Styled by 5: Daniel Wellington


The monthly Styled by 5 is here, and this month we are switching it up a bit. Usually we style a piece of clothing, but this month we styled an accessory which makes it even more fun. Check out how we all styled our own Daniel Wellington

I have been trying to make an effort to wear watches more. There are two reasons why. First, I like the ability of having the time on my wrist so I am not tethered to my phone at all times of the day. That one should be self explanatory, but I am already on my phone enough running my business that any chance to not rely on the phone is good to me. Second, I have been reading lots of articles about how most successful people wear watches. That rings loud in my head because of the business I previously mentioned. Obviously, I want that to be successful so if a watch helps me on that path - then I am in! 

Top: Fashion 15 Below
Jacket: Pink Blush
Leggings: Sweet Legs
Scarf: Soel
Shoes: Nordstrom Rack

I always have a really hard time deciding what color of watch band to get... but after a lot of thinking and debating, I went with a brown band because I knew I could wear that with blacks and browns and blues. Black is pretty but it is hard to put it with a blue or tan outfit, however a dark brown I feel like I can work into any outfit as long as I take a little cheetah into the ensemble. So I paired my all black with a cheetah scarf and brown booties and the watch was the perfect detail to tie it all together on a rainy day.

Normally this is where I share my sizes and what I ordered and how I felt it fit... but since this is a watch, there isn't a ton to say. So I am just going to cut that part out altogether on this post! So feel free to check out how KaylynnBethanyJacque, and Lauryn styled this outfit as well! And watch for a new piece of clothing styled by 5 every month.

UncommonGoods for Valentine's Day


Are you one of those people that is always trying to thinks of a good idea for some Valentine's Day gifts? Well... let me help you out with some unique ideas. Coming in hot with a bunch of ideas that very all from UncommonGoods. And if you are wondering what UncommonGoods is, let me fill you in! Founded in 1999 and headquartered in Brooklyn, New York, UncommonGoods is a privately-owned retailerthat endeavors to feature unique jewelry, designer décor, tabletop items, and handcrafted gifts created in harmony with the environment without harm to animals or people. So if you want something more than jewelry, even though they have that too - here are some other unique ideas for you!

Food is the way to the heart. And this one is something I would LOVE. A microwave popcorn popper? Sayyyy what!? Enjoy the fresh, healthy taste of stovetop popcorn with the convenience of the microwave. Made from temperature safe borosilicate glass, the main container can be filled with whole kernel corn and then microwaved without the use of oil. Like a little butter on your popcorn? The silicone lid doubles as a kernel measurer and butter melter--simply put a pat of butter on the lid while the popcorn is popping to enjoy a delicious snack.

Let them know how much you love them with the A-Z How Do I Love Thee? How do I love thee? Let me count the ways from A to Z by creating this sweet fill-in love letter. Whether surprising your loved one "just because" or celebrating a special anniversary, this thoughtful book makes it easy to speak from the heart. With 26 prompts laid out in a delightful typewriter font, reminisce about your most romantic moments and inside jokes while complementing your significant other's endearing quirks and charms. This complimentary keepsake will remind your one and only why you're smitten.

What is best after a long day? A FOOT MASSAGE! Especially if your loved one is always on their feet. This rock-and-roll reflexology set will be music to your feet. A way to give yourself an effective foot massage, the smooth soapstone balls can be used heated for just a quick few minutes at home to provide relaxation and relief to tired feet. Place one ball at a time in the cork base and, while sitting, massage the most tender points of the soles of your feet.

Alright. So these are just a few. And if you are a guy here for your lady, don't forget to check out a few more ideas for her here. Don't fall behind this Valentine's Day. Be a winner!

The Bachelor: Season 21, Episode 5


I am going to be very honest with you. I missed the first 15 minutes because Meg and I was so invested in good conversation and the amazing dinner she had cooked for us that we didn't even realize it was 7pm. So if something crazy happened or something you feel like I should comment on... it isn't going to happen. Because I was eating some really great lasagna. But I am also assuming nothing happened that I needed to see because usually they spend the first 7 minutes recapping the season as if I am an idiot and cannot remember that Corinne and Taylor got in a fight and Nick has already slept with someone but sent them home, and there was a bouncy house.

Oh wait. Something did happen. It can be summed up with this...

Alright. So there is that. And then we take it into the house. And the rose ceremony. And since when do episodes start with a rose ceremony!? ABC! You were supposed to give me all the closure I needed every Monday. Quit with the carry over. And mostly I am just really sad that cute school teach Sarah went home because I really liked her.

Next up. One on one with Rachel. They have good chemistry. Rachel shakes what her mama gave her. And in a very public parade... like I was surprised how much she was willing to shake on live TV through New Orleans. And also as they headed through town the girls were able to watch them all make out from their hotel. How convenient. They ended the night with a special dinner and inside some Mardi Gras floats. She is a great girl. They work well together. I like them together. And that is about where I feel.

Alright. Now to the creepy and crazy group date. When I think New Orleans I totally think Haunted Plantation. WRONG. That is not what I think. Yet somehow that is where they went and landed. I feel like Nick was trying to hint to Shark girl that was the plan when he asked her about ghosts the week before. Basically it was a really good opportunity to stage some stuff and tell the girls that it was haunted. Some of that very easily could have been a ghost... but not really. Because ghosts don't cut down chandeliers on live television. They are smarter than that. And they usually don't move chairs a whole foot. It is more like an inch or two. But it was a great opportunity to make the girls say crazy things like "Ghost tell me if I am staying, oh it is flickering, we are fine...." Okkkkkayy.... Weird. Lots of weird. Oh, I almost forgot. The Ouija board. Not a fan. 

However. There were some great moments. Like Shark girl kissing N. Cage. Raven accidently said she loved Nick. And it was really cute and I think she is the greatest. Like, every week I like her a little more. And then he gave the rose to Danielle M.

Okay. And now the real great part of the episode. THE TWO ON ONE WITH THE TWO GIRLS THAT HATE EACH OTHER! Of course, we knew this was coming. Because it is always the two people that dislike each other that go on the two on one. Need a reminder? Alex and Chad. Kardashley and friend in the badlands. Twin and Olivia. You get the drill right? So let's send Taylor and Corinne. They got this. And seriously, the most romantic two on one straight to the bayou on a gator boat! keyyyyyyyUTE!

Basically this date turned into some weird stuff really fast. Because while one girl was getting her cards read the other one was telling Nick about all the mean things the other one had done. However, I will say. In this moment I felt like I like Corinne better because she might have exaggerated what Taylor said - but I really do think Taylor basically called her stupid. And I don't think Taylor realized that she was talking down. And then Corinne got all creepy and asked for a voodoo doll. Super promising. 

Then we get to let the girls sit there and fight while Nick is... somewhere? And they basically just say that the other one is lying and then Taylor tries some crazy reverse psychology to make Corinne feel bad but she isn't having it....

The Nick comes in to save the day! And then just as I was saying, "Well at least we know he isn't going to leave anyone here because they will get eaten by alligators...." He left Taylor there. And I was surprised because I honestly felt like based on the tattle tail sesh they would both be left.

Then while Corinne is showing lots of side boob as they go to dinner it pans back to Taylor getting... blesssed or cleansed or something by the lady voodoo and then walking straight to dinner to speak her peace. How did she know where they were having dinner? Must be the voodoo magic she got.

And that is where we end. Because, once again... they didn't leave me with a rose ceremony to talk about outfits and such. Which is so rude.

Some Thoughts from the Mirror


When you look at yourself in the mirror, how do you feel? What do you see? Have you ever sent yourself out to face the day, thinking to yourself “oh yeah, I’m looking good”? 

Many of us hoped that the obsession with appearance, the self-consciousness and the attempts to change our looks would all go away with adolescence. I was hoping that I would never have another zit after the age of 18. 

Yeah. That really did not work out. 

I have a tendency to vacillate between thinking that I look awesome, and being really down on myself about my appearance. There are some days when I get distracted by my own reflection, and think, “wow, what a babe!” and other days when all I can see are the bags under my eyes and the way that my nose is just way too big and pointy. And then, of course, there’s preoccupation with weight. I mean… I’ve been trying to lose 10 pounds for the past 5 years. And somehow, even when I do lose 10 pounds, it seems like I should probably get rid of 10 more.

So how much of this can be blamed on modern media, which is always telling me that I need to look a certain way in order to be acceptable? How far should I go to look better, and how much should I just come to terms with the way I look and block out all the naysaying voices? 

Have You Ever Heard About Body Dysmorphic Disorder? 

This disorder takes self-consciousness to a clinical level. It’s a mental disorder characterized by disproportionate preoccupation with a perceived flaw. This “flaw” might be ridiculously exaggerated in the person’s head, or it might not be present at all. What’s so interesting about learning about body dysmorphic disorder (or BDD) is that so many of the symptoms sound familiar to everyone. The difference between normal self-consciousness and BDD is when the self-consciousness leads to mental and physical health problems, like eating disorders, anxiety disorders like depression or social anxiety, continuous cosmetic surgery, or the like. It can be triggered by puberty, hair loss, or a breakup.

What’s amazing is that BDD affects all ages, and all body types. It even affects men and women about evenly. The best treatment for BDD isn’t pills or changes in appearance. It’s cognitive behavioral therapy, which teaches the patient to recognize harmful and mistaken thought patterns and counter them with constructive thinking instead.

Self-Image Doesn’t Have Much to Do with Actual Looks

What always stuns me about self-image and self-perception is that how severe we are on ourselves has nothing to do with how good-looking we actually are (or how attracted others are to us). 

I have one friend who is the most beautiful person I know in real life. I secretly hate how good she’s always looked in a swimsuit. And yet, she’s the only person in my close acquaintance who has decided to get breast augmentation. She’s the only one who decided that she’d undergo surgery in order to change her appearance, which I already thought was perfect. 

This report on body image states a great point: “Perhaps surprisingly, given that their physique is closest to the stereotype masculine ideal, male body-builders experience greater dissatisfaction with their appearance than almost any other males.” The same report also states that more than half of women see a distorted image of themselves. This is supported when women are asked to look at a chart of silhouettes of the female form, from lowest weight to highest. When asked to point out the ideal, they’re usually pointing at a figure weighing significantly less than what men point out as the ideal. Furthermore, when women are asked to point out where they fall on the chart, they usually choose a figure weighing much more they they do themselves. 

These studies (and uncountable anecdotal evidence) teach us an important lesson: how good we feel about ourselves has much less to do with how we look than what’s going on in our heads. 

Of Course, You Want to Look Good

What’s your approach to diet-time? I’ve tried a few techniques, including putting reminders on the fridge, envisioning pictures of me weighing less, and even wearing my favorite bathing suit every morning to remind myself of the extra pounds that I wanted to rid myself of. Many of our diets have most to do with punishing ourselves for the way we look. 

But check out this study. It changed the way I’m going to diet, forever. It found that feeling good about your body image, or even better, “reducing its importance in one’s personal life” (i.e. just not thinking about it so much!) made it much easier to for women to regulate their eating habits. 

How Do You Counter Negative Thinking and Messages? 

Having learned all of this about self-perception, I’m curious to hear from you. What techniques have you found the most effective in countering negative self-image? One method that I like to use is remembering all the amazing things that my body can do. Like Regina Spektor’s song says, “I’ve got a perfect body, but sometimes I forget / I’ve got a perfect body, cause my eyelashes catch my sweat.”

Here are a couple other things that help me. How about you? 

By Christine Hill

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