Dear Baseball,


So... as Adam mentioned. I spent a good portion of my birthday watching baseball. 2 hours driving, 4 hours watching, 14 innings, in the sometimes cold and sometime nice weather. I am just glad that this time I didn't get a sunburn! It was fun to be out at the field watching Adam pitch again. Even if he only pitched one inning.




He only had 7 pitches, threw 93-95 MPH, and went three up, three down. Which I would normally be sad about because I only get to watch him for a tiny tiny bit, but in this case it was a good thing. It means his mechanics are finally coming together and it looks like it is going to be a good year for Skinny. Normally after the fall scrimmage they are done until season, but luckily SLCC wants one more chance to try and beat BYU this month. Otherwise, I would have to wait until March! And we all know how impatient I am.


A Muse in Purple said...

We play BYU this weekend, I'll be thinking of you guys :-)

Whitney Leigh said...

what a stud. :)

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