The Bachelorette Season 12: Week 2


So I missed posting about Episode 1. It was all a little crazy with a three day weekend following a vacation and being so busy. I barely had time to watch - but don't worry I did. Here are my quick thoughts. I really loved that the intros were quick and didnt take a million minutes of my precious two hours. I was really surprised - after my awesome review of contestants - who I loved and didn't love. I surprisingly really loved James Taylor, Christian, and Luke more than I thought I would. Also - Derek didn't stand out as much as I would have wished. All my thoughts can be summed up like this - DRAMAAAA. I wish she would have booted more of the drinkers.

Okay. Onto Episode 2. Week 2. Looks like lots of the drama that I thought would come later is already coming up. Did they decide to bring in all the hyper aggressive gentleman to one season!? Couldn't they have spread it out a tiny bit? Wait... what am I saying. I LOVE IT! Bring on the crazy.

First up. A firefighting date. The men get to work and... wait. Wells is down for the freaking count. BYE WELLS! But not really bye, but he seems like he couldn't hack it. And by seems I mean he couldn't hack it. I sort of feel like that is sad because I think I could maybe even hack it? I don't know. But okay. The men get to be firefighters for the day and obvi Grant kills it because this is his actual full time career. Then they do a top three contest and somehow Wells gets in - are they trying to kill the dude - and then Grant, duhhh, and Luke. And When Grant beats Luke, Luke is so sad. And then the night date is norm as norm can be.

The first one on one goes to Derek! Maybe he did make a better impression on Jojo than I thought. Because he was behind the scenes on the first episode – like I thought he might go home because he got so tiny of airtime. But this puts him back on the map, emiright? Their date was super cute and unique. Choose your adventure – like those books from grade school, but in real life. Loved it all. Okay, but poor Derek with that story about his last relationship. Him and Jojo have so much in common. Both being in love with someone and not getting married to that someone because someone else swooped in. My heart. Ouch.

Cut back to the house the drunk and the dbag. Look. They are besties with testies, don’t test these besties. And they just talk there talking about muscles and protein shakes and how they are so much stronger than everyone else and more manly. And they know the other one is cool because they both wear muscle tanks daily.

Okay. Now the cocktail party. A few guys try to woo and win her throughout the night and Chad eats a lot of meat. I didn’t realize how great of a spread the contestants got each cocktail party. All you ever see is the wine glasses and scotch. But that is a ton of food and it looks like Chad didn’t even make a dent in it! It was like buffet paradise. The rose ceremony overall is pretty norm except for the bubble snow that Jojo doesn’t realize wont spread like regular snow when being blown out of your hand.

Alright. Time to rose some dudes. The three men that go home are Sir Hipster-a-lot which was an abvi choice, Will who surprisingly never got as drunk as I predicted, and my dear sweet superfan James… and in this moment my heart breaks. You should have kept the superfan, Jojo!! And yes – she kept the man I hate the most, Big Bad Chad. One part of me thinks it was due to the producer’s request but the rest of me thinks Jojo is crazy and actually likes him. Don’t do it, Jojo! Don’t do it! I will be honest – during the rose ceremony I was more of listening than watching so I cannot tell you who actually was best dressed, but I will keep my eyes peeled this week for it.

With all that being said and all that being shared – ultimately my tops are Luke, Aaron, and Robby for now, but I think I will be able to get a better idea of who I want to win as the season progresses on because… things change. Remember how last season Olivia was in my top three? So let’s watch and see how this all unfolds. With that being said – who are you loving this season? Anyone you are hoping to see go home, other than Chad?

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