Dear Summer List,


It is SUMMER!! Well... summer in my mind. Because I work full time so I don't get a real summer. But I am looking forward to a summer with a handsome fiance and some killer friends. So here is a list of summer things I want to do for 2012. And awayyyyyyyyy we go!

1.       Compete at Miss Idaho

2.       Get MARRIED

3.       Host a blog giveaway

4.       Eat more veggies

5.       Go to 7 Peaks

6.       Laser Tag

7.       Eat a snow cone

8.       Go on a cruise

9.       Smores

10.   Go to the Thanksgiving Point gardens

11.   Go to the Dinosaur Museum

12.   Have a BBQ

13.   Pack a picnic

14.   Get down to my weight goal

15.   Go to a BYU baseball game

16.   Go to an Owlz baseball game

17.   Go to a Bees baseball game

18.   Fireworks

19.   Ellen Dance Dare

20.   Head up to Canada

21.   Dejunk my room

22.   Trafalga

23.   Go swimming

24.   Donate to DI

25.   Take my neighbors treats

26.   Pull an all-nighter

27.   Go a to concert

28.   Real Salt Lake

29.   Sleep in a teepee

30.   Make a new dish once a week

31.   Stargazing

32.   Endowments in Twin Falls

33.   Fishing

34.   Go to California

35.   Fly kites

36.   Camping

37.   Go to the temple every week

38.   Move into a new place

39.   Alpine slide

40.   Make a pizza

41.   Hike the Y

42.   Make a cake for someone

43.   Get real tan

44.   Sunrise

45.   Sunset

46.   Bonfire

47.   Host a tv series finale party

48.   Make a music video

49.   Eat a box of otter pops

50.   Get a nice mani/pedi

51.   Clean out my room and closet

52.   Go to the zoo

53.   Create some yummy lemonade

54.   Craft

55.   Crown the new Miss Magic Valley

56.   Date in SLC

57.   Live on a wise budget

58.   Color Me Mine

59.   Send at least 20 thank you letters

60.   Henna tattoo

61.   Plant a baby garden

62.   Keep flowers in my apartment always

63.   Go thrifting

64. Road trip

65. Send a missionary a package

66. Read 5 books

67. Get 100 blog followers

68. Drive in movie

I am sure things will get added over time, so come back and check!
Or suggest some fun things for me to do!


ms.composure said...

Stumbled onto your blog and just wanted to leave you a little blog luv! Def enjoyed this post!! heloing ya out with # 67!! New Follower via email :-)

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