Easter Style


Easter was a little rough this year. After staying up almost 24 solid hours with 8 hours driving the day before.... I was wiped out on Sunday. Adam was the absolute sweetest and got up early to make me breakfast and prepare dinner for after church. When I finally woke up after getting home at 2 AM and crashing, it was time for Easter baskets. I filled Adam's with candy and a polo he had been eyeing. Adam filled mine with a giant chocolate bunny, two tickets to a baseball game, and Easter plates to eat dinner on. Isn't he a gem? He even took fashion photos for me... which is clearly very foreign, as you can see by photos below, to both of us.
Dress: Downeast Basics || Necklace: Boehme || Jacket: Forever 21 || Shoes: Dillards

Like I said, this Easter was a little rough... Adam and I didn't even match for church which I feel like is important on Easter Sunday. Is that weird? But at the end of the day Easter was still wonderful because of everything it represents. I am so grateful for Jesus Christ, and the life he chose to live, so that all of us could return to heaven some day to live with Him. It is a wonderful day to remember our Savior and everything he did for us. We are all truly blessed, and not matter what your religious beliefs are, we can all agree on that. Hope your Easter was wonderful. And I hope you know that you are blessed.

Suzzie Vehrs said...

haha. I think it's funny how people go through extra work to make entire families match on Easter Sunday, like it is the most important thing ever. but it does look super cute so even though I think it's kinda silly I still kinda love it. can you tell my family wasnt the one that matched every year? oh and it gets even cuter with little girls in dresses matching their brothers in cute little suits and ties. I'm thinking that when I have kiddoes I will have to participate in the silliness.

Unknown said...

Love the outfit, that necklace goes perfectly with your pretty dress!

Amy said...

Love your outfit :) Sounds like your husband is a keeper!

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

haha that's awesome. and i know what you mean about matching! i love matching with my husband. For easter my shoes matched his tie lol

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

haha that's awesome. and i know what you mean about matching! i love matching with my husband. For easter my shoes matched his tie lol

Mara and Jae said...

i totally think matching (or at least color coordinating) is a must for Easter sunday too :) love the necklace!

Susan Joy said...

I am lovin' the do! Lovin' the outfit kinda goes without being said. So adorable!

Sue // Chevron & Lace

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