Dear Beef Stroganoff,


It is true. I am not only a wife. But I am a homemaker. It is slowly coming along. And last week I made my first real, everything from scratch dinner. We didn't have it much growing up because my mom didn't love it. I forgot how much I love it. And let me tell you something else. Adam loved it too. It was a huge hit. And he rated it as one of the top meals I have ever made. Which could be due to the fact that I usually make fish tacos, beef tacos, or chicken tacos... or some sort of chicken (I did make some bomb BBQ chicken the other night) dish. So here you have it people. I am REALLY proud of it.

Beef Stroganoff

Beef Stroganoff
1/2 cup chopped onion
1 small clove garlic, minced
1 tablespoon butter
1 pound ground beef
2 tablespoons flour
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/4 teaspoon paprika
1 cup sliced mushrooms (do not use canned)
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 cup sour cream
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
Cooked rice or noodles (I use one pack of noodles)

Saute onions and garlic in a little butter on a skillet
Stir in meat, flour, and seasoning and saute until meat loses its color
Add mushrooms then soup
Simmer for 10 minutes
Stir in sour cream and Worcestershire sauce and heat; do not boil
Add milk if needed
Serve over rice or noodles

It is a big hit at our home. And I would be making it soon again if I didn't have a list of other things I want to try and make! Hopefully you enjoy it too.

Mom said...

Actually I do love it. I am just such a good cook that I had many delicious dishes to cook for my family to enjoy. (HAHA) Now meatloaf is a different subject, but I will give you that recipe too. You are going to be a great homemaker!

Anonymous said...

We love Stroganoff at our house, but with mashed potatos because we're from Idaho...and so you are you. Shame shame on the noodles ;)

Janette said...

Oh my gosh! I'm a taco-chicken girl.. We either have tacos (or burritos) or chicken every day! I just don't like eating too much red meat..But holy guacamole! This stroganoff thing looks just like something my husband would love! YUMM!!


Anonymous said...

Love your blog but have to say...... A recipe that includes canned cream of chicken or canned cream of anything is not "from scratch". I know I'm picky like that but I'm a foodie, and as any foodie will tell you canned cream of chicken just welllll it just isn't , it's not in with the whole from scratch club. Anyway came here from Bon Bons. (cute hair by the way)


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