be cautious.
Utah Student 25.
As some of you know I was offered a great opportunity for my RMYL internship. My internship was to be the final event intern for the Utah Student 25. The Utah Student 25 is an opportunity for all student businesses to submit their company in to be awarded one of the top 25. They are all student started, and student run businesses. Last Thursday was the final gala. It was a beautiful event held at the Grand America hotel in Salt Lake City. Speakers included Gov. Gary Herbert, Josh James, Senior Vice President and General Manager of the Omniture Business Unit with Adobe Systems Incorporated, John Pestana, the Co-founder of Omniture, and Stephen Gibson, a professional faculty member at BYU-Provo. It was hosted by John Richards from BYU and the emcee was Keith McCord from channel five in Salt Lake City. Students in the top 25 came from Brigham Young University, University of Utah, Westminster College, Utah State University, Utah Valley University, and Weber State. It was a great opportunity to work with this program and it definitely helped me in getting an idea of what event planning is like. Here are some pictures of the event.

Every Tuesday at 11:00 is devotional.
Sometimes I go, sometimes I don't, but when I do go I am reminded why I should be there every single time. This Tuesday was a great example of that. Elder Jon M. Huntsman of the seventy spoke. I went in just to listen and after his first line, I decided I needed to take notes. His devotional was full of advice, good thoughts, and treasures to live by. I will just tell you a few of my favorites.

God did not send us here to fail, believe in yourself... Be a person of integrity.
The line that made me realize I needed to take notes. The part I put in bold was referred to frequently throughout his talk. It was the theme of his talk, and a great reminder to me.
Difficulty is the one excuse history never accepts.
We must remember that without integrity nothing else matters and that with integrity nothing else matters.
Difficulties in life are meant to make us better not bitter.
He talked about priorities and quoted President Hinckley. President Hinckley said out priorities should be as follows:
1- Eternal spouse
2- Eternal children
3- Loyalty to employer
4- commitment to church calling
5- attention to personal fitness and health
"Stay true in the dark and humble in the spotlight" - President Lee
You and the Lord working together, can accomplish anything.
Above all else, believe in yourself.
Okay, so I put a lot of quotes, but that isn't even a quarter of what I wrote down. You can imagine all the great insight he had. I loved this devotional more than any other talk or lesson I have heard lately. Thank you Elder Huntsman for your inspiration.
God did not send us here to fail, believe in yourself... Be a person of integrity.
The line that made me realize I needed to take notes. The part I put in bold was referred to frequently throughout his talk. It was the theme of his talk, and a great reminder to me.
Difficulty is the one excuse history never accepts.
We must remember that without integrity nothing else matters and that with integrity nothing else matters.
Difficulties in life are meant to make us better not bitter.
He talked about priorities and quoted President Hinckley. President Hinckley said out priorities should be as follows:
1- Eternal spouse
2- Eternal children
3- Loyalty to employer
4- commitment to church calling
5- attention to personal fitness and health
"Stay true in the dark and humble in the spotlight" - President Lee
You and the Lord working together, can accomplish anything.
Above all else, believe in yourself.
Okay, so I put a lot of quotes, but that isn't even a quarter of what I wrote down. You can imagine all the great insight he had. I loved this devotional more than any other talk or lesson I have heard lately. Thank you Elder Huntsman for your inspiration.
Let me throw an equation out there for you.

fall outfit.
My friend Cassidy just post this. I think it needs to be shared.
I thank you God for this most Amazing
day: for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky: and for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes
(I who have died am alive again today,
and this is the sun's birthday, this is the birth
day of life and of love and wings: and of the Gay
great happening illimitably earth)
how should tasting touching hearing seeing
breathing and--lifted from the no
of all nothing-- human merely being
doubt unimaginable you?
(now the ears of my ears awake and
now the eyes of my eyes are opened)
-e.e. cummings
I thank you God for this most Amazing
day: for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky: and for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes
(I who have died am alive again today,
and this is the sun's birthday, this is the birth
day of life and of love and wings: and of the Gay
great happening illimitably earth)
how should tasting touching hearing seeing
breathing and--lifted from the no
of all nothing-- human merely being
doubt unimaginable you?
(now the ears of my ears awake and
now the eyes of my eyes are opened)
-e.e. cummings
Fall 09 so far.
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