... this is my vision.


A preview of my four hour photo adventure.

... this is my choice.


I have been looking through my pictures and I decided I should get some input on my thoughts of applying for the photography major... Here are some of my options... Actually, a lot of my options... I need thoughts on if these pictures would be good in a portfolio.

... this is success.


Okay. I took a midterm today.


To be honest, that is the best I have ever done on a test in the testing center. It is a great day!

... this is life.


This quote, I love.

For most of us, most of the time, the choice between good and bad is easy. What usually causes us difficulty is determining which uses of our time… are merely good, or better, or best.

... this is fun.


I went to preference last night. It was seriously the best date ever. I went with Adam Ruri, and it was super. He wore a fancy white tux and I wore a black dress with white polka dots, and we matched the theme "A Black and White Affair" perfect. Okay. So, here is what the night went like. First, all the girls met up and decorated the Alpine Village clubhouse for dinner. Then I went to pick up Adam, and we went back to play and eat at Alpine Village. We had a great meal from Olive Garden, and I loved it. Then, in between dinner and dessert Adam and I waltzed and ran on the treadmills. After that was crepes and a sweet dance party. Like, legit, pre dance party party. Then we drove drove drove to Spanish Fork. And it was AMAZING. Black and white, loved it. Carriage ride- so fun (we were the best group of the night, Jed said so.) Human chess, a little confusing but it looked pretty awesome. Dance party was awesome. Oh the emotion that was portrayed in the dance moves from my group. We all got super into it. Loved it. Okay. I also felt basically famous, because my dear friend Jonathon was the photographer so he was snapping away like the paparazzi. Word. I just don't even know what else to say besides this was one of the best dates I have ever been on and I loved it.

... this is funny.


I forgot this part. There was a girl that came and sat by us and said "I'm not moving for anything! I LOVE this view, I LOVE FOOTBALL PANTS." So this picture was taken in her honor.

She might have been onto something. She also said "THE BEST PART OF THE GAME IS WHEN I GET TO TOUCH THEM ON THE VICTORY LAP!" Okay. I just thought it was funny, enjoy.

... this is school spirit.


Last home game of the year. Luckily it was against San Diego so we didn't lose! And my seats were so good! And What it all comes down to is I had THE BEST time, and I am so completely bummed that I will no longer have football games to look forward to on the weekend. Final score BYU 41 San Diego State 12. Good times with my front row friends, and I got my possible last apple from The Chain Gang master, Fred. I got a picture with Cosmo, and I got that last round of high fives on the victory lap. I tried really hard to lose my voice, I did a pretty good job, I sound a little hoarse. Also, I got to act like a Cougar again! I'm a Coug! I also had comments like this "I knew you had energy, but you have even more at a game!" and "We noticed you get super into the game, impressive." So, I guess that just shows that sports can alter me a tiny little bit. Actually, a lot a bit, but I love it! And I got Alexa to come! Best time ever. I am very sad though, because these people I sit by are the best, and I wont see them again until football next year probably! How sad. Football friends to the ends. Go here to read about BYU's final game, undefeated at home. Oh... and traffic on the way home, busy. I drive because I get a lot 3 pass... for the cheer squad, but I always forget how long it takes to drive home after that. Alexa and I had a good time though, because we just took picture in the car.

... this is realization.


I never realized how much people can change in a few short months. I went out with this guy a little this summer, and then he asked me out last night so I went. Maybe I changed, or maybe he did... either way it was different. This summer was fun, last night was like torture. Okay, not torture, but not fun. That is it.

... this is no fun.


Okay. Woke up yesterday... eyes would NOT open. Killer. It hurt so bad and when I did open them they just pourrrred tears. So I decided. Maybe if I put in my contacts? Bad idea. But I did it anyway and then decided to drive to the doctors, but my eyes were staying up so it was splendid, until they like started to shut and I could not keep them open and I was swerving ALL over trying to get to the doctors without killing someone. Okay, I get to the doctors, once again my eyes would not stay open so I just sat there, eyes closed, waiting for them to call me in. Called me in asked me some questions, weighed me (by the way, I have lost 12 pounds. wow) and took me back to this nurse lady. They also had me take out my contacts... of course. And then they said "You probably should never put contacts in with eye problems..." Uh, right, stupid Deidre. Okay, then they like did these tests to see what was wrong, one turned my eye yellow and they looked at it with a black light and then like put some drops in it. Okay, so my eye is like super inflammed, sorta like pink eye, but not contagious. So, red eye. Killlller. Oh, and my eyes are light sensative while I have red eye, which is what makes my eyes close when I am in the sun, aka, when I am driving. Ok, so I went to get my eye drops, guess who is sitting there, from the MTC waiting for his companion. My dear friend Kevin Prier from freshman year. That was weird... I was like "Hey Kevin!... oh, I am probably not supposed to call you that." We just talked a little, shook hands. Yeah... Awkward. Okay. I get my eye drops, get in the car to drive home, and my eyes start to shut again... like BAD. I have to use one hand to keep one eye open as I swerve back and forth and pedestrians look at me like a crazy. Needless to say, next time someone else will be driving me to the doctor.

... this is happiness.


Okay. So I just read my sister-in-laws blog. And I just these adorable pictures off because I want you all to see my nephews at Halloween. Loving it.

... this is fun.


Mmmkay. So this past weekend was way fun. I just really love Halloween because it gives me an excuse to dress up and for people to not think I am an idiot. Actually, they still might think I am an idiot... but I am just not too worried about it, eh? Well. It was a week filled with holiday events. On Monday, we had a ward party on the 5th floor of the Wilk. It was pretty legit. Mallory, Alexa, and I went. Good times. After the dance party we went and met up with Cassidy, Stephanie, Sam, and a group of their friends to go to the Scream Asylum. Pretty scary. I hate chainsaws and clowns. Thats what I learned from that evening. And, if I go to a haunted house with you, and you stand next to me, be prepared for me to hold onto you so tight. Okay? Okay. Well.. Tuesday and Wednesday were just fun relaxing nights at the apartment. On Thursday Sarah, Jessa, and Nic came down to visit so we went dancing. Lovved it. My mom sent me the sweetest costume in the mail. Aphrodite. Looking sharp. Okay, so Thursday night was my dress up celebration. Friday night I went on a date with Garrett to a murder mystery party. It was based around a 20 year high school reunion. That was just a fun experience. I met a lot of his friends and other people, but since we all had fake names I wont be able to say hi to the on campus without calling them whatever name they were that night. That might work though. I was "Bailey Babbel" the high school gossip. So yeah, that was great! On Saturday we just did... whatever we felt like, yeah? Leslie was down visiting, oh my heck I love her. So Alexa, Leslie, Mallory, and I made dinner, went to Walmart, played with shopping carts, made a music video, wore sunglasses and scarfs, went to a house concert, and discovered day light savings time was upon us. Overall, my week was a large event of meeting new people, catching up with visiting friends, and dressing up in costumes. Livin the dream.

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