Our Story || Part Five


I told Adam to come over and lets talk. I had decided the night before after a particurally bad date and a long conversation with my roommate I was ready to get into a real relationship with Adam and I was going to tell him. But Adam came over and, before I could say anything, said, "I'm done."

One of the happier moments before, what we like to call, "The Off Week".
My heart stopped. All I could say was, "Well, I was going to tell you I was ready to date you." And basically from there on it went back and forth. He said no, I said yes, he said he couldn't do it anymore, I cried and asked him to change his mind. And then eventually I had to let it go and figure out what I was going to do. I talked to his roommate about it. I talked to my roommate about it. I talked to my family. I talked to his teammate. I went to the temple every night. I cried a lot. And then I decided... I needed to talk to Adam. No more waiting. No more games. It was now or never. And I needed him to know I was going to work hard and I was going to win him this time! And not only that.. I was going to ask him on a date.

So I text him, "Hey, can we talk?"

To Be Continued....
Kelsey Eaton said...

I don't mean to probe but how did it go from fun and happy to the yes/no wanting to date/not wanting to date? Also can't wait to hear the rest :)

P. said...

I love your little love stories! You have us all looking forward to the next installment! LOL.

Ana Paula
{Visit me at Mommyhood, PhD}

Amberly said...

I'm with Kels! After you being so forward and aggressive in the beginning, how did you get to the point where you were the one unsure of it before this? Or am I reading it wrong? that's just the thought I got from part 4 and then this one! ;)

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