Dear Captain Americanish,


Welcome to July everyone! To me July says America. And I am proud to be an American. Where at least I know I'm free! The 4th of July is one of my very favorite holidays. Everything good wrapped into one. Parades, BBQs, fireworks, and America! I love America. I really and truly do. And nothing says I love America like an awesome celebration for the country I love. So what did I do with the 4th right around the corner? I turned....


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Classy right? Well. It is super easy and carefree. And considering how impatient I am chances are yours will even turn out better than mine! But... I am even so impatient I forgot to take photos of all the steps. So here we go.

Step 1: Buy all your paint, stencils, tape, and clothing item.

Step 2: Tape off everything you want to stay white.

Step 3: Spray paint the red stripes and then let dry.

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Step 4: Tape stars (I highly recommend taping, see below what happens if you do not tape) to sweatshirt, paint the blue, and then let dry. (Step 3 & 4 can be combined)

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My helpful fiance probably regrets getting pulled into my craft time... blue hands.

Step 5: Peel off all tape.

Step 6: Look awesome and show your American pride.

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And you know what else is great about making American pride clothes this year? The OLYMPICS is coming. I love the Olympics because I love any reason to cheer for the good old U.S.of.A! LET'S DO THIS AMERICA!

Mom said...

So Cute!!

Mikyla Marie said...

"And considering how impatient I am chances are yours will even turn out better than mine!"

Haha that line made me laugh!!! I just pictured in my head how you would have said it. I miss you sis!! Love ya! P.S. Cute sweater! You should start a business miss honey boo boo child!

Sammantha said...

oh goodness, i wish i would have seen this before the fourth!

love your blog!!

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