
Q&A With Discovering Janae


What is your favorite thing to photograph?
I don't really have a favorite. I love to photograph many things from nature to portraits. In my photography I try to look for the story. So taking a beautiful picture of people or places is great, but I want others to be able to see the back story.

What music inspires you?
A lot of different types of music inspire me, but jazz is by far my favorite. Especially Ella Fitzgerald. You just can't go wrong with the 'Queen of Song'. But right now I also really love Brave by Sara Bareilles. And if I ever need music but I don't want to have to pay attention to lyrics I put on some Sigur Ros. If you've never listened to them then you are seriously missing out.  

How was it waiting for a missionary?
It was amazing! It was such a great experience for both of us and now we feel that it has greatly strengthen our marriage. Because we faithfully waited for each other for two years we know that we can get through anything together. Some days when Jared was gone it was hard because we missed each other but we both grew so much. And we grew together.

Favorite Disneyland ride? 
I've only been there once but I really loved the California Screamin'. I love anything that goes fast.

What is the best DIY you've made? 
Elephant and owl shaped blankets. They are awesome baby shower gifts! Came up with the pattern myself.

How do you eat an Oreo? 
Split it and eat the all cookie side first. 

Where is your happy place? 
Behind a camera.

What is your greatest accomplishment to date?
So far it's almost achieving my minimalist goal, signing up to move to China, and being seven years recovered from my eating disorder. 

What words do you live by? 
Have I done any good in the world today? 

Favorite thing about your husband? 
My favorite thing about my husband is that he loves to go on adventures and be silly with me. We are goofs.
Keep in touch || Facebook || Portfolio || Pinterest

Sasquatch Sighting...


Nope... just a Skinny Mill.
Over the weekend we went on a Alpine Loop drive to catch the last of the golden leaves. At one pull off we got out and walked around. And Adam was excited for the clearing in the trees so he could do a Sasquatch pose. He 100% believes that Sasquatch is real. So much that he wrote a post about it on the blog last year. And anytime there is something about the big guy on Discovery Channel, we watch it. Do you believe in Sasquatch?

Fashionably Modest Link-Up


Interesting a brand new blog hop. No, we're not talking about being conservative. We want to see your unique style and fashion without showing all the skin. We want you to share your outfits - and give us all some great ideas! I am going to start us all off with the simplest of simples.

Jeans: Gap \\ Top: Gap \\ Shoes: Forever Young \\ Sunglasses: c/o Fantas Eyes

I am all about the stripes. Always and forever. And this top has been awesome with the bold center stripe. There isn't too much to this outfit besides a little simplicity and a pair of shades.. because, contrary to my former belief, you still need them even when it gets cold. Lesson learned. Now let's head to the hop. Introducing a fashionably modest hop for all us girls that dress with a little mystery. Let's start with the rules:
1. Link up to specific modest outfit post {don't link to your homepage}.
2. Follow your hosts Love the Skinnys & Moe Talk a Lot
3. Grab a button or link to the hop if you want to be featured next week:
Moe Talks A Lot

Oh, and if you're hosting a giveaway, put that in your link up title so other fashionistas can enter! You can enter as many outfit/fashion giveaways as you want! And that is it! We'd love if you'd stay to check out other blogs. Each week we'll will pick a trend to spotlight from the previous weeks blog hop - stayed tuned to see if you're featured!!



Need some ideas for all the dress up parties that are coming at you over the next 7 days? Don't worry. My and my girls have got you covered with outfits of old and what we are looking forward to being this year! Meet the crew. 
And their alter-costumed-egos.

PS. My Name is Madeline - "I'm going for the whole Madeline thing again at school in fourth grade. The kids like it, because they've read the book, and it's a pretty easy costume seeing as I already have it. Now, when I get home that evening, I will transform into Pepper Potts, along with my husband, Tony Stark. What do we plan on doing while in costume? Obviously, saving the world. We may have time to eat some candy and scare little kiddos afterward.. but I doubt it. Saving the world is pretty time consuming."

Life With Amberly and Joe - "This is the costume that I'm most proud of! I was a starving college student so I had to be creative and resourceful. I was a devil! We are lame and don't dress up. I love to dress up, but my husband doesn't and Halloween is his birthday so we usually celebrate that instead. Our first Halloween together, we'd just started dating and we went to a party together a couple of days before the actual holiday. I dressed as a fairy, and because Joe didn't have or want a costume, I wrote 'Muggle' on a piece of paper and we hung it around his neck with a string. When we have kids, I'm sure it will be a different story because we will dress them up and I won't be able to resist dressing up to take them trick-or-treating. Maybe even making our costumes coordinate."

Chevron and Lace - "I have NO idea what our family is going to do for Halloween, but I do have a photo of one of my all-time favorite costumes. DUCT TAPE WOMAN!" Side note: Susan might not know what they are being but she has the CUTEST child's fox costume for sale in her shop. Obsessed.

Oh, Just Living the Dream - "One year I was Shirley Temple - check out that photo! I am planning on dressing up as a cat for Halloween this year! I am a schoolteacher so I will be with my students all day on Halloween, but in the afternoon I will be taking my little sister in law trick or treating and playing fun Halloween games and watching Hocus Pocus, of course! Happy Halloween!"

A Little Too Jolley - "I went as a ceiling fan to a trunk or treat because I didn't have a costume. Haha! I really want to be a princess this year, who doesn't? I know we are going to Frightmares at Lagoon in Utah this year sometime in October, but as for Halloween night, probably escorting my little brothers around the neighborhood for candy!"

A Muse in Purple - "OK so you are going to think I'm a complete lunatic but last year I started a tradition of dressing up with my dog. So...this year I'm going to try and do the same thing. This year I'm going to try and dress up like the characters from Star Wars. My dog Tucker is going to be a Wookie aka Chewbacca and I'm going to be Princess Leia."

And as for Adam and myself.... we were a deer and a hunter. Because. That seemed like a fun idea. Actually. We debated a lot because it was our first time dressing up together. So we now have ideas for the next fifty years of costumes probs. But this one stems from Pinterest, and I am pretty darn proud of how it turned out!

But I am allllll about the Halloween costumes. You can check out some of my oldies (but goodies) over here. So if you didn't already have an idea, hopefully we gave you some ideas to run with. What are your Halloween plans? What are you dressing up as this year?

PS. CONGRATULATIONS TO KAYCIE EDDIE! You won a free teeth whitening from Marz Ortho.
Email me at lovetheskinnys [at] gmail [dot] com to claim your prize!
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Fashion Fits Everyone || Volume 10


Today I have a fashion guru and a girl I love to shop with.
Let me introduce you to Bri from Breezy Days.
My freshmen year of high school I was a part of the basketball team and so desperately wanted to wear my basketball gear every day like the rest of my teammates. I whined about it incessantly until my parents put their foot down and insisted that I utilize my feminine wardrobe. I was upset that I couldn't fit in and be like the rest of my team {such a typical teenage thing right?}, but my dad would tell me that guys respected a girl who could get sweaty during a basketball game but then get gussied up later that night. A nugget of knowledge I've always kept in the back of my mind.

Getting dressed up and presenting my best self has always been an outward expression of my inner self-confidence. Although, I won't say that it's been easy to find clothes that fit my figure. My measurements are a perfect hourglass, but I have a large bust line and a little bit of what we call the family "pooch". Even when I was running 4-5 miles a day during basketball season, I STILL had that dang stubborn pooch! My curvy shape made me stand out more than others, and also made it a little harder to hide.

Through the years I've found that the classic 50's style of dress really suits my shape and makes me feel confident. I gravitate towards pencil skirts/dresses, fit & flare dresses, flow-y blouses balanced out by skinny jeans and ballet flats. Not only am I super picky with what I wear, but I also love a great deal! I tend to shop at Ann Taylor Loft sales, Anthropologie sale rack, Ross, Target, and American Eagle.

I would attribute the healthy attitude I have towards my body-image today to the constant encouragement from my parents growing up. They would spend the extra time to help me find pieces of clothing that made me feel comfortable and confident. My mom taught me to stand up tall and not hide my feminine shape. My dad taught me the importance of keeping my body healthy and being happy where I'm at, but always working to be a better version of myself. I'm a shortie at 5'3, a curvy size 8 with a 34D bust line...fashion definitely fits everyone :)

Halloween MONAY || Giveaway


Hi! So today I'm teaming up with 17 other lovely bloggers to give one lucky winner a $225 VISA gift card! What better way to celebrate Halloween than with a chance for some free cash, right?

Enter below and take some time to check out each of these ladies' blogs!

Golden Swank  |  Jody Beth  |  Life of a Coy Fish  |  Love, Lo

The more you enter, the higher chance you have at winning this sweet prize!
Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

PS. Don't forget to enter for a free teeth whitening! And don't forget to enter to win $50 for Etsy!!
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Greens on Greens and a Giveaway


Slowly. One by one. I am clearing these green leaf photos out of my drafts box. Because let's face it. Fall is here. And most things are dead by now. And by most things, I mean everything on the Alpine Loop... more on that later. You might remember this diddy from my closet transition post - which, doesn't it seem odd that my fall outfit has a summer backdrop? whatevs... But I loved this outfit too much to not show you the details. So let's do it.

Dress: c\o Lands End \\ Cardigan: Downeast Basics \\ Scarf: Soel \\ Boots: TJ Maxx

And of course, and outfit post isn't an outfit post without a little something extra! I am teaming up with some beautiful women to celebrate in Miss Bree hitting 300 posts. And what is up for grabs? $50 for Etsy. Just in time for you to start your holiday shopping for friends and family... and yourself, duh! Want to know my fave Etsy shop? Well, even if you don't. I am telling you anyway! Chevron and Lace. She makes a ton of baby things, has an adorable fox costume up, and is currently breaking into woman's clothing. I am totally obsessed with her stuff... so much that I just bought a special dress from her. You can look forward to that later though! What would you buy on Etsy? What is your fave shop?

The Giveaway will close on October 30th and we will announce the winners on Halloween. :)
Good Luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

PS. Don't forget to enter for a free teeth whitening!

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He Doesn't Like It


I figured it was time to get this outfit out of my drafts for two reasons. First. Leaves aren't green any more. Who am I trying to fool? Second. I learned this weekend that Adam does not like this dress. I tried to wear it two or three different times and every time he would say, "Can I pick out your outfit?" Eventually I just looked and him and said, "Do you not like this dress or something!?" And he said, with the sweetest little smile, "No, I don't." And when I asked for an explanation he said, "I don't know!? There is just something about it..." Well, jokes on you Adam. Because I like it and I will just keep it and wear it went he goes back to Arizona for baseball.
Dress: SexyModest \\ Extender Slip: c\o Fancy Slips \\ Shoes: Target
Bracelet: c/o Lands End \\ Necklace: Gifted from Etsy

And while the leaves aren't green anymore, this dress is still a keeper. Because even though I have turned Adam into a male fashionista (he would kill me for saying that... but fact is fact) this dress stays. And truth be told, I don't care who doesn't like it! Something about that gold chain pattern won my heart. Do you have any items that your friends or husband don't like but you love? Are you going to stick it to the man with me? Or am I a lone wolf over here?

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These past few months have been absolutely jammed pack with crazy.
It seems like everything and anything that could happen did. 
Life has been quite the adventure.
And here is a bit of what I've been up to through the eyes of Instagram
You can follow along by following @lovetheskinnys. Enjoy.
1. My baby niece Samantha was born \\ 2. MRI time which leads to lots of physical therapy \\ 3. OCTOBER! The best month of all months
4. Birthday pie & ballerina candles \\ 5. Getting Adam all caught up on PLL with Sprinkles \\ 6. Three years running as the BYU barbeque Poster girl
7. Adam and I off to MGMT - his first concert ever \\ 8. Sephora birthday gift... you can tell I am pumped \\ 9. Our first Saturday with Adam home
10. Thriller tickets because I was so excited \\ 11. After thriller & after dodging scary lobby zombies \\ 12. Judging Miss Kaysville\Fruit Heights with Adam

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Fashion Fits Everyone || Volume 9


Today we have Janae from Discovering Janae for Fashion Fits Everyone.
An honest writer who is comfortable being just her.
And I love it. I think you will too.

I believe that having true beauty is having confidence in yourself. Knowing that you are secure in the world and that you have a place in it. I feel that beauty is something that radiates from within. To me, the most beautiful people are those that are happy. Beauty is not something that you put on but rather I believe that it's something that shows others if you love and take care of yourself. Everyone is beautiful, no matter what their body type or fashion style.

My body type or shape? Maybe a pear? All I know is that I've got curves and I love it! Which is funny because I haven't always been this way and it's taken me a long time to come to terms with it. But I'm happy with the body that I have been given. My style is both comfortable and practical. Except for special or fancy occasions you will always see my wearing my trusty Columbia brand ankle high boots, blue jeans, light tee with some layers depending on the weather. My style is usually pretty neural filled with blacks, grays, and creams. But when I'm feeling like I need a splash of color, blue is my go-to color!

If I could give someone fashion advice it would just be to go with what is comfortable! Life is too short to be wearing something that you don't like. Feel free to express yourself and feel comfortable walking out into the world. And remember that any outfit is never complete without a smile!

There really is fashion out there that does fit everyone. Maybe what works for one person might not work for another, but that's half the fun! Whenever I think about fashion and beauty I always think of this lovely video done by Emma Thompson and the organization Endangered Species. It really doesn't matter what you wear on the outside but what you decide to think on the inside.

Without a Smile || Giveaway


A long, long time ago I posted about Notes and Knots and said the full outfit would be coming soon. Well here we are one whole month later with the outfit for your viewing pleasure. This has been my favorite casual outfit lately. It is easy, simple, and comfy to all ends. You might remember me mentioning I am a spandex girl before. So add my favorite chambray to spandex and hair pulled back with a cute headband? You have a winner! Like. A serious winner. It is great for lounging and running errands. Then, if you are going out that night or meeting up with a friend throw on some fun flats and a bold necklace and it is transformed from relaxed to snazzy! But in addition to that... remember, you are never fully dressed without a smile! That is a hint, hint to hang around until the end of the post to hear about teeth!

Chambray: Gap \\ Leggings: Walmart \\ Shoes: Forever Young
Headband: c/o Notes and Knots \\ Necklace: Bluebird Bride

Okay. So I mentioned smiles and that forever famous Annie song. My smile is something I take pride in. I work hard to keep it nice. So hard that I pulled out all my baby teeth (ones that weren't even loose) in 3rd grade so I could get braces sooner.. I know. That is is pushing it. But Fast forward after all the braces, dentist appointments, and Crest Whitestrips... this last year my wedding gift from my brother and his wife was a whitening kit for Adam and myself. LOVED it. And today, thanks to Marz Orthodontics you can win your own teeth whitening!

Marz Orthodontics works to create extraordinary smiles in faster treatment time and with greater comfort, using the most up-to-date treatments. Dr. Kenneth Marz has been a practicing orthodontist since 1995, and spends his spare time volunteering for Healing Hands for Haiti. In order to help everyone find their smile, Dr. Marz accepts most insurances, including Medicaid, for braces. Visit either of his offices in the Salt Lake area of Utah, or check out his website for more information. Three cheers to Dr. Marz and for your chance to brighten those pearly whites!

2025 © Deidre Emme. Design by Fearne and Breezy & Co.