Dear Guh-Darling,


Come on down. You are the winner of the prizes! 
Email me your information so we can get you all your winnings!

Do you remember when I blogged about my best baseball buddy EVER named Gloria? Well today is her BIRTHDAY! And to celebrate her birthday, since she is in Las Vegas now, I am going to share her guest post that she sent to me {a long long long time ago and I failed to put it up} so you can get to know her a little. And then MAYBE you it you are a really good person, go give her some birthday loving! I am so grateful to have a friend that is so loving and caring. That can always get me the inside scoop. That I know I can text or call or tweet or whatever whenever and she is always there for me. Nowwww. Gloria. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!



alright- so im gloria & i blog at Upclose& Personal- im a 19 year old living in vegas- i work full time and will return to school in january. i met deidre last summer and since then she has taken role as my sister! her HUSBAND (so excited she is now a WIFE) and my boyfriend played baseball at byu together. i used to be a "baseball girlfriend" i mean, i guess i am still, kinda. but now my blog is turning into me being a "missionary girlfriend" to this handsome guy-

he is serving a mission for the LDS church for two quick years in Brazil- Joao Pessoa to be exact and has been gone for 5 weeks! we have been dating since the beginning of our senior year (a year & 9 months) and have been connected at the hip since then! well until he left me for two years!!

head over to my blog and read about the adventure we are sharing together, the happiness that comes along with being so close to a missionary, and soon enough his return :)

many people think that me being a missionary girlfriend, not seeing him for two years, only being able to handwrite letters and email once a week would be impossible- but i will prove everyone wrong- when you know you know right? hes the love of my life and i wouldnt want to be with anyone else :)

other than being a missionary girlfriend, i am an older sister, pageant princess, health nut, and sports fanatic. come on over! :)


Cute, huh? Now go tell her HAPPY DAY and welcome to adulthood. Alright?


Anonymous said...

Missionary girls rock!!! And suck at the same time:( been there done that girl! Stay strong and busy

Aubrey S. said...

Wow! I'm excited to have won the giveaway. That rocks.

And I hope your bestest had a fabulous birthday!

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