Dear Bouquet,


Alright... so after a message from my sweet blogging friend today. I realize I have totally left you out of the wedding loop. Which is rude, because I told you I was going to let you in! Please forgive me! I keep thinking of things I want to share and show... but then I feel like my mock ups dont do justice or I realize Adam will read this blog and can't see my bridals. So first some information. Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start! (Please tell me you are singing along in your head?)

Adam and I are getting married on August 16th in the Salt Lake Temple.

We will be having a reception in Twin Falls, Idaho on August 18th.
Then we will be going on a honeymoon cruise to Mexico for 4 days.
And following that we will be having a reception in Yucaipa, California on August 24th.

So there are the wedding plans. Now the wedding details. I will start with the bouquet. Thank you pinterest for showing my a brooch bouquet before I was dating Adam so I could start collecting brooches, rings, bracelets, earrings, and other sparkly things for my brooch bouquet.

 Adam was a real trooper helping me put it all together.

 Directly after I finished it.

And now a few bouquet but not dress sneak peaks from my bridals to show you a little more detail.
I can show you these because Adam has seen the shoes (he picked them out!), 
the ring, the baseball, and of course the flowers.
Of course, we had to use a baseball. It is just as important to me now as it is to Adam. And it adds a little flare and fun! There are some other fun baseball shots I am really excited to share with you!

A lot of people have asked me how I got so many brooches and then how I put it together. So I will take you through a quick step by step.

Where to collect brooches: look through your mom's, grandma's, aunt's, and you old jewelry for fun earrings, old bracelets that can be cut apart, rings that can be used as gap filler or the back can be broken off, and of course brooches. After we rummaged through drawers we went to Deseret Industries, Downeast Basics, the clearance rack at Nordstom, Macys, and so on... we bought a lot of earrings to use. But it is worth it.

Where to buy flowers: any place with good silk flowers. I bought 4 pre-bundled groups at Hobby Lobby and then put them into one big group.

How To Make Bouquet

  • Gather together brooches (and so on), flowers, hot glue gun, vase, florist wire (or thin wire in general), florist tape, and ribbon of your choice to wrap around the stems at the end.
  • Put all the flowers together how you want them. Wire them from top to bottom to hold them in place while working.
  • Set the bouquet into a vase of some sort to make the top part easier.
  • Work your way from the top middle flower in a spiral motion downwards putting in the brooches you want. I glued one brooch in the middle of every flower, you can glue more or less.
    • Once you pick the brooch you want in the flower spread the leaves apart.
    • Put glue on the flower as well as the brooch.
    • Place brooch onto flower and hold until dry.
    • Continue in that pattern until all your brooches are glue on.
  • Once all the brooches are glued on you can fill in the gaps with rings on wire or by gluing flowers together.
  • Once your flowers and brooches look okay move onto the stems.
  • Cover the wired stems with florist tape to make a smooth look for your ribbon.
  • Cover the ribbon in a spiral, crossing, or other motion of your choice.
  • Ta-da!
My instuctions make it sounds easier than it was. It took probably 2-3 hours to put mine together. And some of my flowers are really heavy from the weight of the brooch so I had to glue the flower to the stem. The flowers also move around some and so I glue a little bit here and there when I notice something out of place. Just a few side notes.

If you have any questions please let me know!

Amanda said...

i cant believe you made that! i considered buying one but they can be expensive! and your shoes are gorgeous too!!!

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