Everyday is a Fashion Show


Shoes. Shoes. And more shoes. Cinderella had it right. Shoes can change your life. And you know what the best part about shoes is? They always fit. Gain 50 lbs. Loose 100 lbs. Your shoes still love you. They still fit. So for me and my feet that have been the same size since like 8th grade that means an incredible shoe collection that keeps growing and getting better. Right now it is mostly made up of heels. Pumps, stilhettos, slingbacks, peep toes - heels. I love them. And I just got this awesome pair from The Scarpetta. The Scarpetta’s mission is to provide the hottest quality designer shoes at reasonable prices.

Sweater: Gap | Top: Maurice's | Jeans: Gap
Earrings: Fifth and Mae | Shoes: BCBG c/o The Scarpetta

I am so excited to tell you about what The Scarpetta has to offer for all of you too! Right now they are hosting a killer giveaway on Pinterest. From now until March 14 you can enter on Pinterest to win a free year of shoes. A WHOLE YEAR OF SHOES.

Here are the steps to enter the contest:
  1. Sign-up for their newsletter on our homepage at thescarpetta.com
  2. Follow The Scarpetta on Pinterest http://www.pinterest.com/thescarpetta
  3. Create a board titled “Everyday is a Fashion Show”
  4. Pin at least one pair of shoes from Thescarpetta.com using the hashtags #thescarpetta & #freeshoes
The contest applies only to US residents. But in the meantime, make sure you check them out on all their other social media because they will be running weekly giveaways. And thats giveaways, plural, on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest pages throughout the campaign, so be sure to keep an eye out!

Blogging Essentials Giveaway || Part One


Today I'm teaming up with 28 other lovely bloggers to bring to you all the "Blogging Essentials Giveaway", which will be part of a three installment giveaway that will take place over the next couple of weeks! Each week we will be giving away a STELLAR prize essential to any blogger! Our first prize will give one lucky winner a Nikon D3100, Tripod, and Memory Card Bundle, because, as we all know, quality photos are a key piece in creating a great online space!

Make sure to complete as many or all of the entries as you can not only to increase your chances of winning but also because meeting new and stellar bloggers is awesome!

These are the only rules for the giveaway, if you want to include them in the post but they're also already placed in the Terms & Conditions of the rafflecopter widget. Rule 1: Giveaway will run for one week and the winner will be anounced on Thursday March 6th. Rule 2: Open to U.S. participants only Rule 3: The winner's entries will be verified.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Euro Confidence


This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Cottonelle but all my opinions are my own. 
#pmedia #CtnlCareRoutine  http://cmp.ly/3/8vNxcO

We all have cultures we admire. We all have places we want to visit. We all have celebrities from those cultures that we love. And most likely we all have the celebrities we love that we want to be like! So how can us non-British get the confidence they are just dripping with? Keep reading. It's coming!

Over the last few weeks I have been picking the brains of those around me to see why there is such an overwhelming love for British and European celebs... you know? People like J.K. Rowling, David Beckam, Robert Pattinson, all of the Spice Girls, and the list goes on and on and on. In fact, not one person I asked had a hard time answering. Here are a few of the celebs they loved and why.


Okay... so you see. Some people love their looks. Some people love their sound and their accent. Some people love their attitude. And we all want that confidence that they have. When we find a culture we love we want to be like them. But you know what I think makes all these British celebs number one on our lists? It isn't an accent. It isn't their foreign charm. It is their bums. That is right. I said it. Their bottoms, buttocks, backside, and all those other words because in Europe everyone has bidet. A clean bottom has got to make a person shine and feel good and excel and all those things. Right!? Right. And you too can have a clean and happy gluteus maximus plus the Eurpean charm to match with the Cottenelle Clean Care Routine!

What makes a clean routine you ask? Using Cottonelle Clean Care toilet paper + moist Cleansing (biodegradable for an easy flush) Clothes. Which then equals with cleanest hiney in town. And what makes it even better? Purchase the Cottonelle Clean Care toilet paper & moist Cleansing Cloths together and you can receive a $5 Vudu offer. Vudu is like RedBox and offers HD movies. All you have to do is take a picture of the receipt showing that you purchased both items and text or email your picture to clean@drvusa.com. You will then get a text or email back with a code valid for a $5 move credit.

So get the products to start the Cottonelle Clean Care Routine. Get the $5 Vudu offer from Walmart. And get that European charm and confidence you have always desired.



My So-Called Chaos Best of Blog Awards

Guys! I made the top three for Funniest Post over at My So Called Chaos!
This is really exciting for me because I have always wanted to be funny... and this might just prove that I am! So head over and vote! Just in case you are wondering which post got me in the top 3 - you can find it HERE! It is a doozy.

Much love. And the posts will return next week! I finally have a couch. I finally have a dresser. My clothes are unpacked. My work is finally starting to be more of a routine rather than a fire drill. Can't wait to be back telling you all the things you may or may not care about! Missed you guys.

Before I Shop || Sweepstakes


Last week I introduced you to one of my new most favorite sites, Before I Shop. A shop completely dedicated to making your online shopping experience easier. Which I am loving because lately online shopping is all I feel like doing... because after a full day of work + all the other tasks I have, the last thing I want to do is head to the mall or store. Ain't nobody got time for that! Before I Shop has been a heaven send by giving me product reviews (as far as sizing and durability and everything else you can imagine) + coupon codes and sales. Win, win, and, win. It makes my online shopping way easier.

Well for the next few months Before I Shop is making life a little better with a Before I Shop Sweepstakes. We are giving away a $100 e-gift card to a Before I Shop store of your choice each week from now until May 25, 2014! And it isn't one of those sweepstakes that you have a one in a billion chance of winning. You actually have a very good chance of winning.You can enter the sweepstakes by visiting Before I Shop and sharing your content on our site by contributing product reviews (with images (these can be images pulled from the store's webpage or images you take - no pressure to put your own photos), coupon codes and sales. And beyond that - you can potentially win up to four times! Because you are qualified to win one prize per person, per month. Let me know if you have any questions! The system is REALLY easy to use and who doesn't love free money? So start adding content now to be eligible to win! For the official rules, visit: http://beforeishop.com/contests/

 Oh... and in case you were wondering. The winner for the $50 gift card is Miss Brielle Dubois. Email me at lovetheskinnys@gmail.com to claim your prize.

Next Chapter


Things just got real. This is the last of my outfits from Utah. Weird. I never ever ever ever ever thought about what if would feel like when I left Utah. And left that chapter of my life. A lot of amazing things happened in Provo. I made some of my best friends. Memories that will last forever. I felt heartache. I felt a lot of joy. I accepted defeat. I learned what it meant to fail. I found out it is okay to say no and that I don't have to be the best. I found my path. I achieved more than I could have ever hoped. I met my husband. I got married. The best moments of my life so far. And now it is all packed up and shipped out. The beauty of Provo, Utah? Everyone is in the same chapter. Going to school or recently graduated and starting out their career. No kids or just a little baby. We are all starving students just trying to start out. I loved that. I loved having so much to relate to with everyone around me. And it didn't really set in that we aren't going back until this very moment... as I right this post. But now we have a lot to look forward to. Making new friends. Meeting new people. Being thrown into a whole new world. And I am excited. 

Leggings: Calvin Klein from Macys || Necklace: Coldwater Creek || Bracelet: Groopdealz || Shoes: Jessica Simpson from TJMaxx

Top: c/o ToAdorn || This is my second post featuring ToAdorn items. I have been LIVING in this top. I've worn it at least four times in the last two weeks. It is so comfortable. Great material. And it goes with jeans, leggings, and skirts - that is right I have worn it with all three at least once. You can get 10% off your order with the code "Ilovetoadorn". Watch for more from them in the future. I am loving their product.

Ring: c/o BornPretty || A Great site for discount jewelry. I recently ordered a handful of items and my total didn't go over $10. This ring is great because it is adjustable, so I didn't have to stress about ordering the right size. It adds the perfect girly flare to my outfits. I also got a few other items that will be showing up in Arizona this week and on the blog soon! You can get 10% off your order with the code "DMT10".

Busy Breakfast


This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Jimmy Dean, but all my opinions are my own. 
#pmedia #RedboxBreakfast http://cmp.ly/3/8vNxcO.

I am slowly getting back after being missing all last week. Maybe you noticed. Maybe you didn't. Either way I am calling attention to it. Life has been way busier than I expected. With a full time athlete and a full time event ops manager - we are running around like crazy people here, which meant little time for blogging. Heck, it even meant little time for eating! We have been fueling our days with Jimmy Dean Redbox Meals from Walmart. They are quick, easy, and delicious. Emphasis on the quick. Our favorite are the Jimmy Dean Sausage, Egg, and Cheese Croissant Sandwiches and the Jimmy Dean Bacon, Egg, and Cheese Biscuit Sandwiches... Let me tell you why they are important to us.

Adam is an athlete. And for the longest time he has been trying to put on weight - hence his nickname of Skinny. Well since last season that has really been his main focus. Gaining weight. Good weight. Muscle weight combined with eating enough to keep him on full and keep him healthy. This is where Jimmy Dean comes in. Adam can grab a sandwich on his way out the door to weight or practice. Then he is fully pumped and fueled for whatever it coming his way that day. And while they are helping his weight stay up. They aren't weighing him down! And it is quick and easy to make.

1. Open the Jimmy Dean package and place on a paper towel.

2. Wrap the sandwich up in the paper towel.

3. Place in the microwave on defrost (if frozen) for 1 minute. Then flip the sandwich over and heat for 1 minute.

4. Take the sandwich out. Let it cool. Enjoy!

See? Easy. And quick. And delicious. And perfect for the family on the go! These breakfast options are available at your local Walmart. Just four steps and about three minutes and you are out the door. So like I said... life has been busier than expected. But we are accomplishing things one day at a time and staying fueled while we do it. Adam and I are officially moved down to Arizona. I started my new full time and way more time consuming job at the new hotel. Adam started his throwing program at the Diamondbacks facility and he starts mini camp later this week. We've been living in the hotel and we officially get to move out and into our new apartment at the end of the week. Other things on the list? Renters insurance, file our taxes, unpack, buy sheets and a comforter (sheets are a must - comforter isn't a rush) for our new bed, a couch for our new place, and... the list keeps going. Basically what I am getting at is we are busy. And we will be busy for awhile. So don't mind if I miss a day or two around these parts. We are busy people. But we are getting things done because we are making sure we eat. What could a Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwich do for you? How do you make your busy days successful? What do you have on the planner these next few weeks?

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