After my discrete "P.S." on last week's post a majority of my comments have been directed towards hearing about Miss Idaho. So I figured the time has come (the walrus said, to think of many things) to include you all in my pageant preparation. So lets look at the first issue at hand. Fitness... seriously? Why do I have to wear a swimsuit on stage?! At least I have the choice between a one and a two piece. I have nothing against you Mr. Two Piece suit... but I am just getting comfortable with my body in a one piece. Give me 3 more months and I will rock a two piece on any stage. Who knew working out was such a long process!? Oh... that is right... everyone but me... So here you are, my progress from 2010 to 2011... I can't wait to see how I look on stage in 2012.

So even though I have seriously made leaps and bounds in the fitness area I still get very down on myself. I would hate to tell you "I love my body no matter what," when that is not true. Competing in pageants will take a toll on you. Especially when every day you see the head shots and fitness of the other contestants. They are beautiful girls and they are all working just as hard as me for the title of Miss Idaho. So my incredible boyfriend changed the background on my phone so I have a little motivation and so I know what he thinks about me, I have taken to eating like a rabbit, I have started some awesome fitness programs, and I hide things on Twitter and Facebook when I think they will make me feel bad.
The background Adam put on my phone as motivation.
He said, "Look at it, read it, and then say it EVERY day that I am gone."
My rabbit food... sprouts and carrots anyone?
I cannot WAIT for human food.
If I could teach you anything right now about pageants and preparation it is that.... It takes time! It takes four weeks for you to notice a change in your physical appearance, it takes your family and friends eight weeks, and it takes twelve weeks for the rest of the world to see. So... let's hope the judges are my friends! Oh. And if you want to know my workout plan, diet plan, or what I am doing.. I love to share!
I find lifting weights a few times a week makes a huge difference, quickly. I take a class at my gym. I have a picture of me on the beach in a bathing suit and even though I was pretty heavy at the time, I looked amazing because I was toned and fit, thanks to weightlifting.
Now on to the important details, like what you're doing for the talent portion!
okay seriously you look amazing! i would never have the guts to stand on stage in a swimsuit. so impressed with all your hard work and dedication. keep updating the blogger world on your pageant (and your cute boyfriend!)
Wow I think you look great!!! Your legs are way toned, you look amazing!!:) keep you head high, I'm in the fitness battle myself and it's a rough one!! Takes F-O-R-E-V-E-R. Seriously... Anyways I wanna hear more about miss Idaho! And your diet!!:)
You look amazing! Especially your legs. That's my problem area for sure! You should definitely share your work out secrets and maybe I should stop eating Reese's cups. =/
PS I LOVE your ring in that sprouts picture!
Ah! You look amazing! And confident! I need to get back to a routine - i love yoga for toning though. And I'm a vegetarian so I eat pretty healthy all the time.
Wow! You look great! So brave of you!
You are sooo beautiful! Love the hot pink suit! WOWOW! Gorgeous! It makes your face glow! Rooting for you!
♥Janette, the Jongleur
Wow! Best of luck fighting the fitness battle. I'm sure you are a tough competitor :)
Glad to have found your blog. You're competing for Miss Idaho?? So cool! Super good luck with your fitness/diet regime. Competing in endurance runs/triathlons has me spending a lot of time trying to slim my physique. I know what you're going thru! (except for the whole people judging me in a swimsuit part...)
Sprouts and carrots? That, my friend, is some serious dedication. Good luck with your training (Hha,as if you need it! You'll do so great!!)
I found you through Absolutely Ashley, as I was going through my list of blogs I follow on Google. Totally by accident. And I loved the design on your blog, for one. I'm engaged so I'm about to go creep on ALL your wedding stuff, just cause the thumbnails I've seen look gorgeous! Plus you mentioned DIY... But you completely won me over as a follower with that Alice in Wonderland quote. Biggest Wonderland nerd EVER right here.
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