Dear More Santa,


What did I tell ya? More Santa where that came from! You can find a little Santa everywhere in our house. And his reindeers. Don't mind that some things are a little blurry. I just struggle sometimes.

These ceramic reindeer pulling a sleigh have been in my home for as long as I can remember. Always with beautiful pearls for their reins. I always wanted to play with them and re-arrange them. Somehow I didn't break them and they are still standing today.

Here are the final two standing wooden reindeers. We used to have a really big wooden reindeer that could hold poinsettias in them, but the antlers seemed to break every year. So I think we laid him to rest. And then you can see little Santa in the bottom right hand corner with a sign that says, "I Believe!"

Santa. Is. Back. Skinny and round. My talented mother made the Santa wreath that hangs over the stockings and fireplace. She also cross-stitched all of the stockings. Sadly... there are only three up this year. I wont be home to celebrate with my family because we are heading down to California to celebrate with my new family. Isn't my mom talented at crafting? And decorating, clearly.

A little more Santa up on the shelf. Except he gets his own shelf. He doesn't have to share with the other Santas.

And last... Kitchen Santa. A man has got to eat, right? And Mrs. Clause is probably busy running around taking care of elves! Santa needs to learn how to cook and make toys. 

Now... which one is the real one? Hopefully I can figure it out soon so I can tell him what I want in my stocking this year.

Jane Edmunds said...

FYI. The big reindeer is on the front porch.

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