Dear Flesh and Bones,
My last week of Provo EFY for the summer could not have been more ideal. I loved every second of it. Starting with a great co, Jared Anderson, getting eight wonderful girls placed into my group, getting ten crazy boys, and then adding five more. As the end of the week rolled around I feel like we accomplished every goal set on Monday night. Passing off the theme scripture, Joshua 1:9, "Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.", praying for each other in the company, looking for the Lord's hand in our lives, learning everyone's name, meeting two new people a day, drinking lots of water, and winning the cheer off... (I feel like our company won because of the amusement it brought Jared and I). My group was so loving and really accomplished the biggest goal of becoming a Zion-like company, which I am so grateful for. I have so many good memories from this week. Most coming from cheer night and pizza night. Wednesday was a good day. All of the testimonies touched my heart and have helped me strengthen mine. I feel so lucky to have been placed with such a strong group of youth. Each participant brought a different strength to make Flesh and Bones the best company in the Yellow 11 session. I will never forget our daily affirmations, our prayer bag, our funny jokes, and our "permanently disrupted speech patterns". I can't believe EFY in Provo is over; this summer went by really fast. It couldn't have ended any better though. I met some amazing people and I loved every day.
Love. Love. Love,
P.S. The super crew was bomb as well. Super crew. Super Crew. Super Crew. McKay, Nicole, and Jared... we win.
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