Happy 90th birthday! I feel so lucky to be a part of an organization so rich in tradition that supports young woman everywhere. Who would have thought 90 years later this pageant would have grown from a swimsuit competition into a scholarship program, awarding the most amount of woman's scholarships anywhere, and has blessed the lives of so many. I am so proud to say I have competed within this organization. Thank you for helping shape me into the woman I am today. This pageant system has turned me into a girl who just want day to day exploring and learning, to a woman who cares about physical fitness, wants to read the morning newspaper to see what is happening in the world, and loves to serve her community and promote a platform that is dear to her heart. Thank you for the opportunities and for showing me my potential.
As I am looking through my blog posts I realize I never have shared my most recent pageant experience.
In July I was crowned Miss Magic Valley, and I have never been so excited in my whole life. That sounds silly, but if you know the history of my pageanting, it makes more sense. miss Magic Valley is the pageant that got me started.
After my senior year a woman in my ward asked if I wanted to compete. A few of my dance teachers had been Miss Magic Valley so I thought it would be a great experience. I went, competed, failed miserably. But I loved the experience.
After my freshman year of college the same woman called me. They needed one more girl to compete and she thought I would do really well this time. I thought, what the heck? I will do it. I went to compete and loved every second of it once again. I ended up winning talent and interview prelims, but I placed 1st runner up. That was really hard for me. I didn't understand why I had lost, but I also knew I had done my best. Later that year I was invited to compete at Miss Tri Counties, failed miserably and vowed to never do a pageant again. Still later in the year I was asked one more time to come compete in a pageant, Miss Falls Valley. It took me a long long time to decide if I wanted to try again and after many phone calls I decided I would. I went, and
I won! I was crowned Miss Central Idaho. It was so exciting. That year I was able to go to Miss Idaho where I fell in love with pageants.
I ended up not winning Miss Idaho and not being eligible to compete at Miss Magic Valley again, which broke my heart, I decided to do an open pageant. I competed at Miss Capitol City where I was 1st runner up, which was hard for me. But I thought I would try Miss Falls Valley again. And
I won! I was crowned Miss Southeast Idaho. Once again I returned to Miss Idaho. Loved every second of it.
I ended up not winning Miss Idaho again, but I was able to go watch Miss America with my mother. It was an incredible experience. Once again, I wasn't able to try for my local title of Miss Magic Valley so I went to compete at Miss Capitol City. I knew that I could succeed and I could do better if I tried again. After watching Miss America I knew this was something I wanted and I could accomplish. And
I won!
Going back to Miss Idaho this last year was a huge eye opener for me. I am glad I went. I made leaps and bounds from my previous years competing. Before I had HUGE things to work on, but because I had worked so hard to fix that it is easier to see the small details I need to fix. I worked a lot on my platform and with my director on my walking and modeling. At the end of the week Miss Idaho went to
Genevieve Nutting. It could not have gone to a more dedicated and deserving woman. She is incredible and I cannot wait to go support her at Miss America this year. She has a special spot in my heart.
So after all of this I had to really think... as much as I love this program, is competing again worth it? Do I really want to try one more time? The local director for Miss Magic Valley said she would love to have me compete, and there was my answer. I got into this program because of Miss Magic Valley and I wanted NOTHING more than to represent my community and to be Miss Magic Valley. From the very beginning that is what I have wanted. The other titles were fantastic and helped me learn and grow, but none of them were made for the place that I grew up and loved so much. Miss Magic Valley was my dream and it was the reason I got involved. So there I was, competing once again for the title that I wanted and wished for so badly.
I wish I could tell you every detail of everything that was going on in my head, but all I can remember is how nervous I was. I did not think I would win. There were so many beautiful and talented woman competing against me. The experience was one of a kind, and when my name was announced as the new Miss Magic Valley, I felt sheer joy. I cannot wait to represent my community at the Miss Idaho pageant in June. I am excited to spend more time with my sister title holder, Miss Canyon Rim, Kristina Nye, and both of our teens, Lauren Smith, Miss Magic Valley's Outstanding Teen (my little sister and favorite girl, she is adorable and she is going to do AMAZING at Miss Idaho's Outstanding Teen), and Abby Bitzenberg, Miss Canyon Rim's Outstanding Teen. I look forward to becoming more fit. To learning about the world around me. And, the very best part, going to activities in my community, being involved with the people that helped shape my life, and promoting my platform of anti-bullying and respect at schools and businesses. I am so thrilled for the year ahead and I appreciate all the love and support I have received along the way.
Lauren and Me.
My FANTASTIC parents and I, taking our traditional post crowning photo.

Being crowned Miss Magic Valley.
Driving the train at the Perrine Bridge Festival.
Judging 4H at the Shoshone Fair.
Promoting my platform, STAMP Out Bullying at Summit Elementary.
"Trophy Barbie" at Joe Mama's Car Show.
Making everyone happy with FREE SCHWANS ICE CREAM at Joe Mama's Car Show.
With Miss Twin Falls at the Perrine Bridge Festival.
All my love,