Dear Breakfast Surprise,


The best part about a day off of work it sleeping in. The second best part is there is actually time to make breakfast in the morning. And I don't mean some toast on the way out the door. I mean a yummy breakfast that could leave you full until tomorrow. So this morning Adam has weights and such for baseball at 7:30. So I slept in and then woke up to surprise him with breakfast once he returned. He has been asking and asking for chocolate chip (we had banana ones last night to replace the chocolate kind) pancakes. But we didn't have chocolate chips. So I ran to the store, and while I was there getting those little sweet morsels I got a craving for coconut syrup. So I picked up some buttermilk. And when he returned home at 10:20, we had a GREAT breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes and coconut syrup. Yummmmy. The pancakes don't look as good as they tasted. I was struggling with the flip today.

Coconut Syrup
1 cube butter
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup buttermilk
Bring to a boil
Remove from heat
Add 1/2 tsp baking soda
and 1/2 tsp coconut extract
Stir and ENJOY! 

I got this recipe from one of my best friends and roommates from Sophomore year. She would make it all the time and it stemmed a lot of pancake parties where we lived.


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