
Dear Birthday Girl,

Happy Birthday! Today was a baseball-filled birthday for Deidre (she is a real trooper). On Friday night, we went birthday shopping for her since we weren't going to have time to on Saturday due to a 14-inning baseball game in Salt Lake. A typical birthday on a Saturday would include sleeping in first and foremost. Well, that didn't happen. We woke up at 7:15 to eat french toast at Kneaders before I went to the baseball field to catch the bus. From there, Deidre sat through a four hour baseball game. Then, I went to a church function from 6-8. From there, we went to Tucanos at 9 PM. At 10 PM, Deidre finally opened her birthday gifts. Well, it wasn't the prototypical birthday for the best birthday girl ever. Anyhow, with her consent, we have decided to celebrate her birthday the entire month. I figure that a month long celebration should make it up to her.


I might be a little biased, but Deidre is without a doubt, the best birthday girl in every way! She rocks the age of 24 like a champ! Thanks to our awesome friends, Drew and Madison Dennis, Deidre was able to feel even more awesome with her crown and other apparel that they provided her with. Thanks Drew and Madison!

As is customary on Love, The Skinnys, a funny picture is needed. So, here it is. Thanks to our new computer, iPhoto makes for awesome pictures and bonding time!

Happy Birthday Deidre! Enjoy the next 365 days!


Mr. Skinny
Whitney Leigh said...

Happy Birthday Diedre!! I agree, you are the best birthday girl!

stephanie said...

happy birthday girl! hope it was a great one :)

Brani Laine said...

Happy Birthday, Deidre!!!! What a trooper you are, is right. :) I hope it was amazing! You deserve it.

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