Spring Break Guide: Rad Swim


Week two of Spring Break suits. And lucky you, I am sharing my other favorite suit of the batch! This swimsuit taught me a very valuable lesson. I know what you are thinking, a swimsuit taught you a lesson? Weird. But seriously! It did. Originally when looking for suits to share I was drawn to this one piece a few different times while shopping around but passed it up for a few reasons like one pieces sometimes prove to be less than fitting on my long bod and while metallic is fun it can also be terrifying. I am going to let you take a look at today's Rad Swim styling before I tell you the lesson I learned from the suit.

Swimsuit: Rad Swim
Cover Up: Pink Blush
Sandals: Target
Hat: Cents of Style

Like I said, I had passed up on this one and actually put it at the bottom of my list because I didn't think the metallic would flatter me the way I wanted. Well surprise... it flattered me perfectly. The mix of metallic and ruching plus a tie top was the perfect mix to make me feel like a boss on the beach. So what is the lesson this suit taught me? It taught me to go with my gut feeling! I know my body and I know what works when styling, so I can't pass up on items just because I think it wont be flattering. The worst that can happen is I try it on and my fear are confirmed, but the best that can happen is I feel incredibly confident and comfortable in my skin and in my outfit. Just because the world says metallic isn't flattering doesn't mean it can't be! You just have to find the right one for you. So thank you Rad Swim, for teaching me to go with my styling gut now that I know what works with my bod.

Sizing reminder - I am generally a size 10 or 12. Which usually translates to a size large, but at Rad Swim she said her suits run a little smaller so I should try going with an XL. And I am glad that I did. The XL fit me spot on and I know that I would have felt self conscious in a large. There isn't much else to say about sizing - my only advice with Rad is if you are on the fence go a size up, and you will for sure be happier.

Don't forget to go check out Kaylynn's look on Among the Young - today we are styling the exact same swimsuit, which is a fun change! We both felt like the Rad flattered our bodies best so you get to see it two ways. Winning! And don't forget to swing back her Thursday for a swim suit cover up.

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