Dear Baseball Season and Gloria,


It is sort of funny how things work out sometimes. I honestly never thought I would care about baseball. Sorry Adam, but I just didn't. But now I find myself a month after the last home series craving a little Cougar baseball! What the heck!? I didn't even know the rules of baseball a year ago. And now it has become a huge part of my life. Games every weekend. Looking up Adam's teammates stats at summer ball. Learning all the lingo. Watching baseball every night. Getting excited when some man I don't even know has a no hitter. And asking Adam if we can please watch a game. Who am I? What have I become!?

Well. I know what I have become. A supportive (for lack of a better word) fiance. If Adam can sit through an hour of talent rehearsal, go to multiple pageant events, attend both nights of Miss Idaho, and watch all the future pageants with me... then I can love baseball for him. And I will be honest, I really like baseball now that I understand it.

Besides baseball, do you know what I miss? My baseball girlfriend other half and BFF gdarlinggg. Here we are from the first of the season until the end.

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Really glad I had her this last season. And I will miss her these next few seasons while her baseball boyfriend is on a mission and she moves back home to Las Vegas. So first, let's fast forward to next baseball season so I can wear my "MILLER 22" jersey. And second, let's fast forward to 2014 so Gloria can get her behind back to Utah.


P.S. OH! And a VERY happy birthday to my blogging bestie! This little gem of a blogger turns 31 today! And she seriously is the best! Go wish her a HAPPY DAY!

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