Dear Mikyla Marie,


Alright, we are coming to an end of my guest post overload. Here is the last, but certainly not the least. Miss Tri Counties and one of my best friends, Mikyla Arrington. We had an instant connection at the pageant this year and now she is my official little sister. She is an incredible ballerina. Very passionate about the arts. Smart. And beautiful. There are so many fun things I could tell you about her. At Miss Idaho she looked freaking BOMB in swimsuit ... and in everything, so here she is today to share with you some Healthy Tips. Take it away Miss Kyla!


Healthy Hints to Live By

Hello! My name is Mikyla Marie and I'm your 2012 Miss Tri Counties. As I am sure Deidre has stressed,  preparation for  Miss Idaho is quite stressful. Most pageant queens will agree on two things. The first being swimsuit competition is extremely nerve racking.  And second, walking on stage in a swimsuit is the best motivation out there to get in shape!!! While I was training for the swimsuit portion of Miss Idaho I lived by three fitness commandments. Here are the three fitness commandments that can change your life!
1. Ditch the late night binge: We all know it isn’t good to eat late at night so don’t eat anything 3 hours before going to bed. Designating a time when you are going to bed makes this challenge a lot easier. By eliminating that late night binge, you are guaranteed to be hungry in the morning, which will force you to eat breakfast. Voila! The most important meal of the day. Getting into this habit will create a pattern for you and your stomach, which is helpful for keeping a flat stomach and a balanced metabolism. 
2. If you have time to Facebook stalk you have time to workout: All you need is 20 minutes. Exercising is a great stress reliever and can do wonders for your mind and body. By going on a 20 minute jog, bike, walk, swim or anything, your body will re-energize and feel happy again. You only need to exercise for 20-40 minutes, three times a week to see results and keep your body in great shape.
3. Look to YouTube: There are thousands, and probably millions of under 10 minute workout videos on YouTube. Do some researching and find a good 10 minute ab workout that you like.. The beauty of YouTube workout videos is that they are short, free and by people just like you. It is motivational to workout with people who aren’t professionals or have 8-pack abs and yelling at you!
-Mikyla Marie
2012 Miss Tri Counties


Now... she didn't give me any photos of herself. But I wanted you to see her... so I took some from her Facebook and hopefully she does not kill me later :) haha.

See what I mean? I feel like she is totally justified in giving healthy tips. Her bod is rockin. Now. Go stop by her blog. She is brand brand new and her blog is all about her year as Miss Tri Counties.


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