Dear Back to the World,


Well. Adam and I are back! And sadly we have no Internet so this little diddy is coming to you from my phone until Monday when I have access to something other than 500 boxes to unpack. It was a beautiful wedding, two fabulous receptions, four days on a cruise, multiple hours spent flying and driving, and now here we are. And here you are wishing I could post a few photos. So here is what has been collected from my phone!


Kasey said...

new follower here :) congrats!! such great pictures :D please come check out my blog some time!

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Brooke @ Silver Lining said...

AHHH congratulations! It's so fun to see these pics on instagram and such. What a gorgeous bride you were!! I can't wait to read more :)

Lily said...

Oh goodness. How lovely!!!!!!!!!!! You are so beautiful and that was definitely the dress for you!

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