Weekday Wardrobe


The first week of short hair has finally hit the blog. I actually attempted to do it every singly day during the week too. You can see that Wednesday didn't turn out so well but that was because I got sick. This week had been busy busy as I get ready for a dance recital weekend and Miss Idaho paperwork and contestant selection. Plus all the things in between and my mind is on overdrive. So basically. The small talk ends here; let's take it to the outfits.

Monday | Dress: Shabby Apple | Heels: Target
Tuesday | Top: A Dip of Darling | Necklace: Happiness Boutique | Watch: Ferral | Pants: Old Navy | Heels: Nordstrom Rack
Wednesday | Top: Agnes and Dora | Pants: Target | Watch: Arvo |Booties: Target
Thursday | Top: Aro and Company | Necklace: Luxy and Lyla | Skirt: SexyModest | Watch: Arvo | Heels: Cousin Couture
Friday | Top: Downeast Basics | Pants: Old Navy | Sandals: Target

All week I was really happy with my outfits – but looking back now Thursday is for sure my favorite. That crop top is killer – watch for it in an upcoming post soon, one of my last long haired outfit pictures of ever. And like I said – the brain is donezo, so I will just close here.Which outfit from last week do you love most?

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