Dear Family Tree,


A few more steps pass the entry way and you enter into our family room and kitchen area. We have really high ceilings, which means a really tall tree. And always a gingerbread tree. When I was in elementary school my Mom let me help decorate a pile of the gingerbread men. You can still spot the child crafts on the tree.

See the orange lights? Well. One year some of them starting smoking and almost caught on fire. A few faulty wires and crazy coated bulbs can cause some serious problems. Needless to say they were turned off and replace before our house caught on fire. Good thing my mom has a keen sense of scent. Oh, and can you spot the child's crafting in the bottom right hand corner?

This is the tree that we always find our Christmas Eve gift under. We all sit in the living room where the tree is before bed and open our gifts... which are always pajamas. 


Jess said...

I really love your fireplace


Tayler said...

PJ's are always a Christmas Eve tradition at our house too :)

2025 © Deidre Emme. Design by Fearne and Breezy & Co.