Time to Be Surprised || Her Side of the Engagement


Alright. So I just wanted to video me telling the story.... it is more fun. And I am awkward, so don't mind that.

But if you don't have a way to listen here is a quick typed version.

Bret text me and asked me to do a favor, Adam said he has a PPI, so I figured why not? Plus I had 200 calories left on my count for the day and so Adam said we could get a crack apple and I could have two pieces of it. When Adam left to get ready for his PPI I went to RMCF to pick up something for Bret. I walked in, waited in line, and when it was my turn I said, “I need to pick up something for Bret and I need to buy an apple also.” The girl smiled and said, “Oh! You actually get one for free, which do you want?” and then she handed me an envelope. I thought… this isn’t an apple… and then I thought… oh my gosh. THIS IS HAPPENING! I opened the letter while she got my Reeses apple and cut it… The letter read “don’t get any assumptions, come to me!”so I did. I drove to Rock Canyon Park, the entire time check my pulse and thinking to myself, is Adam playing a trick or is this really happening? When I got to Rock Canyon Park I text Adam, “Where are you?” he said he was at the South pavilion so I walked that way and saw him standing there smiling. I just hugged him and looked at him as he walked me over to the opposite end of the pavilion to a table. There were flowers, candles, another note, and a big white board that said “Yes” and “No” with huge check boxes. I pointed to the note and said, “Do I read this?” and he said “yes!” I opened the letter and read it. Immediately my eyes started to water. It was the most beautiful letter. It said why he wanted to marry me and why he loved me, later I asked if he wrote it because he might cry saying it and he said, “No… I just wanted you to have that letter forever!” At the end of the note it said “When you get here give me the thumbs up”, I turned to Adam and gave him the thumbs up and he knelt down on one knee and said the words, “Deidre, will you marry me?” I started crying and said yes, he stood up and gave me a hug “I hope those are happy tears!” “they are REALLY happy tears!” He put the ring on my finger. Then Gloria came out of the bushes to take a few photos and say her congratulations. After she left we just talked and he told me how the proposal went and we called and text our family and friends. 


It still feels like a dream… I AM ENGAGED! And I am engaged to the man that is far better than anything I have ever dreamed. I have never been so happy in my whole life.

RadiantKristen said...

That is so sweet! Congrats =)

Little Miss Alizzi said...

How adorably sweet!!!

Amanda Schroeder said...

I am pretty sure you are the cutest lady in the world. Congrats...even though I'm very overdo!

Amberly said...

I just watched this video! I love how you tell stories, it's my favorite haha :)

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