Instagram Chains and Random Facts


Ten things on a Tuesday. Because I keep getting tagged in the "random fact" chain on Instagram (@lovetheskinnys). I caved once... but now I will just give you ten things on the blog. I know. Ten. I am an over-achiever to the highest form. But... I know some of you actually follow me on Instagram, so I am giving you a little but more of me. And this picture from my childhood... Yep. Seems about right.

1. I am officially a juicer. One glass a day to get all the goods I need. Stay tuned for a recipe or two.
2. I prefer anything spandex. And most days you will find me wearing leggings.
3. I always get a ponytail pat down when I go through airport security.
4. I was recently given a position on the Miss Idaho Board. I am the new social media chair. Which is great since I am really sad about not competing anymore.
5. I dream of being a root beer connoisseur. Maybe once my year of no soda ends?
6. I dislike Walmart.
7. I am a tap dancer by trade and a lyrical dancer by spirit.
8. I like to drive really fast.
9. I love chocolate covered pomegranate seeds so much that Adam has to hide them from me so I won't eat a whole bag over a few days. Portion control people.
10. I still have a collection of Beanie Babies under my bed in Idaho.

Amanda Schroeder said...

I dislike wal mart too! You go, girlfriend. Also, my husband is trying to convince me to get a juicer. They're just so bulky & every single one I see. But now that you say that, I kind of want one. Haha!

amanda @ we and serendipity

Risa Casperson said...


Remember that one time that you drove SO fast during a JIVE concert that you ran nearly every stop sign and light? Now THAT, is talent.

Sam said...

I recently got my first hair bun pat down at the airport and I was so freaked out LOL I never knew they did that


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