Spring Break Guide: Kortni Jeane


Earlier this week I shared the first swimsuit from my Spring Break Guide. Now it is time to show you one of my FAVES of them all. But before I get going with this little diddy I wanted to preface with something that has been on my mind. Part of the reason I decided to do this series and why I asked Kaylynn to do it with me is I feel like so many women have insecurities about wearing swimsuits. I hit on it a few weeks ago on my Instagram - but now I am bringing it here too. Women doubt themselves because of their size, their weight, their lack of tan - literally they will think of any reason to not get in a swimsuit and hit the water. Did you know that 1/3 of women have a fear of wearing their swimsuits in public? Not okay. We need to embrace who we are and lift each other up. And in an effort to do that I decided to share my size 12 swimsuit bod here with no spray tan to show you that if you find the right suit and believe in yourself and LOVE yourself, you can enjoy Spring Break by the pool just like everyone else. We don't all have to be a size 0 and tan. That is boring.

Okay. Stepping off my soap box now. Ready for more swimsuits? Good. Because I am ready to show you the next one we have. This one - like I said - is one of my favorites of all the suits I have ever had in my life. When it showed up at my house I tried it on and wore it for about an hour. That is how good Kortni Jeane was to me.

Swimsuit: Kortni Jeane
Cover Up: Pink Blush
Sandals: Target
Sunglasses: Blenders Eyewear
Rings (not my wedding ring): Born Pretty

Let me tell you about my time picking out this swimsuit. It took me hours. And hours. And hours to find the one I wanted. Not because the options were limited but because I loved every option so much that it was too hard to pick. They have about 10 fabric options and 3 different options for top and bottom - which means a billion combinations. I kept going back and forth on everything because I couldn't decide how bold of a pattern or color I wanted - then combining which two fabrics. And did I really want a peplum? Or did I want a form fitting top? And what about bottoms? At the end of the day I went with a bright peplum top because it was unlike anything else I had and the striped tie front bottoms because - hello - they are so cute.

Once again - some sizing insight - I am generally a 10 or a 12. I ordered a size large in the top and in the bottom. They both fit perfectly. The one thing I would note about the top is in the style I got there isn't a ton of additional support in the top- I heard their new styles have more support. It doesn't bother me too much because I am not large chested to begin with, but it is something to consider if you are. Out of all the suits I got this is in my top two.

Don't forget to go check out Kaylynn's post over at Among the Youngs for more Kortni Jeane! And make sure to check back again on Tuesday for a little more of the Spring Break guide.

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