Dear Sisters in the City .. Part 2,


Remember Allison from Sisters in the City? Well now it is time for sister number 2, Corbynn. I haven't met her, but if she is friends with Allison, I know she is a winner. Plus, she is just as equally a babe. Honestly, their husbands (who are brothers) really lucked out with these two!


dress: H&M (similar style here) / shoes: Jessica Simpson / necklace: Nordstrom / purse: Kate Spade (they stopped making it in pink but it's cute in black too) / sunglasses: Cole Haan

So, my name is Corbynn and I am the other sister of the Sisters in the City. I haven't met Deidre, but I've only heard good things. Thank you for having us guest post and congratulations on your wedding bliss! I am a 22 year-old recent graduate of Brigham Young University and I'm working at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania as I apply to graduate programs. It has only been a few months, but my husband and I are already loving Philadelphia.

Now, about this outfit. I love this asymmetrical style. I know its kind of funky, but its fun to feel like you have a train. Also, this necklace is my favorite. I love having a little piece of home with me when I'm all the way across the country. This purse adds the perfect pop of color to many of my summer outfits!
If you haven't already, check us out at


Aren't they both fabulous?! I am so happy they were so willing to guest blog. I look at their photos and wonder what the heck is happening in my wardrobe. They can pull off anything! Don't forget to stop by their blog and welcome them to the blogging community!


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