August and September Outtakes


The Good
Adam and I celebrated one year of marriage!
Miss America party - I love.
Meeting Adam's brother for the first time, and Adam seeing him for the first time in 2 years.
I conquered the #burn1000challenge, like a boss.
Adam came home TWICE!
And I went to Missoula once to celebrate our anniversary and watch Adam pitch.
And I went to Arizona to see Adam and attend my first MLB game.

The Bad
All the pitching finally caught up with Adam in Orem and 
he was send down to rehab in Arizona put on hold for pitching until January.
Lost $500 to Hotwire for not reading fine print.
The postal service keeps deciding to decline our mail....
Fell down. Hit my knee. Still have a bruise. 
Also. Had to get an MRI and an EMG - scans, needles, and shock treatment... cool?
Basically just living apart - Skype and Selfies can only make up for so much!

The Outtakes
And of course these beauties.. for good measure!

Basically all of the ups and downs at our home had to do with baseball and whether or not we saw each other. Plus add in my struggle with managing to keep my body unbruised and unsore. Ha. In October we are looking forward to Halloween, Adam moving home, and a few football games! What were the highlights of your months? The ups? The downs? Anything exciting on the books in October?

Alacia Hood said...

First things first- I am obsessed with your new blog layout. Next- I am IN LOVE with your one year post. So much so infact I may steal it for our 3 year one. And last- you are hilarious and I love you!

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

hahahah. The shark pic is my fave.

Aubrey said...

The out takes are my fave.

Amberly said...

Ooooo.... a new design!!! Am I just now noticing it? I'm probably days behind. I scrolled up twice before I realized what was different :P Real observant.... I know. P.S. You're a babe!!!

Kelsey Eaton said...

Oooh lovin the cheetah! rawr!

Pamela said...

Love the new layout! Yaayy for Adam moving home! The pictures are too funny!

Mara and Jae said...

those are quite some ups and downs! i guess that's life for ya ;)

and yes.....october is BABY MONTH at our house!!

Rachel said...

Living apart would be a big challenge! My husband and I were apart for 18 days in August, and even that seemed like way too long for me!

© Deidre Emme. Design by Fearne and Breezy & Co.