Dear Carmen Sandiego,


Where in the world is....


Please tell me you know who Carmen is? I needed to figure out a costume very very last minute... and when my Mom suggested Carmen it sounded perfect. I ran to Walmart to get some red spray paint and DI to get a red blazer and briefcase. Then I rushed home to spray paint my straw floppy hat red. Then all I needed was a black shirt, black leggings, and boots. Perfect, all part of my current wardrobe. And there it is Carmen. Then Adam came home from class I showed him my costume, really excited, and he said, "Um... who is Carmen Sandiego?" To which I responded, "WHAT?! She only had a tv show and a computer game (thank you Sawtooth Elementary for that game which filled my computer lab hours!), how do you not know who she is!?" And Adam said, "Well... I was reading books." And I said, "Well, I was traveling the world with Carmen!" So this brings me back to the first question... PLEASE tell me you know who Carmen is!?

The costume was a HUGE hit at work. Everyone there knew who I was, which made me happy. And I got to wear gloves and red lipstick all day. Plus, I took second in the cosutme contest, which means prizes! Lucky me. What were you for Halloween?

Jane Edmunds said...

Turned out do good! YAY for winning prizes.

Kirsten Wiemer said...

hahahahha yessss carmen sandiego, so awesome!

Claire said...

DEFinitely know who Carmen Sandiego is :) So fun

lauren said...

holy crap, this is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!

Janette said...

What a great idea!! And yes, I totally knew who you were even though I never played the game.. NICE!


Risa Casperson said...

You look so awesome!!!!

The Millers said...

hahahh I love this! The theme song is replaying in my head. Genius.

Lauren Skousen said...

you look GREAT! i totally played this game during our computer lab hour in elementary school too. i can't believe people don't know who she is! i had that same experience with the hanson boys who sing mmmbop. totally an early 90s grunge boy band but i thought EVERYONE knew that song. evidently not haha. awesome that you pulled this together so quickly!

Erin @ Come What May said...

Awesome costume! I loved Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego!

Sarah Anne said...

I know what you speak of, and your costume is grand! Mine was Black Widow -- because what girl wouldn't want to hang out with the truly Marvel-ous A-team, huh? :)

Shawna said...

Best Carmen Sandiego costume ever!!

Elder Jayson Welker said...

I do know who she is. I also watched the show and played the game with Mrs. Newberry in Sawtooth Elemetary's computer lab!!

Elder Jayson Welker said...

I do know who she is. I also watched the show and played the game with Mrs. Newberry in Sawtooth Elemetary's computer lab!!

Brani Laine said...

Ughh now I need to be Carmen Sandiego for Halloween next year! PERFECT costume :) And wow, I love your new layout, too, Diedre. Did you do this yourself? Looks awesome!

Bridgette Nicole said...

You look DARLING!! You totally rock Carmen Sandiego! :)

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