The Bachelor: Season 21, Episode 1-4


Alright. So obviously I took some time away from blogging. If you didn't know that, then just click back in my posts and you will see I have posted like once a month for the last five months. That is fine. And when Bachelor started up again I thought, I should blog about this. And then I missed my review of the women and no one said anything... so I was like meh, no one cares. I am fine not blogging. But THEN in the last week I have had a handful of people message me to ask for my blog URL to read my reviews, or ask where my posts were, or be like Deidre... are you even watching this season? Well let me tell you something I AM WATCHING. And now I am reviewing again. Because I would hate to let my four followers down.

So since I am a little late, I am just going to recap all my thoughts up to this point and then I will start my weekly summaries for you. How do you like that? I like it too.

First, let's talk about something. Does anyone else feel like they are throwing random girls into the rose ceremony every week? Or is that just me? I feel like every rose ceremony I am just sitting there thinking... wait. Who is that? Where did she come from? And I think that not even when it just pans by them.... I think it when they are going to tell Nick YES for the rose. How did she get a rose when I didn't even know she existed!? Okay. I just needed to throw that out there.

Now, for obvi - let's just focus on the characters.

Nick. I love you. I hate you. I like you. I reallllly dislike you. Okay. Wait? Why did you win me over to watch this season and then just let me down. Are the producers really paying you that much to act like a straight fool? I am just so blown away by some of the things he says and does and how awkward he is. Is he getting paid to be awkward? I feel bad because I feel like a lot of my awesome top picks are too good for the kid. I don't know. I am still a fence person for Nick.

My tops are Vanessa, the Danielles, Sarah, and Raven is really starting to grow on me.

Wait. Before I talk about my tops... let's talk about Liz. What!? That was so awkward that she showed up and was like "we slept together but I dont know if he remembers me...." so I am confused why she would announce that on TV. Was she there because of money? Or for plot twist? Or because she really liked him? All so weird.

Okay. Back to the tops. Vanessa. I LOVE her because she totally called Nick out on his crap. I didn't think I would love her this much, but I do. She is classy and she has got it together. Danielles are both great - one is a mega babe and the other just seems like a genuinely wonderful woman. And then Sarah is just the cutest. And I really started to like Raven after her one on one with Nick and their chemistry was incredible. I am sure lots of other people really like these women too so I won't dive into these ones too much.

Now let's talk about Jasmine G, aka Gabrielle Union, I really like that spicy girl. I thought she had a good opportunity to be the villian. But she just seems like a semi diva that likes to get all up in that drama.

Taylor makes me like eeeeekkk....... I cant.


And Jospehine, girl girl girl. She is that quirky girl that you are like is she cool or is she strange. I can't decide. One thing though, she looks like a girl that could do really well on ANTM. Like Tyra would love her because she would photograph so well. You know?

Okay. The real girl you are wanting to talk about. Corinne. Whhhhhat? She is female Chad. So if you had any ill feels towards Chad you probably also have them towards Corinne. These are the things I have seen that I think best represent my feelings towards her. "Corinne cannot be a real human! I think she is a plant." And then, "I think Corinne's parents just gave her a copy of Sims and said run the business." Yes and yes. She is gutsy and crazy. And I think she knows they made her the villian so she is getting crazy and crazy and crazy and she eats a lot of chicken nuggets. Come to think about it. She is sort of like a toddler - she likes chicken nuggets and naps and attention. So it makes sense she has a nanny. I am getting it now!

Alright. That is it. Wrapped up. All my thoughts up to this point. Now get ready for a week by week recap and let's rock this joint.

Stripes and Pocket


I am a big stripes fan. And I am a big pockets fan. So when I was presented with the most COMFORTABLE - seriously, so comfy - dress that had both. I was in. So in it was insane. I have always had my eye on Junie Blake dresses because they are so stylish and they are modest and they are all the good things. I have been able to wear this one so many times for different occasions, but of all of them this styling is my fave.

Dress: Junie Blake
Duster: Pink Blush
Booties: Nordstrom Rack

So I usually don't do the top knot, but I felt like a top knot tied this whole thing together to give it a more trendy look rather than a conservative dressy look. Does that make sense? So for example - I wore my hair down and really pretty with some heels instead of booties for a dinner party. I wore this for a fun day out with my friends. It is as easy as that to swap a look in and out. 

But no matter what way you style it, this dress is beautiful and I am obsessed with it. Next on my list is a fun leopard dress that Junie Blake released last month. And now I need it. 

Styled by 5: Sweet Legs


Next up? Styled by 5! I know, you were really hoping to see more of me and my girls sharing one item in multiple stylish ways. Well, I won't leave you hanging. Let's do this!

This month we teamed up with Sweet Legs to share every girl's favorite fashion item, black leggings. And let me tell you, a good pair of black leggings are hard to come by. Lots of times they are too short, too see through, or show just a little too much. Or they cut in the wrong place. Or you get the idea... they can be tough! But I got my Sweet Legs pair and I am in love. They wear nice and they feel nice. The fabric is so soft it feels like butter.

Leggings: Sweet Legs
Top: Nordstrom Rack
Hat: Jane
Shoes: Famous Footwear

My plan this month was to go super casual to show how you can wear leggings for a busy day of comfort while still looking put together. Does that make sense? I feel like people either feel like leggings need to look like workout or like they are meant to be worn every day. And I say, hey they are amazing so why feel like we need to wear a tunic and a statement necklace to draw away from the leggings!? Enjoy life. So I paired it with a statement sweatershirt, sneaks, and a hat. An outfit that says I want to be comfortable for errands but I also don't plan to workout. You dig, right?

Since we are all sharing the same piece on a different body type here is a reminder of my sizing – I am 5’9″ and I generally wear a 10/12 – 10 on a good day, 12 on a not good day… you understand, right? So I ordered these leggings in the "One Size", sometimes I debate going plus but one size tends to work. The leggings have been great. I dont have any issues with them being see through and they fit long which I appreciate being tall. I love sharing my style with you, but I also want you to see clothing I style in other body types so you can find what is best for you. So feel free to check out how KaylynnBethanyJacque, and Lauryn styled this outfit as well! And watch for a new piece of clothing styled by 5 every month.

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