Dear BYU Courses,


You've been very good at keeping me from life. I've taken a week to get myself back together. To all those out there that were wondering, I am alive. More to come.


Dear Blizzard,


Once again. I defeated you. You tried to keep me trapped (...forever) in Twin Falls. Not that I would have hated that because I do love my family and I love my home, but I wanted to be back in Provo. You closed all the roads you could. But I took the back roads. Drove east east east and then cut down south. I win. I made it to Provo. Safe and sound. Only took an hour or so extra, and here I am. Living the dream. Hit me with your best shot snow. Try me one more time.


Dear Christmas Music,


You may now be played. Thank you for being patient.


Dear Blizzard,


I am really glad I defeated you. Driving home in a blizzard would have been terrifying. Luckily for me, I took an extra week off of school and missed any and all snow storms for my drive up. Drive back... well, we will see about that.

A snow day all across southern Idaho and northern Utah. BYU campus even shut down early due to the upcoming blizzard.

Hope everyone is traveling safely for Thanksgiving.


Dear Carillon Tower,


You did not disappoint. In honor of the 7th movie... BYU supports Harry Potter.


Dear J.K. Rowling,


Thank you for making the following conversation possible:

Dad: So, what exactly is that?
Deidre: It is Tom Riddle's journal from the Chamber of Secrets...
Dad: Well, what is wrong with it?
Deidre: Well, it is a horcrux so it holds part of Voldemort's soul. That is specifically from when he used to open the Chamber of Secrets, so it is actually Tom Riddle's soul. It has that huge hole in it because Harry stabbed it with the fang of a basilisk.
Dad: You do realize you are only using made up words right now...


Dear Friday Night,


Surprisingly, sitting at home tonight is the best.

And when I say home, I literally mean home. In Idaho.

My Friday night has consisted of:
Playing a little Just Dance 2 with Jessica Baker
Watching the BSU football game with the parents
Going to support Mitch Bruneel at CSI (even though they were slaughtering the other team and he did not play a single second while we were there, I guess we will watch him tomorrow... oh, and he was player of the game last night, so proud of Mitch- double double)
Making Christmas presents
Making wedding gifts

And now, as soon as everyone gets to the house, we will eat some ice cream, chat, maybe watch a flick or play a game, and then go to bed to get ready for the temple in the morning. Thrilled.


Dear Pink Eye,


You literally are the most unwanted party guest. You are obnoxious.



Dear Girl Talk,


Your new release All Day has honestly been a highlight this week. I appreciated the impromptu dance party Nic and I had last night, all thanks to you. Our favorite track was This Is the Remix.

Surprise album, what a treat.


Dear BYU Fans,


We all know that this year will be hard to be Utah's football team... I hate to admit it just as much as you, but they have a good team this year.

So we can beat them another way.

BYU vs U of U food drive is starting now! Show your COUGAR LOVE and donate.


Dear Boys,


P.S. Nicole wants me to point out, you should always open a girls door.


Dear Baby Blizzards,


Okay. I get it. It is winter now. I have come to terms with the fact that I can no longer go outside with just a cardigan on and all the [colorful] leaves are falling off the trees. And even though it pains me, I am ready for the bitter cold. My only request to you, baby blizzards, is that you decide if you want to snow or not. I prefer no snow or snow that sticks. None of this in between stuff because you are chickening out.


Dear BYU Football,


I am impressed with your win. 55-7. Good job boys. You did not disappoint the crew. Here is to the only game in which Michelle, Nicole, Kelsey, and me will all be there.


Dear Boys,


I think I speak for most girls when I say this.

Do not ever ask out a girl via Facebook or text message.

All that shows is that you might be too scared to actually call a girl. And even if that isn't the case, that is what crosses our mind. If I get asked out by any text form, where it is read and not said, I will most likely say no... that sounds a little harsh, I know. But I think I deserve the respect of a phone call. And I think every girl deserves that same respect. Girls like to feel important.


Dear Sarah Bevan,


Sarah. I was thinking. You make being best friends easy.


Dear BYU football,


Today is the day.
Kelsey will be there.
Michelle will be there.
Nicole will be there.
Tiffany will be there.
Having all my best girls there is rare.
A lot of other people will be there too.
Lets pull out a win.

Rise and shout, the cougars are out.


Dear Nine Beans And A Burrito,


Thanksgiving break cannot come soon enough. I want you. Right now.


Dear Peaceful Pumpkin,


Thank you for reminding us all what this season is really about.


Dear BYU Football,


Hey, remember those times you won football games? Let me give you a quick recap:

When you played Washington you won, 23-17.
When you played San Diego State you won, 24-21.
When you played Wyoming you won, 25-20.

Here is some picture (note the scoreboard in the back) evidence.

Well... Kelsey Berg hasn't gotten to go to a game yet so this will be her first one. And Nicole will be going this week. Michelle and I like to look like this [happy] at the end of the games.

So this will be the first time the WHOLE crew is at the game. Could you keep that in mind and maybe pull out another win? Plus... you only need 3 more to be eligible for a bowl game. And wouldn't that be a treat?


Dear Halloween,


Thank you for making it possible to wear costumes without being judged (even though in this first one, I am not dressed up. Long story. Sorry I couldn't play with you two nerds...).

And for making GEMS like this possible. LOVE. (photo credit goes to Nicole Wait. good person. good photographer. good friend.)


Dear Cosmo,


Will you marry me?


Dear Nephews,


Thank you for coming over for a sleepover.
Thank you for going on a treasure hunt.

Thank you for helping me find the treasure.

Thank you for helping me make cupcakes.
Thank you for delivering the cupcakes with me.
Thank you for doing a dance for my roommates and I.

Thank you for making me laugh.
Thank you for watching Happy Feet with me.
Thank you for sharing the two big mattresses on the living room floor.

Thank you for being so cute.

Aunt Deidre

Dear Fork Fest,


Sarah and I thoroughly enjoyed our evening at the Fork Fest. It was super great. Really fun atmosphere, fun music, entertaining people... what more could I ask for? Music is such a huge part of my life and things like this just add to the passion and love I already had. Sheer enjoyment. Huge success.

Dear Liberty Square,


Thank you for giving me these friends. They mean a lot to me.

And even though we have all gone in our different ways. We all will end up in the same place to show our love to one another, that is what friends are for.


Dear Neglected Blog,


This last month has been really crazy. October always is. First of all there is conference, then my birthday, then a bunch of my friends' have their birthday, everyone starts to throw fall parties and pumpkin parties, and then there is Halloween and all of it's festivities. Therefore. I have been a blog slacker. Get ready for a lot of posts all at once.


Dear Procrastinators,


Halloween is upon us. There have been parties going on all week long and last night was kicked off the Halloween weekend celebration. Tonight there will be heaps of things to do. And here you are wondering what you should dress up as because you either (a) didn't like your costume last night or (b) didn't dress up and felt like an idiot.

A lot of my friends have been asking me what they should be so I am going to help you out and give you the list I game them with some pictures of some that have been used in years and days previous. A lot of easy, last minute costumes. Ready?

  • Boy Scout. Do to DI, they have tons of Boy Scout shirts there.
  • Pirate. All you need is some booty (gems and jewels), something black, something red, or something stripped, and a bandana or scarf for you head.

  • Jersey Shore cast. Big hair, tan body, Ed Hardy.
  • Constructing worker. Buy a hard hat, wear an old t shirt and some jeans.
  • Super hero. You need a cape.

  • Lady Gaga. She never wears pants, so just wear a swimsuit.
  • Jungle Dweller. Bones and animal print fabric. Drape it around yourself ever so nicely, and walk out the door.

  • Some sort of athlete. Everyone has a jersey laying around somewhere.
  • Lumberjack. Plaid.
  • 80's child. Bright colors, short things, tights, cut up things, big jewelry. You get the idea.

  • Ninja. Wear all black and some sort of black mask.
  • Greek. White sheet, wrap it around.
  • Cowboy. Button up shirt. Cowboy hat. Maybe some rope for variety.
Well people, there are some ideas. Take it. Run with it.
I am being MJ. May he rest in peace.
A moment of silence please.


Dear Blog,


This is your 200th post!


Dear Google Analytics,


Sometimes I wonder what keywords I need to put in my posts to show up on more search engines.

I feel like when I blog, I blog about really random things.... always. So when I checked my account today I was surprised to see I don't show up in as many search engines. The top four search engine phrases that direct people to me are:


Interesting. I am going to log about really random and obscure things that apply to the time to see how often I can show up in search engines. Sounds exciting. Thanks for the info But congratulations Mallory, that means people are googling you. You are famous.


Dear Nyquil,


I will be having some of you to help me sleep and to keep me from getting sick starting Sunday. No more of this not sleeping business. Thank you for being there when I need you and tucking me in at night.


Dear Insomnia,


You are making my life really difficult. Every night I crawl in bed, ready to go to sleep, with my pajamas on and my make up off. My contacts are out, my teeth are brushed, my face is washed. Scriptures read, prayers said. It is 12:07 am. Bedtime.

I close my eyes.

I open them, still haven't fallen asleep, and look up to check the time(it is projected on my ceiling thanks to my nifty clock). 12:41 am. Not okay.

I close my eyes.

I open them, still haven't fallen asleep, and look up to check the time(it is projected on my ceiling thanks to my nifty clock). 1:18 am. Not okay.

I think about closing my eyes, nope. Not gonna work. I grab my computer to watch some ridiculous tv show on the internet. 90210, Hellcats, One Tree Hill, Glee, DCC Making the Team...

One episode.
Two episodes.

3:06 am. Bedtime? Lets try again.

I close my eyes.

I hear my alarm go off, 8:00 am already? Okay. Fine. Next day. No nap. School, work, homework. Get home, crawl into bed with my pajamas on and my make up off. My contacts are out, my teeth are brushed, my face is washed. Scriptures read, prayers said. It is 12:07 am. Bedtime.

Repeat insomnia. No thank you. but here you come again. After this weekend, I am fixing that problem.



Dear Robi,

It as has been one year. Miss you lots. Love you more.



Dear Emotions,

You really for put in check today when I read Keena's blog. When did my emotions become such a public thing? Tears in public can be embarrassing. Although, I am flattered and now know the difference I can make.


Dear Fat Cats,


Thank you for a night of entertainment. Bowling has never been my area of expertise, and this night proved it. I broke 100 once, which was actually amazing to me. It was nice to spend a night out meeting new people with Michelle. Heber City people are certainly entertaining. Well played, Fat Cats... well played.


Dear Thriller,


I have never missed dancing as much as I did when I was sitting in the audience. For Michelle's birthday gift I took her to Thriller. I had never seen it and Michelle hadn't seen it for a very long time. For the last year we have been talking about how we need to go see it. So I took her as a surprise. It was funny driving there and she would ask where we were going, walking into the Covey Center and she was just confused, and then I gave her the ticket. Surprise successful. We climbed up to the balcony to watch the show.

The show was so great with every style of dance. Hip hop, ballet, jazz, tap, Irish dancing, partner dancing, step dancing... everything. I would have to say my favorite dance was the Children of the Corn dance. The show overall was entertaining and it was a great way to spend my afternoon with Michelle.

I miss dance.


Dear Michelle Cole,


Welcome to adulthood little lady. Finally 21. I am so glad that we put aside our differences and took out the wedge that Kevin Jensen drove between us (just kidding, but also I am kind of serious) and became friends. From second semester of sophomore year until now you have become a huge part of my life. Thank you for wanting to have the same career as me so we always have something to talk about and plan on for the future. Thank you for switching to the same major as me and always being in my classes so I can have a solid study buddy and only have to pay half price on books. Thank you for going to the gym with my on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Thank you for being so driven and motivated and pushing me to become a better person. Thank you for always treating me like a friend. I appreciate the person you are and the way you live your life. We only have great things to look forward to as we enter our final semester at BYU. Can't wait to graduate from the Marriott School with you in April. Can't wait to be friends for life. Love you so much. HAPPY BIRTHDAY.


Dear People of Walmart,



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