Dear Independence Day,


Happy 16th 4th of July everyone!!! I am not late, you are all early... Sorry I am so so late posting. And when I say sorry I mean, I wasn't going to post anything because I was embarrassed I kept forgtting but my dear, sweet, lovely friend Hilary requested. Anything for Hil. My 4th of July was nice and easy this year. Was woken up at 6:00 AM by the parade campers, thank you and I hate you... If you live on University pick an apartment in the back people. Drove to SLC to spend some time with the family. Went to a neighborhood breakfast. Hung out with Sean, Jo, Noah, and parents. Had some lunch. Hurried back to Provo to pick up Adam from baseball. Went and bought some groceries. Came home and relaxed. Had a potluck with some of my nearest and dearest friends. And then headed over to the baseball stadium to watch fireworks. That about sums it up. So let us all look at some photos.

Cause baby. You are a firework.


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