Fashion Fits Everyone || Volume 32


"Fashion has always been fun to me.  I love dressing up, finding outfits that make me feel confident.  Over the years, I've learned which cuts flatter my body type and which colors look great always.  Knowing what works best for me helps me feel more confident…..who wants to try on unflattering clothes?
Over the years, I've learned how to dress my pear shaped body.  When I was younger, I hated my body type and was constantly frustrated because I couldn't find clothes that I felt comfortable in.  Now? I've learned exactly what works for wider hips and thighs.  Tighter pants? Only with a longer tunic type of top. Skirts, always flattering.  I own way too many.  Great fitting jeans? Worth every penny.  Heels lengthen my legs and create balance.  I've found that I have a hard time finding dresses that fit since I'm smaller on the top…….so I tend to wear separates.
I've been thinking a lot about how to define my own style.  I'm driven by color.  I love bright colors, bold patterns, and pretty accents.  Statement jewelry? Yes please.  Black and white stripes? Absolutely.  I don't do subtle or boring.  I love fashion because it's fun! It's a way to be creative!
I love that everyone can express themselves with their personal style.  Developing your personal style is a great way to develop your confidence.  Learn what you love, and feel your best in!"
- Carly from Lipgloss and Crayons
 Interested in being a part of Fashion Fits Everyone? Email with the subject Fashion Fits Everyone and we will get you scheduled.

Summer is for Skirts


I have a rule... if it is over 90 degrees and my legs are shaved (because let's be honest, that one is hit or miss) I wear a skirt. Or shorts... but since I am working at least 40 hours a week, skirts are the first thing. I used to always wear pants and my mom would ask me, "Aren't you going to be hot?" And I would just shrug my shoulders and say, "Naw... I will be fine." Well guess what mom? I am hot... ALL. THE. TIME! So I have come to the conclusion that summer is for skirts.

Skirts are the best thing that have ever happened to my life. And because I now live in a place where start last month is was over 90 degrees every day I have started to stalk up on skirts. Pencil skirts. A line skirts. Midi skirts. Skater skirts. Maxi skirts. Cotton skirts. Patterned skirts. I mean... the list goes on forever. I love them all. But one of my most favorite skirts is this one size fits most diddy that I got from My Sister's Closet. I have it in a handful of colors because it is so comfortable and so easy to pair up with other items. The texture to is hide any bumps of tucked in tops too, which I love since I am a big time tucker. This skirt is the bomb. And I challenge you to find something more comfortable in terms of a pencil skirt or something that comes in more colors.

Elephant Top: Aeropostale
Shoes: Payless

What do you think? I LOVE wearing it. Especially because in my job I am on the floor moving a lot, and since it is a spandex material - it moves with me. Which makes it so much easier when I am stacking chairs and rolling tables. Do you have a wardrobe rule for when it gets warm? Or maybe for when the temperature drops depending on where you live? I love hearing how people manage their closets... and speaking of managing your closet. How would you like to manage it by getting $200 to Anthro? Because if you keep scrolling that is also an option!

Fruit Ice Cream Pie


This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Fruttare, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia

You all know I am in Arizona. You all know I am trying to get fit. But.... sometimes a treat is needed. So how do you come up with a solution when you are trying to get away from your snacky ways? You come up with a healthier version of the treats you love. Yes.. you can have your cake and eat it too.. or in this case pie! An ice cream pie with a healthy-ish twist.

Growing up my Mom would always make me an ice cream pie or ice cream cake for my birthday. Because I love ice cream. I love cake. And I love them magically stitched together. An Oreo crust. A caramel filling with mocha almond fudge ice cream. Or a chocolate filling with mint chocolate chip ice cream. The topped with hot fudge and whipped cream. Oh. My. YES. Right? Can't you just taste it? And lately I have been craving, craving, craving ice cream cake... but I decided to put a twist on it for my healthy and hot Arizona summer. So I bring to you Fruit Ice Cream Pie. The quick and easy version that is!

I could tell you how I made my own crust and I made my own filling. I could tell you that I found the perfect consistency for my frosting... but let's cut to the chase. I made the whole thing really easy by purchasing 4 items at Kroger and getting it all done in about 20 minutes - and 10 of the minutes were letting the ice cream soften.

Items needed for Fruit Ice Cream Pie:
Graham Cracker Crust
8oz Tub of Cool Whip
Fruit - frozen of fresh, I bought a small fresh fruit medley cup and it was plenty

Instructions for Fruit Ice Cream Pie:
Set all ice Fruttare Fruit & Juice Bars out to soften for about 10 minutes
While the Fruttare Fruit & Juice Bars are softening open up the crust, Cool Whip, and cut fruit to your liking to layer on top of pie
Once fruit bars have softened open them all up and drop into a mixing bowl and stir together
Pour ice cream mixture into graham cracker crust
Put in the freezer for 5 minutes to let stiffen
Once ice cream seems less soft pull pie out of freezer and add Cool Whip on top as "frosting"
Add a design on top of your pie with your fruit
Cut, serve, and enjoy!

You could choose any fruit ice cream or sorbet that you want, but I picked Fruttare Fruit & Juice Bars because they have milk in the bar, which made for a smoother and creamier texture. And if you shop at your local Kroger store you can get $4 music rewards if you buy at least two types of Fruttare Fruit & Juice Bars. Just head to your store, buy two flavors (they have mango, strawberry, banana, and coconut) and then head to the reward site to claim you prize! The offer doesn't start until after July 1st... but that is just in time for all your 4th of July celebrations!

So there you have it. A quick and EASY ice cream treat for all your summer parties. And if you are looking to be a homemaker too - you could always make the crust and frosting. But I will save that for another day. What are your favorite ice cream snacks? Do you have a favorite brand of fruit ice cream and popsicles?

Fashion Fits Everyone || Volume 31


"Beauty, fashion and confidence can be the holy trinity or a troublesome trio. They work together or completely against one another and sometimes you just don't know where you stand with any of them. I like to think that I know a lot about fashion, I crave knowledge about its history, and am constantly researching different eras and trends while also stalking my favorite fashion gurus to see what I need to know. However, when it comes to beauty I am clueless, I make my attempts, and like to think that maybe I'm doing that contouring thing right, I'm even guilty of purchasing those must have products only to realize that I have no clue what to do with them. But confidence, now that's a roller coaster I am still riding. I mean honestly who is confident every minute of every day, I dare say, no one. We all have those little things we've already picked out that we would change if someone offered you a million dollars and a painless way to do it but what it comes down to is that there will always be those parts of yourself you are crazy in love with and those other parts you could live without but you're forced to love anyway. Like those family members you could kinda live without being related to! But in all seriousness, have I always loved being 5'10"? No, but today I do! Do I wish I had a little curve to my physique and maybe some boobs to go along with it, hell yeah. But I also love that I can fit into sample sizes and get away without a sports bra at the gym, see what I mean?!
Like I mentioned, I am 5'10", not very curvaceous, with more of an athletic yet slim body type. I find dressing for my body type to be difficult at times as I am sure it is for everyone, however that being said once you figure out what works for you it gets rather easy. My biggest challenge was finding pants that I didn't have to sacrifice length for in order to have fit me in the waist. Once I discovered the tall section of stores and online sites with the option to adjust the inseam I was set. My go to stores for pants are Alloy, Delias, and Old Navy (yes, Old Navy has a TALL option online!). I'll be honest, I think taller woman suit, or can pull off, most styles and trends, and can even rock heels. Heels are a girls best friend, my shoe collection is bordering on hoarder status and the majority of my collection is made up of heels. I encourage all of you ladies to embrace your height and enhance it. Now, while heels are a must-have I will note that longer hemlines are imperative for skirts, shorts and dresses, too much thigh isn't cute...on anyone!
When it comes to my style, I can honestly say I don't have one. Or if I do it is unbelievably erratic and unruly. I wear what feels right, what puts a smile on my face and what I don't think I can live without wearing that day. Want my honest advice? Try on everything you like regardless of how you think it may look or whether or not People Style Watch magazine told you it would suit your body type, and give it a chance. Then wear it. Ultimately, if you like it, you will wear it confidently and confidence is what looks good.
Remember, the style may not be the one for you, and you may hate the current trend but fashion, Fashion Fits Everyone. See what I did there? "
-Jasmin from Jasmin Daily
Interested in being a part of Fashion Fits Everyone? Email with the subject Fashion Fits Everyone and we will get you scheduled.

Mini Vacation Packing Tips


I am all for a mini vacation. Don't get me wrong, I love my full on vacations too... but a mini vacation just speaks to me. Pack up for a few days. Head out of town. Most likely there is no need to take PTO or prepare the office for while you are away. Just jump in the car or on the plane for a little breather. The hard thing about a mini vacation for me is the packing... I am a habitual over-packer. Three day trip? Seven shirts. Whoops... and when you are taking a road trip, that is no big deal. But on an airplane? That is a big deal. Especially because I hate checking bags. I try to avoid it at ALL costs. So I have been working really hard on packing light and packing right. And this last weekend when I went to California I finally nailed it. Three days of vacation in one backpack! I know, I didn't believe it either. But now I am here, living proof, to give you my mini vacation packing tips for carry on luggage.

Find the right bag. A bag is everything. I used to always use my smaller rolling bag, which is what often led to me over packing. I could always fit "just one more" shirt... and then that would turn into four more since the bag was roomy. While it was nice having the extra clothing, it wasn't nice having the extra laundry when I came home. I just got a new Cotopaxi bag that I am loving. The bag is great because it is small enough to use just for a day out hiking or something, but it is big enough for trips - I was able to fit my makeup, toiletries, straightener, a pair of shoes, a sweatshirt, three shirts, and three bottoms in it with room to spare.

It also doesn't hurt that Cotopaxi is a brand with a cause. They like to call it "Gear for Good". They are a brand new outdoor gear brand, with a social mission to eradicate poverty. I got the Cusco bag which benefits a school in Peru. They've got a ton of different sizes and styles of bags, so if you are looking for a good bag that is durable and has a bigger picture - I would start out there for sure. You can use the code "LOVETHESKINNYS" to get 10% off of your purchase.

Think of where you are traveling before you pack. I really love my hair dryer and I hate using other ones, so I always try to pack it. But lately I have realized that saving that space and just using a hotel hair dryer makes room for other items that I can't just use wherever I travel. Are you staying in a hotel? What items do they have that you wont need to pack? Things like hair dryers, a way to iron clothing, shampoo, conditioner. Are you going to visit a friend? What items do they have that you wont need to pack? Things like hair dryers, straightener, curling iron, shampoo, conditioner.. check with them before you pack too much.

Pack what you need. Like I said. I am the queen of over packing. And then when I get on vacation I tend to worry more about my clothing than about what I am actually doing that day. It could be the plague of social media everywhere, but I have come to terms with the fact that my followers will be my followers no matter what I wear. So now I only pack what I need. A shirt for every day of the trip + one spare. Underwear for every day of the trip + one spare. Bottoms are a little trickier... I don't know if I am the only one that re-uses pants/shorts, but that is they key to packing light. I tend to take the amount of days on the trip and divide it in half, then round up if needs be. So a 3 day trip divided in half is 1.5, rounded up is 2, so I would take two bottoms in addition to what I wear to travel in. As far as shoes and sweaters I try to take one of each. Sometimes I will take two pairs of shoes - one comfy pair and one pair of flats that are neutral and trendy if I want to look a little fancier.

Consolidate and downsize. Toiletries and makeup are always my downfall. Because of course I need every shade of lipstick I own no matter where I am, right? Wrong. For makeup I only take the things I wear every day - things like foundation, concealer, bronzer, mascara, blush, eyeliner, and eye shadow. For toiletries, I try to get travel size of everything. Target and Sally's have great options for both of those. Usually at Target I get face wash, lotion, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, contact solution, and deodorant. At Sally's I get hair spray and root pump.

When packing up my toiletries and makeup I get out my small travel bag and a ziplock bag. All the liquids like hair spray, root pump, contact solution, lotion, toothpaste, face wash go in the ziplock bag - this makes it easier for carry on luggage and for less messes in case one of the bottles opens during travel. Everything else goes in the travel bag. Once all the every day must have items are in I fill in the rest of the bag with lipsticks and other fun makeup items as a bonus.

Roll your clothes. This is an old trick that so many forget. Roll each clothing item up like a burrito as you go to pack it in your bag. It is a space saver and can give you a ton more room.

I have a few more travel tips that I will share as I go on the rest of my trips this summer, but my packing tips needed to come first since I am finally mastering it! This last weekend I kept telling Adam that I must have forgotten something since I had everything in such a small space, but at the end of my trip there wasn't one time that I thought, "I wish I would have packed that!" My best piece of advice is to start with a good bag. One that is easy to pack, one that is easy to lug around, and one that is durable. Don't forget you can get 10% off at Cotopaxi with the code "LOVETHESKINNYS". Do you like to take mini vacations? What sort of travel tips could you share? What makes packing easy for you?

Lipstick Collection


It is no surprise how much I love lipstick. I have created quite the collection over the last couple months too. Red lipstick. Pink lipstick. Peach lipstick. Nude lipstick. When I name off lipstick shade I feel like I am in Dr. Suess. One stick. Two stick. Red stick. Nude stick. I have even branched out to get some purple lipstick... well not super purple, but it definitely has a hint of it. In fact, one of the girls I teach for Sunday School (she's only 7...) looked at me the other day and said, "Why are your lips purple?" But she is also the girl that told me I look pregnant in the outfit below... so I don't really listen to her anymore.

Okay, sorry. I digress. Lipstick. I LOVE it. And I will continue growing my collection because it is like a sickness. I love mixing and matching my colors. I love blending them together to find the perfect shade for the day. You can see some of my favorite colors for the season here. But most recently I have fallen in love with matching my lips to my outfit. To really make my outfits pop. So here is a little red on red.

Skirt: Downeast Basics (similar)
Shoes: BCBG c/o (similar)

See what I mean? At first I was feeling like this look was a little overwhelming... but now I am totally loving it! It really gives the colors in my outfits a chance to be the star. Rather than falling two second place because I had a great patterned top or rockin' high heels. I also get a lot more compliments on my lips lately since I have been matching it to an element in my outfit. You can check out all of my lipstick to outfit tips over at I'm Topsy Turvy today! There are little tips and tricks that I have picked up to really make the matching work and not overwhelm. What is your favorite lipstick shade? Do you ever match your clothes to your nail polish or lips?

Elevate Conference Lessons


I've been wanting to go to a blog conference for awhile now. I always see my blogging friends go, take a million photos, talk about how awesome of a time they had, so on and so forth... and at the end I always get really jealous. Why the heck didn't I just bite the bullet and go. Put aside my introvert-ish fears (you'd think I was completely an extrovert based on my attitude sometime, but I get really nervous in setting where people can actually see my face - I prefer the stage) and my budget OCD and just go. So this year I bought a ticket to Snap. And then I found out I was moving. And I sold my ticket. I wanted to go to BYBC but it was within weeks of the move and new job. Alt has always been the dream but can I really fork out that much dough? Probs not.

So then I went to dinner with this new blogger friend in Arizona and she said, "Hey. We are all going to Elevate. If there is a ticket for sale somewhere you should come. We have a seat in our car." That night she found a ticket for sale for me. And I bought it without even asking. And then... yeah. I went! And here is what I learned.

1. Find Your Accent. And Don't Be Afraid to Use It. The first speaker of the day was Desiree from The 36th Avenue. She is a little fireball of hilarious phrases. And right after she would say the funniest thing she would hit you with a thought that could change your whole attitude. All good things wrapped into one moment of wisdom. She has an accent and she talked about how her accent made her, her! We all have our own individual accents and style that make us individual and perfect. Find your accent and don't be ashamed of it. Find the person you are, find what make you unique, and EMBRACE IT. That was the perfect way for my day to start because if you've ever had a conversation with me you know I am full of bizarre one line jokes that may or may not be borderline inappropriate and a high-ten-larious. If I've just met someone, I try to keep those to myself. So in the conference setting I was fully prepared to go in with a filter and keep my flaws to myself. After Desiree gave that advice I decided to throw my original plan out the window. I made sure to talk to anyone I was around, I made sure to say my thoughts, and I made sure to get a few laughs.

2. Look For the Beauty Around You. I was SO so so so excited because Cara from Maskcara was going to be there. I am a huge fan of her. And sometimes when Adam is out of town I will spend hours on her YouTube videos and skimming her blog. (Also, she just released a bomb makeup line that I will be getting once my current makeup runs out. Just sayin'.) I was ready to hear her beauty tips and I was ready to see what I could do better with my makeup. But she gave me so much more than that. She started out by talking about what makes her a great makeup artist. And it isn't her technique and it isn't her product... it is the fact that she takes the time to find beauty in every single woman she meets. She is able to enhance beauty, rather than try to cover up what makes them unique. She is able to find their most beautiful trait and help make that woman look like an individual rather than a clone of "what is in". As women, we tend to take a lot of time tearing others down to build ourselves up. Wouldn't life be so much easier if we spent time looking for what makes everyone else beautiful? I've decided to look for beauty and charm rather than what might be considered "not pretty" because I would hope people would give me that same respect.

3. You Can Build the Community You Want. The community I want starts at this very moment with me. Be Loving by handling anything negative that comes your way with love and not with more negativity. You can't fight fire with fire. There is no need to be harsh. Be Yourself because you don’t ever need to apologize for who you are. Be Brave by encouraging the people around you. Even if it is someone you just barely met or don't even know. Be Careful by choosing wisely. The biggest opportunities are not always the best opportunities. Think of your quality of life and your family when making choices. If you have to pass up on something now the right opportunities will come when they are supposed to. Be persistent and keep on keeping on. Persistence will always overcomes resistance. You might fail once or twice or fifty times but you will also be able to figure it out.

There seemed to be a theme around all the things I picked up. The way I feel and the things that go on in my life start with ME. My accent. My outlook on the things around me. My building of a community. It starts with me. Right here. Right now.

Beyond all that I made some wonderful friends. I rode to the conference with an amazing group of Arizona girls (yay! friends!) and we shared rooms with a few ladies that I have adored and never got to meet in real life until the conference. I met some ladies and store owners, like Mint Arrow, Laced Hair, Sage and Harper, and Diary of an Addict (to name a few) - and let me tell you they are all just as wonderful in person as they appear to be on the line, that I had been following on different social media channels and their blogs forever. And I can feel my own blogging network growing, and I know there are great opportunities for where I am going with my life and with my little brand.

Sure. I did networking too. I learned about affilitate links. I learned some awesome photography tips. I got to do some crafts and I took a lot of photos. I did all the things I had always hoped I would do at a blog conference. But I learned some very special lessons, and that is what I feel was most important. And they weren't lessons that just apply to blogging. They are lessons that apply to life! And while the powers that be in blogland still know I need ALL the help I can get when it comes to marketing and business plans and analytics and all that - I will most definitely be returning to Elevate Conference because Summer and Jen do a wonderful job of taking it all back to the heart of blogging. And sometimes that is all you need to keep going. A reminder that you are worth it. A reminder that your space is yours. And a reminder that this should be FUN.

Have you ever attended a blog conference? What are the best lessons you have learned about blogging? What are the words that keep you going when the going gets rough?

Home Tour | Entrance + Living Room


Adam and I have been in Arizona for about four months and we have been in our apartment for a little over three months. The first month was spent unpacking boxes and organizing furniture. The second month was spent organizing all of our stuff, hosting house guests, getting Adam ready to leave for summer, and starting to hang things on the wall. And then the last month was spent (with the help of my sweet, sweet mother) unpacking the last couple boxes, organizing the last of our items, and finishing all our decor. Which means I can finally (only 3 months later, right?) take you on the house tour I have been promising since February!

The entry way was is our latest and greatest project. My mom and I combined forces and creative juices to make it all that it is. My mom came up with the concept and I came up with a tweek or two. And now the first wall you see in our home is probably one of my favorite things in our home.

My Mom is a genius and had the wall vinyl cut out by a lady back home and then she cut out all the states with her Silhouette. The frames are from the Dollar Tree. The hearts are little stickers from Walmart for one dollar. And the backdrop is just white cardstock. Simple enough right? All that plus four nails made the perfect representation of my home in Idaho, Adam's home in California, our first home together in Utah, and our current home in Arizona. It is my favorite wall and it was so simple to put together.

Next up? The living room. Let me start by telling you the steal of a deal we got from my co-worker. She sold us the couch and bookshelf (along with the front entry table and a night stand) for $400. I told her that was not enough money and she told me she really wanted to help us out. So we didn't fight anymore and we got our furniture for a great price. Win, win.

The book shelf is probably one of the more exciting things to decorate. Adam and I have always talked about having a great place to put our books we have started collecting. So when we got this from my co-worker we were pumped! But we don't have enough books yet to fill all the shelves so my Mom and I got to play interior decorator on the top three shelves.

I really like getting items that are changeable depending on season and holiday. I have a lot of frames with different options to add variety to my decorations. The thick gold frame on the top shelf is from a company called Little Duchess Design and they specialize in vintage art. I got a starter kit from them that came with a frame and three prints - the green leaf photo in that frame, the red-plant frame on the second shelf, and then an Uncle Sam printout for 4th of July and other USA holidays. I love it because I could pick the prints and frame to meet my own style. 

Next is the TV stand and coffee table. I love being able to add little details here and there. Most everything in the TV stand shelves are from our wedding decorations, including my bouquet. I love showcasing items from our wedding because that was one of the best days of my life. Being able to share that with the people that visit my house is very special. And then of course, I have my prints from Alexa Z Design. Her work is perfection.

Okay. I could point out a few more things and I could add a few more photos but I already feel like this post is getting way too long. There are little details here and there that I wish I would've shown you but like I said... it is getting long. So I will just give it briefly. The map on the wall is a way for Adam and I to mark our travels and our travel dreams. There is a little pig bookend holding up some Christmas movies at the bottom of that sofa table. And that clock has been a dream on the sofa table. The lamp on the back of that sofa table came from my Aunt's Mother In Law, we just replaced the shade.. like I said, I could go on and on.

I have had the best time preparing my home and making it a home - not just an apartment. And I have been so lucky to have my Mom's help. So there is the first little part of my home. The part where we do most of our living. The place where I have really tried to showcase my favorite items. Where do you put your best decorations? What part of the home tour would you like to see next?

I Love The 80's


When I was in high school I got bit by the 80's bug. We had a few 80's Days for Spirit Week.. and I don't even know where the rest of my 80's pop culture knowledge came from... actually, I take that back. It comes from hours spent watching the re-runs of I Love The 80's on VH1... and I really did, I loved it all. The music. The Movies. The leggings. The cut off sweatshirts. The clothes. The shoulder pads. The big hair. The list goes on and on and on... I could listen to the music and watch the movies all day and be totally content.

Jean Jacket: Old Navy c/o
Crop Top: Nordstrom c/o
Skirt: Choies c/o
Shoes: Paris Hilton from Ross
Earrings: Charming Charlie

The jean jacket and crop top were both steals of deals with Nordstrom and Old Navy coupon codes from When I was putting together an outfit for this skirt I thought I would channel my inner 80's love. Because nothing quite says 80's like a jean jacket. How do you think I did? I feel like I should be hanging out with Molly Ringwald right now. Is it 80's enough for you? Do you have an era you love?

Custom Swimsuit from Beverly Swimwear


I have been a little nervous to post these photos... but the time has come (the walrus said.. name that movie?) to put fear aside. I figure if I spend all my time promoting Fashion Fits Everyone, I should start putting my money where my mouth is! Generally speaking, I am really comfortable in my own skin.. but also generally speaking, I have probably put on 30 pounds since I got married almost two years ago.

Since January I have really been working on trimming down, and while there have been a few hiccups, overall I am feeling a lot more confident in myself. But, while I have been in the process of working out and getting in shape I have also been working with Beverly Swimwear for a new vintage-kini. And since I was a 12 and am on my way to a ten, I asked her to make mine in a 10. I figure, eventually I will be there so I wanted to get a suit that would work for that bod. Which brings me to why I have been nervous to share these photos. I am allllmost a ten, but not quite, but I really wanted to share my new swimsuit with all of you! So. Here you go! My custom swimsuit from Beverly Swimwear.

Swimsuit: Beverly Swimwear
Sunglasses: Target

Okay. So now that I have all my insecurities laid out and I have told you why I have been keeping these photos underwraps, let me tell you about Beverly Swimwear. All the suits are made by Beverly. And she is the absolute sweetest. She puts together any colors, fabrics, and whatnot that you want. She custom makes the suit for your size. And she is happy to alter the suit in little ways to make it best for you. After a couple weeks of checking out her site almost every single day I decided I had to have one. I picked the Tri-Color-Kini. I felt like it would hide my little flaws that I was still working on while giving me the suit type I wanted. I was a little worried about the lack of straps on the top, and when I mentioned it to Beverly she said, "No problem, I can add one!" Perfect. When I was trying to decide what colors to choose I couldn't. She has a lot of options and I am undeceive, so I sent her an email and said "I want something fun and bright, just surprise me!" And the suit she sent me is perfection. Fun, bright, and the perfect fit. She lines everything and the quality is high ten. If you are looking for a new suit, go check her out! She has tons of styles, tons of color options, and she is easy to work with! From ordering to having the suit at my house it was about 10 days... and she HAND MADE IT TO FIT MY BODY! I cannot say that part enough. If I am ever rich I am having all my clothing custom made, it is so much more comfortable.

When I wear the suit I have no concerns and I can just go out and be myself. No tugging or pulling at the suit. And even with my little body struggles, I feel like a babe in my custom swimmer. Is that okay if I call myself a babe? So let's get back to where this all started. Yeah, I have a few body issues but who cares!? I shouldn't be nervous to go for a swim. And I shouldn't be nervous to share these photos with you. Also... if I can make Adam take these photos at the public pool at our apartment, I most def shouldn't be embarrassed to share them on the blog. What is the point of summer if I can't go for a swim? Right? Right.

2025 © Deidre Emme. Design by Fearne and Breezy & Co.