Dear Marriage,


Over the last month every single quote about marriages and weddings from movies has been said. Like seriously every single one. But this is the one that best describes how I feel and probably how my parents feel too...

I have no clue how to plan a wedding! And I feel like this is all so confusing. But then sometimes, actually, almost every time, things have just worked out! And now that all the engagement blog posts are up I feel ready to include you in EVERYTHING! Because, what is a wedding if I can't include you on all the nitty gritty details? So... step by step, I will show you it ALL! Invitations, flowers, centerpieces, cake... anything else I am missing? Besides my dress that is... I can't share my dress because Adam can't see it until August 16th at noon! So to start us all off, I want to show you our Appy Couple profile, because I am obsessed with it! It is so fun. You can leave a toast, add some photos, see our registry... it has it all. THANK you Martha Stewart. Oh, and a fun part it is literally an app - hence the "appy" part.

This picture is a little blurry... but it is a sneak peak from our engagement sesh. And something to hold you over until I can post some real good ones!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow that appy couple app thing is super cool and trendy! Love it!

The picture is very cute even being blurry! :)

Can't wait to follow along through all of your wedding planning!

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